
©Chapter Eight: "".


It was two days after being with Matthew, it was very crazy. It was literally going back to our childhood again. It's amazing how it makes me tingle all over my body just by looking or smiling. Although I deny it to death, I was always in love with Matthew from the first time I saw him. And when we recently entered adolescence I went crazy with love, there I was able to draw my own conclusions about why my nerves before him or feel butterflies; I realized that I was completely in love, I couldn't help it even if I wanted to and that had caused me too much frustration.

Anyway, after all the mess we did between Matthew and I yesterday, we spent like an hour cleaning the kitchen for all the wasted food we threw away.

I smiled to myself.

I was in class while thinking about it and I couldn't help but laugh. Quickly, Katherine looked at me oddly and I turned my gaze to her. I got serious. I was still mad at this one for leaving me alone at the club while drunk.

—What are you laughing at? — I wonder.

I ignored it. She sighed in frustration looking straight ahead and then looked back at me sadly.

—Sorry, I know what I did wrong to leave you alone there. But you pissed me off by what you told me and well, I acted bad. You forgive me? — She apologized.

I sighed, I can't be mad at her for that long. I looked at her and smiled at her, nodding my head. Katherine smiled at me happily and hugged me. I followed the hug and in seconds we parted.

—And who did you go with?

—Matthew found me there and took me out of the place like crazy. — I replied with a little anger when I remembered.

Was surprised

—Or 'Connor? It's a joke, right? What's up with him, Lenna? Do they like each other? Speaks. — She began to question me.


—No, nothing, he just took me home and nothing else happened. — I lied to him for the most part. She laughed and made a face. She didn't say anything to me and continued doing her homework, incredulous.

Well, at least he wasn't going to ask me more.


We were at recess. I was chatting with Katherine until I saw how Max Bauer approached me; blonde with gray eyes, aggressively and quickly. His violent approach to me frightened me and I took a couple of steps back, but he still managed to catch my left elbow. I stood still in my place, scared and he looked at me.

God, what happened to him?

—Max, what is it? — I do not know how I managed to get the words out of my mouth without being locked by nerves.

Katherine got in between us.

—Hey, leave her.

Max gave her a bad look.

—Stay out of it, I have to talk to her urgently. Come on — he ordered me and took me to another place. We walked down the hall to an empty room and he pulled me into it.

He closed the door behind him and turned on his heel, staring at me. I swallowed dry, I don't like being alone with him. He approached me, and while he was doing that, he lifted his shirt up to his chest showing me his abs and his... Bruises?

It scared me.

—But what happened to you, Max? — I worried, approaching him, while I took him by his cheeks.

He took me by the wrists and slowly pulled me away.

—That's what I ask myself, Helena. Who are your new friends huh? Could you explain it to me? — He looked at me seriously.

I frowned.

—What new friends, Max? What does that have to do with what happened to you? — I took a couple of steps back, confused.

He laughed mute, sarcastically.

—Are you screwing with me, Helena?! They beat me to death because of your damn fault! Or did you think that I was not going to find out that it was you who sent them, sick?! — he yelled at me.

Hearing her scream, I shuddered in my place with fright, and my eyes crystallized a bit for accusing me like that, without proof. I did not understand anything.

—W-what? Wait, Max ... how is it my fault? I do not understand.

He gave a muted laugh, ironic.

—Don't be an idiot, Helena. You sent those bastards to beat me up. Don't be surprised, because I'm not going... If you have a problem with me, come ahead and straight tell me. — He faced me annoyed and I was smaller than I already was, shit.

I tried to reassure him and pushed him away from me a bit to give me my personal space, which he did.

—Wait, tell me how things went, everything, Max. Because I really don't know what the hell you're talking about. — I replied seriously.

He rolled his eyes.

—Oh yeah, you don't remember? You don't remember what one of the bastards said either? I remind you: "Stay away from Helena, if not, I'll kill you. I already warned her and this is the third warning. Does it sound familiar to you?

I opened my eyes wide in surprise and remembered. It can't be, it can't be him. I do not think he is capable of doing such a barbarity, he cannot.

—Well, if you want me to tell you how things went. I will do that.



Two days before.

—Hey, Matt. I already got what you asked for. — Wax said to Thunder, smiling at him with amusement.

The raven frowned.

—What? He asked.

—I already got you the location of that rich.

Matthew looked at him in disbelief and smiled widely; he knew there was going to be fun involved.

—Okay. Before we go to the disco, we have to make a stop first, guys. — He said amused in his look.

They laughed.

—Ready, bro? — Asked Camillo.

His best friend, he felt.

The boys walked over to Wax's car and got into it. They were going to go to the disco, but before that, as Matthew said: "We have to make a stop first". So, Valentino drove to the location he had found out and they were going to do what was planned.


Matthew was observing the mansion opposite, seriously. I was thinking and rethinking the plan I was going to make. He controlled himself not to kill him seriously, but he really wanted to. That asshole, as he says, has to get away from his girl and he is not going to allow their "relationship" or whatever they are.

—What time will he leave? — Matthew asked, looking at the mansion through the car window, annoyed. He is not such a tolerant person.

—They told me for a while. He was going out to a party, so...

The doors to the mansion gate swung open, interrupting Valentin. It was possible to see how a sports car left the place and started the trip.

—Start, start! I want it now. — Mateo ordered, possessive, as he hit the glove compartment with anger.

Wax listened and started the car quickly. Valentino's vehicle went from speed to the other and crossed diagonally, abruptly, causing Max to slam on the brakes, a little scared. It was now or never.

—Now! — Matthew half yelled at the boys and they got out of the car at the same time. Max was scared when he saw three guys with bad intentions approaching him, quickly.

Camillo pointed a gun at him and he raised his hands, terrified. Valentino finished approaching the vehicle and opened the pilot's door for him, pointing at him. And finally, Matthew approached Max. He got him out of the car, abruptly and slammed into it, hard. The rich was very frightened by the fear of being shot.

—Don't do anything to me, take everything. — Max spoke nervously, raising his hands.

Matthew smiled and his friends laughed.

—No, dear. I don't want your fucking luxuries, I want you to stay away from your girlfriend. — Said the black-haired man.

Max frowned.

—I don't have a girlfriend.

Matthew punched him in the mouth to wake him up a bit, so that he might also remember his girlfriend. He couldn't bear to be played dumb.

—I don't want you to touch her anymore, I don't want to see you near her! It's mine. — He clenched his fists and felt the blood boil in a non-existent way.

The blonde looked at him confused and scared.

—I'm not with anyone, what part don't you understand?

The black-haired man smirked cynically.

—Ah OK. You don't remember — he laughed wryly —. Well, we're going to remind you — Matthew shifted his gaze to his friends and gave them the signal — Now —. He ordered them.

Valentino and Camillo approached Max and launched the first punches that, unfortunately, the victim could not avoid. And as he could not miss, Matthew punched him in the nose, leaving him on the ground to ruin his "beautiful" face.

Yes, he broke his nose.

The beatings continued. A couple more punches, a few kicks to the stomach, and vice versa. There came a time when Matt's friends wanted to leave, but he didn't.

—Matthew, come on! It is done.

He punched him in the temple. He glared at him and walked over to Max again, quickly. He pushed him to the ground and started punching them in the face, hard, mercilessly.

The black-haired man didn't want to stop.

—Damn, Matthew! Let's go! — Camillo approached him.

His friend ignored him.

—This, it happens to you, by, messing, with, ME, girl! — He gave him the last punch in his mouth and walked away from Max, abruptly.

Wanting to beat him to death, he got up from the blonde and looked at him with contempt.

—You still don't remember who your girlfriend is, eh? — He asked, slowly. The black-haired man laughed and continued saying: — Well, in a nutshell... Stay away from Helena. First warning —. He kicked his stomach and Max groaned in pain. He squirmed in pain, but Mateo didn't give a shit.

They exchanged glances and the black-haired man from the neighborhood La Boca ran away when he heard cars approaching. He got into Valentino's car again and they sped off.

[End of Flashback].

—That's what happened.

I froze upon hearing that. I do not know who it was, but I am quite suspicious and it may well be the person I am thinking of. My mind thought of Matthew, I refused, but ... Why not? The other time he came to my house all beaten up and with a gun.

I didn't know what to say to him.

—I don't know, Max. I do not know, much less I sent someone to beat you — I replied —. Did you see their faces perhaps? — I asked curious.

He flatly denied.

—No, all three had ski masks. Likewise, I already made the complaint, but I don't trust you. I don't believe you, Helena. — He looked at me badly.

I swallowed dry.

—Stop it, Max. I did nothing. — My voice broke.

God, as if he didn't know me.

—I doubt it, Helena. I doubt it a lot, and mind you, because maybe I will also report you. — he warned me.

—Are you screwing with me? I had nothing to do...

He interrupted me.

—No, I'm not screwing you. Take a look and be careful.

I laughed sarcastically.

—And what about you when you tried to rape me two years ago? You're accusing me of something I didn't do. And I will not allow it. Goodbye. — I left him with the word in his mouth and I left the empty room, angry.

I didn't know what to think, I was afraid, afraid of what Max could do to me and also what I could do with those boys. I feel like Matthew is involved in this, or else it would be very illogical.

Agh, I'm going crazy.


He couldn't take it anymore, he had to look for Matthew and face him. I need to know the truth and what he's up to; I already distrust him too much. There are many things that would not be adding to his attitude, I have to face it in one way or another.

Leaving school, I went home. I dropped my backpack abruptly on the couch and walked to the kitchen. I cooked some noodles, something simple, they didn't really want to cook.

When I finished eating, I picked up the dishes and washed them. Then I went upstairs and into the room. I changed out of my uniform and started doing homework for a while. And that time turned into hours, but my mind still couldn't stop thinking about the discussion I had with Max.

I need to talk to Matthew, I mean, I need to clear things up. Everything is very strange, and there are many things about him that do not close me. I am also suspecting various things. I couldn't take it anymore and I checked the time on my phone: 7pm. I got up from the seat and left my room.

I went downstairs and walked towards the front door. I opened it and left the house, a bit in a hurry. I sighed and crossed the street until I was in front of Matthew's house. I went up a couple of steps and rang the bell. I was waiting for someone to open the door and in seconds, Juliet opened it for me.

Seeing me, he smiled at me.

—Hello pretty, how are you? — He stepped aside to pass and I did. I went to her house and she closed the door behind me — Did something happen? I'm already informed that your parents went on a trip. Likewise, anything, we are there for you —. She told me, as we walked towards the kitchen.

I smiled at him, kindly.

—Yes, I'm fine, Juliet. Thank you — I thanked her and she smiled at me again —. Nothing really happened, I just wanted to talk to Matthew... Is he around? — asked.

—Don't tell me they were friends again. I mean, I'm not stupid, you guys got too far apart.

Was surprised.

Agh, I have to lie.

—Yes, but we spoke to each other again. I need to talk to him, it's something from school. — I lied at last.

She nodded.

—Look, he's not here — said, and I cursed inside —. But I can tell you where it is —. She winked at me.

I Swear I love her.

—Could you tell me please? — I smiled widely.

—He's in the gym, he's always there for an hour. But it takes a long time to come. — answered me.

—Can you give me the address of the gym? — I asked him, opening the Google maps.

Juliet nodded at me again and gave me the address. I wrote it down in the application and I already knew where it was located.

—Well, I don't want to bother anymore. I have to go, Juliet —. I told.

He smiled at me.

—You're not a bother, Lenna. Come whenever you want, you will always be welcome —. She walked me to the door.

We got to the front door and he opened it. I left the house, saying goodbye to her and I left. Now I know where he was, I'm going to go find him.


I took an Uber and headed towards the location Juliet had given me. Upon arrival, I hit the driver and got out of the car, quickly. I walked to the gym and went inside. I realized that it was quite big, I started looking for it everywhere but could not find it, God.

I kept walking and could see that there was hardly anyone. After so much searching, I managed to find it... I was doing weights. But in seconds, it ended; grabbing her water bottle and running the mini towel she had over her face, wiping away the perspiration. Before he saw me, I hid behind the bars and he continued on to go to the locker room.

Agh, I can't face it here.

I waited for him to come out and within minutes he came out of the dressing room with damp hair. It was noted that he took a shower. She grabbed her bag and left the gym. Without hesitation, I chased after him, while also leaving the establishment. When I left the place I could not find him anywhere, I repeatedly moved my head to the sides, and I visualized him walking to the corner where there are some not very reliable boys. They started chatting very animatedly and I waited for Matthew to say goodbye to them but he wouldn't leave anymore, God. I saw how they lit a blunt and without taking it anymore, being angry, I approached him with speed, took him by the right shoulder and turned him sharply. We stood face to face, and he was shocked.

—I have to talk to you, dear! — I faced it.

His friends murmured.

He was paralyzed when he saw me so angry, I am not to be like that and it costs me a lot to violate myself or to reach the limit, but if I do not do it, he will never take me seriously.

—H-Helena, what are you doing...

I interrupted him, slapping him hard against his right cheek. I think I overdid it, and I regretted having hit him so hard, but it was too late; I did not measure my actions. Matthew turned his head, slowly, and connected with my eyes, caressing that same bruised cheek, while he looked at me with hatred and resentment.

His friends murmured again.

—What did you do to Max, Matthew?! — I half yelled at him, annoyed — And don't give me stupidity, because I'm not going to believe you! You hit him, god! You did it, I can't believe how far you got... — I continued saying atrocities, and he interrupted me by taking me by the legs and placing me on his right shoulder — Let go of me, baby! — I yelled.

I started pounding his back down, hard, and he grabbed my legs tighter. The idiots in that corner started saying every nonsense about us, though, more to Matthew. For Example: "Governed", "Your girl is wrong", "I have leash, eh"... Among other things.

—Matthew, can you put me down?! I screamed, shifting in his arms as he walked to his motorcycle.

I got frustrated.

There came a time when we were alone and there was hardly anyone on the street. We were in front of the bike and he pulled me off his shoulder, abruptly. I gave him a bad look and turned around, but he grabbed my left wrist and turned me around.

We stay face to face.

—Don't ever put your hand up for a fucking life, baby. I struggled his grip and was able to get out.

I got upset.

—It's the least you deserve, Matthew! — I pushed him — God, why did you send Max to hit? You blew him away and he got mad at me for something I didn't do and don't even know...

He interrupted me.

—Did that little bitch tell you about the story? — He crossed his arms and looked at me defiantly.

I raised an eyebrow.

—So it's true? — I was surprised — You hit him — I said, shocked —. And you threatened him to get away from me. You're totally crazy, Matthew — I looked at him scared —. I don't want you closer to me, I don't want to. "I tried to get away from him, but he blocked my way, grabbing me by the waist.

I turned my gaze to the ground.

—I warned you three times, Helena. I told you to stay away from him and you ignored him. Besides, he's a shitty rinch and I don't like him. I waited for you and you didn't let him. And well, I had to put letters to the matter. — was justified.

I looked at him cynically.

I swallowed dry.

—I don't want you near me, ever again.

I turned away from him again and distanced myself. I started walking in the opposite direction, and Matthew chased me.

—Why? ...

—Because I don't trust you! — I interrupted, turning on my heel, abruptly. My eyes crystallized. We both shut up —. Look, Matthew... I love you, but you scare me. I don't recognize you, you're totally in psycho mode. You are not the same Matthew I knew, you are too changed and that worries me. What are you up to? — I asked him seriously.

Matthew fell silent and then sighed.

—Helena, stop saying stupid things... Yes, I changed. But everyone changes and nothing is the same again...

—Don't try to do the psychological thing with me! — I stopped him and he was silent again. I took a couple of steps closer to him and looked him in the eye. Tell me the truth, and don't try to lie to me either because I know you well enough and I know when you lie — he looked away —. Don't even think about lying to me, Matthew. Seriously. Because if you do, you won't see me again in your life. — I threatened him, pointing at him.

Matthew snorted and looked at me seriously, placing his hands on his waist.

—Trust me, you really don't want to know.

—Speak up, Matthew! — I ordered, furious.

He sighed.

—I've been in a crime gang for years. I am one of the leaders and we take care of our neighborhood, among other things. — answered.

I laughed wryly.

—It's a joke, right? — I looked at him sympathetically, but he slowly denied. My heart began to race and my nerves to show — What other things do they do? — asked.

He kept shaking his head.

—Matthew, speak up now.

He huffed, scratching the back of his neck and tugged at her hair.

—Drug trafficking, arms exports... — he continued.

«Surely that's not all».

—I can't believe you're so cynical, I don't recognize you. It's amazing how you keep lying to my face, Matthew. You're an idiot, I don't want to see you closer to me, or to Max. Goodbye —. I took too many steps back and quickly distanced myself.

I started running and Matthew couldn't stop me. I kept running without understanding absolutely anything. And thinking that I was far enough away from him, I felt like a motorcycle was coming towards me and it stopped in front of me on the diagonal abruptly, stopping me.

It was Matthew, obviously.

—I said goodbye to you.

I interrupted.

—Do not! — He yelled at me — Do you want to believe me? Join me then.

I swallowed dry.

—Where to? — I questioned, nervous.

He fixed his eyes completely on mine and said: —I think it's about time you know who I really am, I can't wait to hide this from you anymore. Let's go to my neighborhood; La Boca.