

Morsan, with a tender touch, placed his hand gently on Vigeil's shoulder, feeling the weight of the young boy's burden. He knew that Vigeil had endured a pain that was beyond comprehension, a pain that had seared its mark on his very soul.

The memory of witnessing his sister's violation, the helplessness etched in Vigeil's eyes, had left an indelible scar on his heart, a wound that seemed impossible to heal.

Morsan understood the magnitude of this trauma, the weight of the emotions that Vigeil had been carrying, and he wanted nothing more than to offer solace.

Vigeil's voice trembled with a mix of grief and determination as he continued, "I will protect my sister with everything I have from now on. I also want to protect the innocent, defend the weak, and restore true peace to our kingdom. I will become a royal knight just like Lady Keiren."

The whole place fell silent as Vigeil's words hung in the air, his unwavering resolve evident in his every word. Morsan, whom Vigeil had addressed with the utmost respect, studied him intently, his eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and confusion.

Without giving time to Morsan react, Vigeil continued as straightened his back, his gaze unwavering as he met the Morsan's eyes. "I am fully aware of the hardships that lie ahead, sir," he replied, his voice steady and resolute. "But I am willing to endure them all, for the sake of our kingdom and its people. I have witnessed the atrocities committed by those who seek to harm us, and I cannot stand idly by any longer. By the time you officially become a commander, I will be waiting for your orders, sir. Thank you very much for everything."

"It's all right- W-wait! officially... what?!"

Before Morsan realized and could further inquire about the oddity of his statement, Vigeil had gone from that place with hast steps.

"Is he being deceived by someone?! By whom? That lady named Keiren? For what purpose?"

Morsan's mind raced with questions as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Who could have possibly made the decision to appoint him as the royal commander without his knowledge or consent?

As he stood there in the vast emptiness, Morsan's perplexed expression slowly transformed into a mixture of frustration and concern.

He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss, that there was a hidden agenda at play. Was there a conspiracy unfolding behind his back? And if so, who was behind it?

Morsan's thoughts turned to the recent political turmoil that had plagued the kingdom. The royal commander Lord Seaetto is still alive and healthy. Various factions within the kingdom were already vying for the position of the next royal commander. Could this appointment be a ploy by one of those factions to manipulate him into doing something?

"*Sigh* So they started to make preparations, huh?"

'They?! Tizona do you have any guess?'

"I'm not just making a guess; I have complete confidence in my understanding of the situation. Therefore, there is no reason for you to worry or feel anxious about this matter. In fact, the current circumstances are advantageous and hold significant benefits for you."

'Could you provide more details, please?'

"Find it out yourself..."


It always annoys Morsan when Tizona keeps it in suspense without telling him, even though he knows something very crucial for Morsan. With visible annoyance, he averted his gaze and looked at the surrounding trees.

"Hey Lelin, how long are you planning to hide there? Vigeil is already gone..."

Seven feet tall figure came out from the back of the tree where Morsan looking at. Lelin took out his hood and showed his werewolf face and yellow beast eyes. He looked even more tired than before.

"I was sure that I hid myself well this time, I even controlled my heartbeat. I don't know how you can find me anymore." His face looked frustrated as he looked at Morsan.

"Have you arrested all those people who were involved in human trafficking?" Morsan directly asked without any pleasantries.

"Yeah, we arrested everyone involved in this case. All left is, waiting for the arrival of His Highness Egone. He already gave every piece of evidence to the Queen."

"It's good to hear that. You look so tired Lelin, do you want any help?"

"Sure, absolutely! I could use your assistance right now. I'm here to ask for your help because I need someone reliable. Will you be able to ensure the safety of all the people who were saved tonight? I have the responsibility of accompanying Prince Egone from Castle Town to this location, and I want to make sure nothing goes wrong. Although I highly doubt anyone would dare to cause any trouble after all the chaos, I want you to be there to safeguard them in case someone tries to tamper with the evidence. Can you do it?"

"Sure, I can handle that... but are you fine with it? It implies that you have to make the trip to fetch him. I don't have any issues going there in your place while you take a break here."

"That won't do... I need to do something important there. I will take my rest after everything is over..."

Morsan looked weirdly at Lelin as he heard him. 

Lelin's response left Morsan even more perplexed. He had always known Lelin to be a diligent and responsible individual, but he had never fully understood the depth of his dedication. 

"Hey, Why are you looking at me like that?" Lelin asked with a frown. 

Morsan leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued, and asked, "Lelin, I always wanted to ask you something, why are you so devoted to your duty?"

Lelin first raised his eyes in surprise as Morsan asked that question and pondered a few moments before answering with a gentle smile.

"I desire for my kids to reside in an improved realm where demi-humans are treated better than they are presently. Additionally, I yearn to express my gratitude towards his highness for rescuing me and my loved ones."


This fanfic was sponsored by Mr. Andew with and Patreon ID: Sir_dood134

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