
carefull of what you wish for

*A pen rolls and fell from a dusty desk*

"hahaha, finally our guild is the strongest!"

*Group of people laughing and cheering*

"hahaha, indeed... though you had to purchased a lot Mr.Satan... hehe"

"it is all worth it! later i will purchase them all! I've been saving alot since last year!"

*people agreeing*

"you're even buying our class items!? you must be rich! hehehe, buy some gifts for me will you ;)"

*Agreeing intensify*

"ofcoursee Claude, since im purchasing everything, a gift will not be a problem."

"hahaha, why are you buying all though? your class is basically OP! who knows how long you've been grinding!"


"Claude is right, why are you buying them all Mr.Satan?"

"HAHAHA, that will be a secret ;) ;) but i wished that i can just live inside the game you know? "

"cheh skimpy! but isn't that stupid"

*the whole group laughs*

" ehh you wouldn't understand, since we're done i will be logging off now, goodbye and see you later guys"

*intense bye byes"


"so tireddd, today was good and everything went perfectly... shit it's already 4am! time to sleep"

*beep beep*

"mmmmm not yet"



"i guess i can't go back to sleep now *sigh* thennn workout time*

*showers and ruffling of clothes then the door slam*

" I have 30 mins to rush from here to the playground and Start! "

*fast footsteps and suddenly stops*

" wait why is it suddenly dark! "

*a black hole appears*

"what's happening! no noo!"

*turns and runs away... creak and boom the door goes*

"A blackhole appears... how did it appears out of nowhere"

"i must be feeling sick! right! i should take a day off anf play games!"

*Ding from the computer*

"Mr.Satan, please comfirm your purchases! Y/N"

*sighed and grabbed the mouse then he clicked on Y*

*the words change instantly*

*would you like to be Satan? *


*the blackhole appears again and swallow him whole*