
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime und Comics
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125 Chs

First Encounter with the Dark Guild

Ah, Stragglers-


Shen Yue did his best racking his rain to put them down quickly. With the hoodie covering most of his features, he decided to cut loose a little. With a snap of his wrists, lighting whips formed. The

*Bzzt!* The blue-white lighting shined bright in the night. He had to give them a little help. Also might attract more to the area. A slight nudge sent it towards a Dark Guild lightly.

"Humph!" The Dark Guild member scoffed at the weak attack.

With a yank of the whip, Shen Yue pulled himself to the nearest Dark Guild. The intersecting pattern of the whip boosted when he pulled. Propelling him faster for a devastating blow on the man.

*Bam!* A resounding hit traveled in the forest. The sound of the bones in the man's face breaking followed by a little pop.

"Argh, you little monster you cracked my Jaw." The Dark Guild member said while holding his mouth tenderly.

Shen Yue added a little more strength to the whips. Keeping the guard's arm raised to his face. Another member attacked but was dealt with by a simple kick. While the guard's arm was raised Shen Yue stabbed into his armpit while shaping his hand like dragon claws.

*Slick!* His hand slides right in with little to no obstruction. Lighting claws traveled up scooping muscle and tissue along the way. The violent spirit energies cut parts off the guard's pathways as well as burning up his innards.

"Sorry about that. I wanted to see if it was possible to actually knock someone's head off their shoulders with momentum. Turns out you can't. All the things I have seen in my life, ah well such is life." Shen Yue said amusedly with a smirk on his face. "Maybe, just maybe I didn't use enough force. Believe me, I am not a monster. Not yet anyway, I am actually a doctor. Taking care of various diseases."

Shen Yue flared his energy in his hand stabbing upward grabbing with his fingers and yanked out cutting along the way with the claws on his fingertips.

The Dark Guild member went slack in the whips that held him in place.

"Oh, dear at least I have enough strength to destroy your insides easily." Shen Yue said as he flexed his hand slowly. Flicking the blood away he turned and lunged at another Dark Guild stabbing him in the eyes. 'My body is responding faster and faster. Won't be long till I am back at a 100%. Despite the decrease in my overall level of power.'

"Aahhh!!" The guard screamed on impact. Shen Yue's fingers were logged in the man's eye sockets. He lifted the guard's head back with his fingers and then smashed his windpipe with the other. "Gurgle!" Blood foam came out the corner of his mouth.

"My apologies, I am really just trying to see what works still. A little rusty and all. What I have done with the whips are the extent of my abilities I believe with lighting for now." Shen Yue said smirking as the man in front of him choked on his own blood. "Thanks for the help though."

*Bzzt!* The whips flared up frying the body completely. It was then dropped on the ground.

"Damn you. I will kill you bastard." A dark guild member releases all his spiritual energy and broke the whips when they came around to him. He pulled out his swords slashing through the whips and cutting them. "I WILL KILL YOU!"

Shen Yue smiled looking at him. Not the first time he heard that actually.

The Dark Guild member was already upon Shen Yue striking directly for a killing blow. Shen Yue parried the blow with his fist encased in lighting. Striking the blade in the center. Drops of blood traveled down the attacker's hand.

*Pin!* The blade only jerked in the man's hand before shattering.

The Dark Guild member redirected the blow swinging at Shen Yue's side with the remains. Shen Yue dodged out of the way by swinging his body down like he was doing the limbo. The blade passed right over scratching the fabric of his clothing. The Dark Guild member turns the blade back trying to cut again but with a diagonal tilt.

"Shame." With a shift to the side, Shen Yue sent out a jab encased in lighting. "To slow."

*Bzzt!* The buzzing was all the man heard before his lights went out. The lighting frying his brain as smoke and blood oozed from his orifices. He died standing. With a move to the side, Shen Yue engages the other two.

Both guards not taking any chances as they gave their all to attack. Not knowing who attacked them was one thing, but losing so many of their members was bad for the operation.

Vicious green energy erupted from both of their bodies. It linked in between the two as they attacked. Strange spotted patterns appeared on their faces as well. Contorted in pain, they both put more than just spirit energy in the attack.

*Huum!* Shen Yue focused his energy on the Metal Seed in his chest. A small vibration went out as the force from the seed pushed against the joint attack that came at him. The resounding return spread through Shen Yue's body.

"Ugh!" Grimacing in pain, he let the remainder of the attack hit him. 'That joint attack is at the level of a Black Gold Cultivator! Defintely good that I can withstand that and still be ok!' Taking steps back as he rebounded, it was time to end this. Jut needed the two to have an opening to make it quick.

"Buy me some time brother!" Breaking back, one of the two started to transform with what looked to be a type of leopard spirit beast. 'Don't know who the hell would attack us so openly but we can not miss the chance to meet up for the operation!'

Shen Yue and the other dark guild member clashed. with bad footing, Shen Yue slipped a little in his attack. But a bolt of lighting left his finger tips killing his attacker.

Knowing he was gonna die, the dark guild member gave it all in his attack. The energy erupting against Shen Yue and sending him flying.

*Boom!* Shen Yue's body was pressed into a tree. A circling of his spirit energy turned the tree into splinters as he stepped forward. The other Dark Guild member went into a craze seeing his brother dead and giving his life to injure his opponent. The fact Shen Yue stepped forward barely injured was the breaking point.

The knock back revealed a bit of his face. Despite the physical changes done to Shen Yue, he still looked young.

'If someone like this is not taken down before they can reach maturity, all the plans the Master has will be ruined for this city.' Popping a bottle into his mouth, the body of the man begun to swell. A more feral appearance as the Demon Spiritualist Transformation pushed further. "Grrr... ROAR!"

Unable to handle himself and the urges The Dark Guild member went forward like a rampaging animal. Running on all fours and snarling to boot as green twisted spirit energy coursed around his body.

A well of energy gathered around Shen Yue's as he shot forward to intercept. Lighting sparking behind him as a Lighting Field generated. Encompassing the forest area as the Flaming Snake picked off the Dark Guild members who tried to flee.

The lighting field sending lighting jolts that slowed the moments of the stronger members but paralyzed the weaker ones.

Hands outstretched Shen Yue boxed the ears of the rampaging man. Lighting connecting between his palms as he pushed to fry the attacker's brain.

But the rampaging spirit energy was more than he thought. It kept the man alive as he attacked viciously. Each of his attacks were pushed back by a wave of energy from Shen Yue. It came out like an electric screen.

Each wave causing his meridians to fry. Making it impossible to gather and distribute his energy. With nowhere to go, the effects of the elixer started to run rampant in his body destroying it from the inside.

"You can't kill me! The Dark Guild will not take this lying down!" The man squealed as he fell backward trying to move away from Shen Yue. 'I have to get away somehow!' Fear was strong as he ignored the death of those with him as well as what was happening to his body.

"Can't say anything if they are dead. Like you are about to be." Shen Yue said as he gathered energy into his hand fired little lighting balls of various sizes at the guy. His Astral Sense picking up someone already came to investigate what was going on. 'It is good the Flaming Snake is far away.'

The shots tore into the man's chest creating little holes in his body of various sizes. Stretching his hands out to make little lighting hands, the bodies were all scooped up and stored away into his Internal Space. He needed to take the items and perform a proper search before refining them.

"Well, that was fun. But I really need to kick up my training." Shen Yue mumbled as he thought deeply as he looked at the last member alive, who did not run but stood his ground ready to die. "Why haven't you left or tried to flee?"

The night was quiet besides a little breeze that rustled the trees.

"If I flee, I would be killed anyway. By you, what is killing people in the forest or the Dark Guild for abandoning my post and charge. Peasants don't have real options against one of the big families." The guard was poised to strike like a cobra at any moment. "If I had a choice ...I would not have followed this bastard, but my family must eat. I will do whatever it takes to feed them!"

Shen Yue focus shifted to the person sneaking up to get a better look of what's going on. This gave the last man a chance to strike.

'Secret technique Viper Curse!' The Dark Guild members' hand turned thin with a grayish glow and wrapped around Shen Yue's hand.

"Nice technique but you are too weak to make it better. Or use it to its full abilities. I was going to give you a chance but not anymore." Shen Yue said as he then flexed his hand sending lighting all around. "But death is all that awaits you now."

*BBZZTTT!* A loud buzz echoed as the man was fried like the others before he was stored away for later.

"are you going to stay in the distance or come out boy?" Shen Yue said in the direction of Nie Lie. Seeing as nothing happened, he raised a hand and shot out a bolt of lighting from his fingertip. "I will not ask again."

*Pew!* Concentrated lighting shot out. Barely missing Nie Lie who was in the bushes. Exposed, Nie Lie walked calmly. Aware a battle took place but he didn't see how the fighting went really.

"Who are you?" Nie Lie questioned. No matter how he looked the person over in front of him, he couldn't tell who he was dealing with. "You killed who was ever here, why?"

"Because they were part of the Dark Guild. I am sure you know how dangerous they are?" Shen Yue voice was changed easily enough with the study of anatomy he knew. His spiritual signature only matching that of his Star Martial Art signature. "As a member of an Aristocratic Family, even if it is on the decline you should know the dangers, yes?"

"I do not." Nie Lie blatantly. Not trusting a stranger with what he know was a good practice of course. "Who are you since you know who I am?"

"Humph a little liar added to the list of the kind of person you are. What a pity." Shen Yue took a step back as he channeled a burst of his spirit energy. "That will be strike one lying to me boy, and you may call me Liang Yu if you must."

*Bzzt!* Bursting into lighting, Shen Yue was gone. Leaving a disgruntled Nie Lie. As he moved in the forest he picked up the Flaming Snake and the member of the Dark Guild member that was just killed.

Walking over, Nie Lie touched the ground where he just stood. When his current rank he was unable to determine anything about the mystery man named Liang Yu.

"Tch!" Not liking the idea of some stranger he knew nothing about, Nie Lie left. A drive to improve his cultivation even faster ignited even more. 'With all these changes I need to hurry up with myself and the others!'

Status: Shen Yue Health 1000 Spirit Energy: 10,500

Power: 27 Defense: 21

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 30

Connection: 3


Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Silver Rank 5

Flame Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Star Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Dragon Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Metal Seed: 4th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

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