
Dark Knight Sunset

Sunset ends up in the DC universe as a baby and taken in by Bruce Wayne as his daughter. She still retains her mind and hides that fact from her new family as she does what she can to help out her new daddy with his lonely life.

madhat886 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs



While walking around the grounds of the Wayne estate, Selena found an old wood maintenance shed that is overgrown with plants. Selena figures it was used to store tools for the gardeners when there use to be more workers around the manor. There are gardeners and other workers who show up time to time to maintain the grounds but they are hired help and only show up once a month and when they're is a party at the manor. She found the door padlocked and walk back to the manor to tell Bruce what she found. Inside she found Bruce on the couch watching Barney with Sunset. (1)

"I didn't know you like Barney," Selena said.

"I don't. But if, I try to change the channel Sunset will start crying," Bruce said. 

"Sure," Selena smirks.

"Watch," Bruce said changing the channel. 

The moment he changed the channel, Sunset started crying, only stopping when Bruce changed it back.

"Well she already decides when we get to sleep," Selena said. 

"Tell me about it," Bruce said having been kept awake by Sunset crying at all times during the night. 

"Just be glad you didn't had to deal with her during her first month," Alfred said coming into the room with some cookies and a glass of milk for Sunset. "When master Bruce was born he spent the first week crying after he came home from the hospital."

"I found an old maintenance shed with a padlock while I was walking around," Selena said. 

"Is it near the old fountain?" Alfred ask.

"Yes," Selena said.

"If I remember right that shed belonged to Kenneth Wayne. It was lock up even before I came to work here by his wife Laura," Alfred said.

"So no one has been in there since the early 1900's?" Selena ask.

"Grandfather Kenneth died in 1914," Bruce said.

"Well then let's open it up and see what's inside. Besides it's old and wooden, it might be full of termites or mold. If so we should just get rid of it," Selena said.

"We should check it out," Bruce said having more free time as other heroes have been helping in keeping the city safe.


Outside -

Alfred opened the padlock and pulled the door open. Inside was mostly dirt and debris. There was a broken shovel, rusted hoe, an ancient rake, and a wheelbarrow. But what caught everyone's eyes is the old stagecoach inside. It looks like one of the stagecoaches only seen in western movies and shows now, besides museums and displays. 

"What is this doing here?" Selena ask, standing far from the shed so Sunset wouldn't have to breath in the dust as she's held her in her arms.

"Grandfather must have gotten this when people were still using horses to get around. And when cars started to pop up he must had stored it and everyone just forgot about it," Bruce said looking over the coach that is old and dirty.

"Maybe you can do something with it," Alfred said.

"Maybe," Bruce say not interested in fixing it up.

"It would make a nice display in the museum," Selena says thinking out loud.

"Alfred, call up the museum and see if they're interested in an old stagecoach," Bruce said.

"Will do, sir," Alfred said looking inside and found a guitar case underneath the seat.

"An old guitar," Bruce said taking the case out and opening it. Inside is a guitar but what is surprising is that it's been reinforced, the entire instrument is made out of hard oak and has metal plating. Inside the case he saw a name of Hank "Harmony" Hayes, curved inside the case.

"What is it?" Selena ask.

"A old guitar that has been reinforced and belonged to someone name Hank "Harmony" Hayes," Bruce said trying to remember if he heard that name before. 

"Well let's just get inside and see if we can't donate the stagecoach for a nice write off. And Sunset wants to get back inside," Selena said taking Sunset who is wiggling in her arms making a fuss.

Bruce closes the guitar case and takes it inside as Alfred closes the shed. He knows he heard that name before and it has something to do with the guitar. (2)


Author's Notes -

1 - I would think that the vast estate would hirer workers to maintain the grounds and clean the massive manor now and then.

2 - Hank "Harmony" Hayes wandered the Old West singing songs and righting wrongs under the name Minstrel Maverick. Astride his horse, Dusty, he earned a living as a guitar-strumming balladeer, fighting trouble whenever it came his way. His friends included Blacksmith Bill. Hank worked with other crime fighters of the frontier, including the heroine Moon Rider. His signature weapon is his own (reinforced) guitar, which he often cracked against his enemies' skulls with a distinctive "boinggg!" of quivering strings.
