
Dared Home

"Dared Home' is a story of a young lady named "Trisha and her Parent". The story started from her parents love story and how they came about Trisha and her little brother 'Chosen', the reality that hounded the both parents from the beginning of their relationship till they became married, have the two kids and brought them up to their adulthood. The life the both children chosed to live when they became adult. Trisha's love story and heartbreaks, Chosen's lifestyle and the predicament he encountered to become rich and successful. The family Tree and the business strategy used to become most richest and famous family in their society.

Muktar_Major · Geschichte
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15 Chs


"Good afternoon everyone, and thank y'all for the opportunity and ground opening speech by Miss Fatima.

Today I will love to let us understand some few things that would be great to look out for.

I'm going to discuss about opportunity which is one of the things every individual, every business person and every organization should learn on how to recognize it, seek for it, learn about it, grab it with immediate effect when found, and exploit it.

Our strength, weaknesses and threat are easy to be discovered, but opportunity is one thing that is obvious but hardly noticed, easily ignored, and uneasy to exploit.

Opportunity is not only about having the possibility of doing or achieving what we want, opportunity sometimes is in the opposite of doing what we want or what we want to achieve [those things we don't want to vent into due to some certain reasons, but they add more positive values to us than what we want to achieve.]

These are common examples: Mr Sharon wanted to become a Medical Doctor and he was able to attain a university bachelor degree, pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), enrolled into medical school and finished, pass the part two Medical Licensing Examination (MLE), chose his speciality and start his residency program, and pass the part three (MLE) and obtained his state's medical license.

He was employed as a chief medical officer in the Federal Teaching Hospital in his State of origin, he passionately love working in the Hospital and don't admire working anywhere apart from the Hospital, but aspired to own his private Hospital some day.

Then he was offered a contract of twenty million dollars to travel to a country and retrieve a document which he's the only person that can do the job without no hitches.

Now he has a choice to make: 1. Stay in the hospital and enjoy working for the government and serving people happily for the rest of his life and 2. Make some dollars, travel, establish himself, achieve his dream Hospital and enjoy independency.

In life is not always about what we love or aspired, but what add the most values to us.

Business is all about achieving a profitable outcomes and we can all witched to the most easiest achievable source with most profit; and it is not built-in certainty but uncertainty, so transition is allowed.

:A company 'A' who produces yogurt with a net worth of one million dollars, were given a contract of ten million dollars by company 'B' to supply milk only to company 'B' who produces all types of yogurt with a net worth of fifty million dollars, more advanced technologies, more marketing tools and networks in the same environment with Company 'A'.

Company 'A' has cows who produces lot of milk and Company 'B' doesn't, but has the resources to acquired some, but due to time factors Company'B' liaised with company 'A' to supply milk to Company'B' for further production.

At this point, company 'A' has a choice to make: 1. Supply milk with ten million dollars in their account and forgo yogurt Production or 2. Decline the ten million dollars offer and Keep producing yogurt with the one million dollars net worth.

In the both examples I guess it's a win-win game if Mr Sharon chose the second option, and Company A choose the first option. But choice is very important.

Sometimes is not all about what we want to achieve, the brand we've created, the status, but the opportunity that defy them all for better achievement.

With these theories and anologies, we should adhere in quick response towards opportunity and positive changes whenever we found it.

Yesterday, a client from abroad called the secretary for the seek of Oil supply from this country and they are willing to pay all expenses to export the product from the country to theirs, but all they a need is  a registered company from the exported country to help in signing all the documents needed for the product exportation.

They want to have a ten years contract of the company's signature with any amount of fee applied, but the secretary declined for a reason stated that 'our Company, which this company is not up for that type of deal. We're meant for some certain deal.' Which honestly I see no genuine reason to declined that offer.

But I schedule a meeting with the client to further discuss more about the contract and gather more informations towards it.

I believe this contract can change our company reputation, status and profit charts positively, so I urge the management board and the executives to give a review to it as we meet with the client.

Thank you all for the opportunity given to lighten up some anologies, and this is not meant for any disrespectful or belittling intent." Adams said during resumption meeting.

The Hall went on whole lofty bearing and magnetic glance in attentiveness piles with knowledge acquisition, jaw-dropping analysis. Everyone applaud with lighting cheers accord in standing ovation.

"Another beautiful piece dressed wit of a box of knowledge, and I love the way you stood wide open, your touch of anologies is magnificent, and the type of you are the interpreneur we all need inhere to truiph.

Thank you for your time.

Our policies inhere is amendable and as we evolve around the business cycle, the policies and the system of operation must evolve, we must welcome changes and adhere to the changing environment, variegated ethics and a hinged outward characters to the success of the organization.

I'm pleased with the development and intensely conscious of the foreseeable future in a lighted ward. As said [communication save everything] then with this type of synergetic information we can all believe that we are going through the right channel.

Please make the meeting with the client possible for further discussion.

Have a great working days." The CEO speech.

The Hall lighted up by a candle on the chest of applauding, cheers in once more standing ovation, handshakes and hugs that beautify the closure of the meeting.

Adams went straight to his office to study more about the organizational ethics through the palmphlet shared during the meeting for policy perusal, but on the process, a call from Mina interrupted "Hi dear, how are you today? How the work is going?" She said as he picked up the phone call.

Adams replied "hello beautiful creature, I'm doing fine and the work is going splendidly. How about you and the kids?"

"We are doing great. I miss you that is why I am calling to check up on you. Hope you've taken your lunch?" She said.

"I miss you more, and I'm yet to take my lunch due to some activities, but I will surely do. Thank you, what about you?" He replied

"Okay, try and eat your lunch. We just finished eating and having some rest. Take care of yourself and I____love you." She said

"Okay, that is great. Take care of yourself too and the kids. I love you more, stay safe___bye." He said and the call ended

A knock at the door to Adam's office "yes! Please come inside!" He said