
Dark Knight Sunset

Sunset ends up in the DC universe as a baby and taken in by Bruce Wayne as his daughter. She still retains her mind and hides that fact from her new family as she does what she can to help out her new daddy with his lonely life.

madhat886 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs




Sunset sat in her highchair as she is fed baby food by Selena who has moved into the manor. Selena hasn't worn her costume since that night several weeks ago. She and Bruce are taking things slow before they take things further. Selena has been spending time with Sunset and learning to be a mother to her. 


"Morning," Bruce said having gotten up.


"It's past noon," Selena said spoon feeding Sunset and trying to teach her how to use it. "I been trying to teach Sunset how to use a spoon but she just prefers to use her hands."


"You really gotten into being a parent," Bruce said.


"What can I say," Selena said wiping Sunset's face. "Why did you name her Sunset anyways?"


"That's the name on the journal I found with the bag that I found her with," Bruce said.


"Anything else in it?" Selena asked.


"3 books on magic in a language I never seen before, gems and gold and silver coins," Bruce said.


"No idea who's bag it is?" Selena asked.


"No the journal is written in Latin and none of the magic user I have talked to can understand what's written but from the drawing can tell they're spell casting," Bruce said. (1)


"Have they check around where you found her?" Selena asked.


"They did and it seems that the horse statue is magical. It looks like Sunset was either sent or came here from wherever she came from. The magic also destabilize her body, if I hadn't found her and touch her. She would had died as her body needed a DNA sample to stabilize her which is how she's my daughter now," Bruce said.


"The magic caused her body to rewrite itself so that she's your daughter biologically?" Selena asked looking at Sunset.


"I don't understand it myself but that's what Fate told me what happen," Bruce said. A glop of baby food is thrown on him.


"She's getting better," Selena smiles at Sunset who is giggling after she toss her food at Bruce.


"Yes she is," Bruce said going to the sink to wash off the food.


"Mummy," Sunset giggles as she reaches out to Selena.


"Oh you want to be hold," Selena said pulling Sunset out of the high chair and bringing her over to the sink to wash up.


Selena used the spray nozzle of the sink to wash Sunset's hands and wipe her face with a wet towel.


"So what you up to for today?" Selena ask Bruce.


"Going to some meetings," Bruce said.


"Nice to see you not going I did notice that Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin have been taking over for you more lately. Been letting them handle things," Selena said. 


"Yes," Bruce said. 


"You know that neither one of us can keep on doing this and well Sunset does need both of us to be her parents. Bruce seeing how there are all of your fellow heroes in the JL you can call them for help," Selena said holding the signal button that would summon Superman once he hears it. 


"Stop going through my stuff," Bruce said to Selena taking the button and placing it on the counter.


"I didn't. But if Sunset happens to be playing around with your belongings and I happen to find it...," Selena trails off. 


"You're using Sunset to get into my things," Bruce said. 


"Yes," Selena smiles and press herself against him. "I'll make it up to you later."


"I'm here," Superman said appearing in the kitchen.


"Clark what are...," Bruce said as he looks at the button which Sunset is playing with. 


"Su su," Sunset shouts out seeing Superman. 


"You really shouldn't let her play with this," Superman said as he takes the button from Sunset. 


"Wawaaaa!" Sunset cries out.


"Come here sweetie," Selena said holding Sunset to her calming her down. 


"So you two been doing well?" Superman asked. 


"Still working on it," Bruce said as he's still getting use to Selena around and that even after a year he's still getting use to the fact he's a father. 


"Superman while you're here when there's trouble here and you're not busy or anyone else. Feel free to help out in Gotham," Selena said. (2)


"Selena," Bruce glares at her only for her to shove Sunset into his arms.


"Bruce you're a dad now and risking your life when you should be raising, Sunset so that she won't turn out like you is your most important mission now. Or you can deal with a moody teenage girl who no longer wants anything to do with you as you spent more time fighting crime then with her when she wanted to spend time with you," Selena said. 


"She's right Bruce you lost your parents at an early age. Don't you want to be the father yours was to you?" Clark ask.


Bruce was about to say something when...


"Daddy!" Sunset said suddenly.


Bruce said nothing as he stared at Sunset who is looking up at him and smiling. He knows what he needs to do. Be the father to his daughter as his was to him. 


Author's Notes -

1 - I'm going with the written current language of Equestria is Latin. And books on magic is written in an older tongue.

2 - The main reason why other heroes don't help out in Gotham. Is that in real life most writers only want to do a Batman center story.
