
Dark Continent

Growing up in a small secluded village high up in the mountains, Arko never expected much from life. But when his hometown was raided by orcs forcing him to run away, it seemed fate had more than an ordinary life in store for him. Even after the orcs declared the 1000 year holy war upon the continent, Arko didn't think much of it. but things start to change when he uncovers his ability to wield Aura - an energy that the continent's best warriors use to unleash apocalyptical attacks and wage war amongst each other. Follow Arko as he uncovers the mysteries off the continent, his past, and an old decrepit book. As he wages war against the mightiest of foes and ascends to the peak of of the continent. //---------------------- Cover illustration by John Anthony Di Giovanni. All credit goes to the artist. //---------------------- This novel is a mix of the classical fantasy genre and a light novel like power system, in a Medieval world with classic fantasy monsters and races.

Mytzi · Fantasie
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16 Chs


The moon hung eerily in the sky above a dark forest. Wolf howls echoed in the dark, while shadows swayed under the trees pummeled by harsh wind.

"Keep running, I have to keep running." Arko urged himself, his voice a mere whisper carried away by the wind.

The sound of branches breaking and fast footsteps echoed in the dark - a symphony of pursuit that doggedly tracked him through the gloom.

Through the heart of this eerie landscape, a young man dashed, his every muscle propelled by sheer determination. He clung tightly to an old, tattered book, his grip unyielding even in the face of terror.

The moon's glow cast twisted silhouettes of gnarled trees across Arko's path, the ground beneath him uneven and treacherous.

His breath came in ragged gasps, and his legs felt like lead, but Arko pushed forward. He stumbled over roots and rocks, narrowly avoiding tripping as he pushed his limits.

The forest seemed to close in around him, the very air heavy with a sense of ancient malevolence.

"don't stop, don't stop, don't stop"

Arko whispered to himself, his voice barely audible above the wind and the ominous symphony of the night. The memory of his village burning, the shouts of raiders, and the anguished cries of the villagers fueled his desperate flight.

The cacophony of the forest intensified, the sound of branches cracking and fast footsteps growing louder, closer. Arko's heart raced even faster, a primal instinct telling him danger was hot on his heels. Adrenaline surged through his veins, momentarily overriding his exhaustion.

Gripping the weathered tome, he veered off the path, hoping to confuse his pursuers, and plunged deeper into the underbrush.

His lungs were on fire, and every muscle protested the grueling exertion. The forest floor was a chaotic tangle of roots and thorns that seemed intent on hindering his escape. Desperation gave him a burst of energy as he pushed forward, his feet slipping in the mud.

At last, he stumbled into a small clearing, his breaths coming in harsh, rasping gulps. The moonlight offered little solace, its pale glow seeming to highlight the lurking shadows rather than dispel them. Arko pressed his back against a tree, listening intently for any sign of his pursuers.

But as minutes stretched into an agonizing eternity, the forest seemed to relent. The howls grew distant, the footfalls faded away. Arko's heart still raced, but the forest's grip on him loosened, allowing him to catch his breath.

As exhaustion caught up with him, Arko's gaze darted around the clearing, searching for a place to rest and shelter. His eyes fell upon a gaping hole at the base of a rocky outcropping. A cave.

Forcing his body forward, every step was a struggle, until he finally stumbled into the cave's sheltering darkness.

Cautiously, he explored the cave's interior, feeling the cool, damp walls with his trembling hands. The darkness felt oppressive, but it was a sanctuary from the forest's unknown dangers. He found a recessed alcove and huddled there, his body aching but his mind finally allowing him a moment of respite.

Arko's breaths echoed loudly in the cave's depths, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain his strength. He could still hear the distant rustling of leaves and the occasional snap of a twig, a reminder that danger lingered just beyond his sanctuary.

Suddenly, the air seemed to grow thicker, charged with tension. The forest sounds became more urgent, and Arko's heart leaped in his chest.

He strained his ears, detecting the low rumble of voices. Orc raiders were drawing closer, their guttural speech sending shivers down his spine.

Fear clenched at Arko's throat as he considered his options. The cave provided safety, but it was also a dead end. fueled by desperation, he crawled deeper into the cave, the darkness swallowing him as he pressed on, guided only by touch and instinct.

The raiders' voices grew louder, the harsh tones suggesting they were closing in. Arko's heart raced, his breaths shallow and rapid. He rounded a corner, and his fingers brushed against a jagged rock, causing him to wince in pain.

Just as he felt his heart might burst from his chest, the forest erupted in chaos. A chorus of fierce snarls and growls filled the air, drowning out the raiders' voices. Arko froze, listening as the sounds of struggle and battle erupted in the darkness outside the cave.

Peering out cautiously, his eyes widened in astonishment. A pack of massive wolves, their eyes glowing red in the moonlight, had descended upon the raiders. Fangs and claws flashed in the darkness as the wolves clashed with the orcs, their ferocity unmatched.

The raiders' angry shouts echoed and the forest floor became a chaotic battleground. The wolves moved with unmatched speed, their movements a blur of deadly precision.

Arko watched in awe as the orcs were driven back, their torches casting wild shadows as they backed away while hacking and slashing at their aggressors.

Amidst the chaos an orc fell, his neck ripped out, Then, as swiftly as they had come, the wolves vanished into the depths of the forest, dragging along the lone dead orc.

Sighing with a mixture of relief and gratitude, Arko remained hidden in the cave, waiting until the sounds of the raiding party disappeared. The forest returned to an uneasy silence, the moon's pale light casting a haunting glow over the aftermath.

As he settled back down against the cold stone, the old tome still in his arms, Arko knew the night was far from over. The forest held secrets and dangers beyond his comprehension, and survival was a daunting challenge. But in the midst of the darkness, a flicker of determination burned within him. He would face whatever trials awaited, the fire of his spirit would not be easily extinguished.

Let me know your thoughts about this first chapter and dont hesitate to point out mistakes. Thanks for reading !

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