
Dark Bound Heart

[ WARNING: mature content ] "I love you from the darkest part of my heart." ~~~~~~~ Leah is a tenacious young woman, with a loving heart. Despite the past traumatizing memories that hunts her both in her waking and dreams, she still managed to put a smile on her face and be happy. She was content with her life and everything was okay till a man she had only met once and barely knew, took her against her will and claimed to own her... Lucius had only two obligations: protecting his family and keeping his activities away from the council's prying eyes. Nothing was more important than these two obligations, until the night he met Leah. He felt drawn to protect her and make her his own, despite knowing the dangers involved... Will Leah be able to find a way to escape Lucius's possessive grasp? Or will she succumb to the same intense passion and desire that Lucius feels for her, even if it means risking everything? __ Excerpt "Do what on purpose?" Leah asked him with a slightly confused look in her eyes as she tried to pull away from him, but her struggles were completely useless. "Challenge me, so that I get excited," Lucius said as he continued to rub his nose on her nape, slowly savouring her scent like it was sweetest thing he had ever perceived. "I wasn't trying to excite you, I was simply..." Leah gasped, her statement cutting short when she felt Lucius gently nipping her neck. "W-What are you doing?" Leah asked, her words coming out slightly broken. "I don't know," Lucius said with an innocent voice like he was truly ignorant of his actions, as he sucked on her nape earning another gasp from her lips. "You tell me." __ Disclaimer: Cover image isn't mine. Full credit goes to the original owner.

Jena_Blackx · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Birthday night part (1)

Samara stared at the pajamas in her hands with disgust. She knew exactly who had bought the pajamas, it was Lucius. He was trying to annoy her with the pajamas since he knows how much she hates orange colour. She exhaled tiredly, she didn't have the mental energy to be angry at all. She stared at the pajamas again before shrugging.

"This will have to do for the night, i guess." She mumbled to herself as she put the pajamas on before closing the wardrobe. She picked up the pen she had been holding before, and a piece of paper and walked over to the dressing table and sat down. She began to write down the list of ingredients and items that she would be needing to create the tracking compass.

Once she was done, she dropped the list on the dressing table and let out a deep sigh as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She felt lost and empty, but she convinced herself that these emotions she was feeling, were just temporary, that they would fade away very quickly, before even morning.

She got up from the chair and walked over to the small table where the two containers, containing her food were kept. Without bothering to grab a plate, she picked up the container of the Italian rice and a fork without touching the other container, and went to sit on her bed.

She began eating the food slowly at first, taking small bites and savoring the creamy flavor of the rice. But as she ate, the food seemed to ease her worries, and she started devouring the food at a quicker pace. She didn't care about how improper her eating behavior looked because there was no one there with her. All she cared about was satisfying her hunger.

Once she had finished the entire container of rice, Samara walked back to the table and dropped the empty container before making her way towards the patio. As she pushed open the door, a cold breeze hit her skin, causing her to shiver. She walked over to the railing and placed her hands on it, taking in the view of the manor' grounds illuminated by bright lights. Despite the late hour, the scenery was still impressive. Samara took in a deep breath, letting the cool night air fill her lungs. The night air felt totally soothing and relaxing.


Leah stood in the middle of Susan's kitchen, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the workers, her eyes darting around at the flurry of activity around her. She could feel the stress building inside her as she tried to keep everything in order. Cooking and baking wasn't really Leah's job, but it was something she loved doing during her free time. Today, however, was a bit different.

She had been woken up early that morning by an emergency phone call from Ami. It was Susan's birthday today, and the cake that had been ordered for her had been ruined that morning. To make matters worse, Susan's cook was sick and unable to prepare a replacement cake or even cook for the evening party.

That morning, when Leah and Ami got to Susan's penthouse, the woman was literally on the verge of crying. It took some minutes before the two of them had managed to calm her down a bit. Leah had promised her that she would take care of everything before Ami had taken Susan out to distract her.

The kitchen was a flurry of activity as Leah barked out orders to the workers.

"Make sure the vegetables are chopped finely, and don't forget to season the chicken!" she called out, while simultaneously stirring a pot of bubbling tomato sauce.

The workers scurried around, trying to keep up with Leah's demands. They knew she was a perfectionist and didn't want to disappoint her. Leah was in her element, and her passion for cooking and baking was evident in the way she worked.

As the aroma of the food filled the kitchen, Leah turned her attention to the cake that was sitting on the counter. It was a mess, with frosting that had melted and dripped off the sides. Leah winced at the sight of it.

"This can not be served," she said disgustedly. "It's a complete disaster. We need to start over."

The workers nodded, apprehensively knowing that they would have to start from scratch. But Leah was adamant. She knew that Susan deserved the best, and she was determined to deliver it. With a flourish, she grabbed a fresh cake mix from the pantry and got to work.

As she mixed the ingredients together, Leah directed the workers on what to do and how to do it. At that moment, she did not look like the calm, soft Leah, she looked like a boss lady ready to scold anyone who would make even a single mistake.

She turned to one of the girls in the kitchen and barked out an order. "Get me the chocolate cake icing and the piping bag! We need to get this cake decorated as soon as possible!"

The girl scurried off to retrieve the requested items, while the other workers in the kitchen ran around, trying to arrange one dish or the other or bringing what Leah asked for. The kitchen was a flurry of activity, with pots clanking, knives chopping, and the sound of running water from the sink.

Leah eyes were set fully on the task at hand, carefully selecting the right shade of icing and loading it into the piping bag.

Her hands moved with practiced ease, as she began to decorate the cake, forming elegant swirls and intricate designs on the surface. She added Susan's name in bold letters, surrounded by a border of delicate frosting flowers. The finished cake was a work of art, and Leah felt a sense of satisfaction as she stepped back to admire her handiwork.

'Perfect,' she thought to herself.

"Susan is going to love this." She gave a nod of approval to the workers in the kitchen, who were now bustling around her, and snapped her fingers. "Fay, set this aside. Everyone back to work now!"

Everyone scurried away from her and went back to their various task.

After hours of cooking, everything was almost completed in the kitchen. Leah ordered the worker to start setting the table and preparing the drinks.

"We need to have everything ready when Susan arrives," she said, wiping her brows.

"You. Gina!" she called one of the girls rinsing her hands.

The girl quickly walked to her as she tired to clean her wet hands on her apron.

"Go out there and check how far they've gone with the decorations and get back here immediately. I want this to be a special birthday for Susan."

The workers nodded in agreement, and soon the kitchen was a frenzy of activity once more. Pots simmered on the stove, glasses clinked as they were set on the table.

Leah walked out of the kitchen to check how far the decoration had gone since she was done with the major work there. She gave some instructions to the decorators on where needed more flowers and where didn't and they nodded as they listened to her instructions attentively before going to do what she had asked them to do.

Leah smiled to herself as she surveyed the scene. Despite the hours of chaos, everything was coming together nicely. Susan was going to have a wonderful birthday celebration, and Leah was glad to play a part in making it happen since she hadn't done anything for Susan lately.

Leah stepped outside to inspect the decoration one last time before the guests arrived. She wanted everything to be perfect for Susan's birthday party, and she knew that the outside decoration was just as important as the inside. As she walked around, checking the decorations, she heard the sound of a car pulling up.

She turned to see Ami and Susan stepping out of the car. They looked stunning, with Susan's wide smile lighting up her face and Ami holding several shopping bags in her hands. Leah walked over to greet them, a wide smile on her face.

"Welcome back!" she exclaimed, taking in their appearance. "You both look beautiful!"

Ami and Susan grinned, pleased with the compliment. "Thank you, Leah. Ami is so awesome, she did this whole makeup." Susan said, pointing at her face dramatically. "Wow! The outside looks amazing! I can't wait to see the inside."

Leah chuckled. "Just wait until you see it," she said, leading the way back inside.

As they walked in, Susan's eyes widened in amazement. The inside of the penthouse had been transformed into a beautiful party venue, with balloons and flowers everywhere.

"Oh my goodness," Susan gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "This is incredible! I can't believe it!"

Ami nodded in agreement, a smile on her face. "Leah, you've outdone yourself," she said. "Everything looks perfect."

Leah beamed with pride. "I'm glad you like it," she said. "I wanted to make sure that your special day was one to remember."

Susan walked around the room, taking in every detail, her eyes shining with delight. "This is the best birthday ever," she said, turning to Leah. "Thank you so much, I don't know what I would have done without you. You just saved my day" she said hugging her.

Leah grinned. "It's nothing. Just consider it as my mini birthday gift since I couldn't get you anything. Come on, go get dressed. The guests will be here any minute."

Susan nodded and ran upstairs to change into her dress, while Ami followed behind, to assist her in getting dressed.

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