
The dare

Mark and I were sent to detention on late Thursday so I couldn't go for the shopping Nicole asked, I took my bag and headed out "Want me to take you home?" Mark was behind me I could feel his breath and I was getting scared now"two steps space or I'll kill you myself" I assured though not not sure of my self "really?let me see you try"he whispered to my ear "one two th--"before I finished he backed out"hey I was just kidding"he laughed I took my bag and headed out"get a hobby" I muttered "i heard you are coming to the party"

"I heard you were not going if I wasn't "

"you heard it right like when I told you I wanted things serious I meant it"

"I go for no strings attached" Nicole just taught me so well "you should try it, took advise too"i used to and I didn't like it "I laughed as I headed the subway,we do that so no one notices about our lives "quit following me Mark" I stood away from him "Can we talk tomorrow--like  at the party"

"why not school?"

"come on no cool kid goes to school on Charlotte's parties"

"I do,you find it lame?"

"no no no,it's being unique"i smiled and entered the train"

   "I heard you were in detention because you threw a book at the teacher"Nicole said as if it was a good thing "I aimed it at Mark he was trying to loose my concetration"she laughed "is that why Mark did the same?"I nodded then turned shockingly "How did you know Mark hit Mr.Terry?" she laughed" Springfield posts whatever they do on their Instagram page---don't tell me you don't know that"she gave me an eye as I braided my hair "now I know"she laughed "so what am I to wear tomorrow?"I turned to the mirror "we'll figure out tomorrow, I told Whitney to make an excuse that I can't be at school tomorrow" I gave her a weird look " you know I can't ditch school for anything"

"none of the popular kid is going"

"look dying my hair,faking my personality and dressing like a night worker--"


"I have said enough words that don't please Jehovah for the past two months" Nicole laughed,I was confused at the laugh "what's funny?" she laughed even more I pushed her away on my bed and took a biology book"the way you say Jehovah is killing me,What are you? mother Mary?"i didn't find it funny at all"a true believer" I proudly said and she laughed even more" About tommorow--"

"I'm still going"she sighed "looks like I have to help you with your new life"she headed to the door "again"she added I gave out a sigh laugh,she left my room,I went on studying till late night then brushed my teeth and headed to bed,My head was filled with his eyes,Sora's eyes I can't believe I can't even talk to him anyway just a mere crush that lasted for a month it will just wear off.

      I wore my black baggy shirt and black ankle boots with chains on it,I left my hair hanging free and headed out early Sahara has been texting me to come over to my house,I can't let her come since I'll blew it off,I got in the subway and felt thousands of gazes I breathed in and exhaled calmly it was hard with the subway at first because mother used to tell us scary stories about the subway and we believed them untill now,my stop came and I walked out,heading to the stairs I saw him,Sora talking to a goofy looking man,he spotted me and winded their conversation,then headed out I walked behind him praying he would talk to me but it seemed impossible so I had to start "Hey--um Sora"i pursed my lips regretting my move when he stopped but didn't look at me "um--about yes--"

"I was sorry" he coldly spoke non of my bad nerd friends were like this "actually I'm sorry about Mark yesterday" I said lowly"okay" he went on walking never have ever felt this stupid I felt my legs getting numb,I entered the school halls every one was looking at me ofcourse the popular kid who came to school on Charlotte's party night,I opened my locker and put some of my books then closed it I didn't act suprised though i was seeing Mark here  "why are you here?"i walked to my class and yes he followed "I came to give you some company since Sahara won't be here " I sat at my chair and he was on my desk"and who said I needed company?"I looked at him sassily,he smirked "Dc stop playing hard to get"he menacingly spoke I scoffed "I'm not I just don't go for kids"i winked I know it's harsh but what can I do?"wait untill tonight if you'll still say the same"he drew himself closer making me take a good sniff of his cologne,my eyes didn't leave his and my lips curled up" I'm scared" I softly but confidently whispered but seriously I'm scared "you should be" a quick side smile formed "Mr. Santova I hope you are done with your little têtê a têtê with Miss.Heartherton  now kindly get a seat for your self" Mr.Clegg spoke boredly the few people's eyes never left my corner I noticed Sora staring too but he turned back to his books,Mark sat next to me the whole lesson he looked bored well Mr.Clegg is a boring teacher.

      "I am not wearing this"i said as I turned to the full length mirror,it was a meshy black top that only hid my nipples and a black meshy baggy pants  that is like I'm only wearing the black underwear underneath"come on you look sexy in that"

"I look like a spoilt street rat"

"That's the point" I shook disapprovingly "I can't "I sat on my bed "Brywood having a party too?"I asked judging from her appearance,she simply shook "Darren invited me,so I can watch over you " I gave a sneer "I should be the one watching over you"she lifted me up "Club 99 is darker for anyone to notice plus Rodger will be waiting outside in case of any trouble" Rodger is Nicole's bodyguard I gave mine a holiday but he insisted Whitney to watch over me.

          We used the private car to get to club 99,you could feel the sins ahead,I really needed to go back home but  too late Darren caught Nicole's hand and Dion caught mine we got in,people were drinking and some kissing by the entrance"catch up later" Dion let go of my hand "Nicole?take care of her" they got lost in the club,Nicole took out a cigarette and a lighter,she lit her cigarette and placed it on her mouth that's when I realised people acknowledged my presence so I started acting like it's okay,we walked through the crowd  and that's when I realised I lost Nicole all alone "There you are "Mark's hands entangled my waist I was half relieved that I was not alone  but I was scared about the earlier coversation "you look happy to see me "his voice was quite menancing " you wish" i loudly said so that he could hear me he laughed " so who's the chick you came with?"he tried looking around" Don't tell me your cock is rising already" I bit my lip at my words "it always rises around you" he pulled me closer I could feel it,I begun being tense "wanna feel it?"I backed away"okay too much flirting for one minute"i said as I headed for the bar,Nicole was already making herself comfortable with one of Mark's friends "want some?"Mark handed me a mug of beer "what does she look like ?10?"Nicole fired at him I was kind of grateful untill I saw her pouring some dry martini for me, I'm going to kill her if I survive "feisty"Mark smirked as I took the drink I took a gulp and felt the worst burning sensation compared to heart burn "you really are wild,I prefer my drink diluted "Mark confessed,I smiled though one was enough I turned to face Nicole but she was heading to the VIP section I spotted Dion with Sammy,on her lap,rythimically dancing to the beat and brushing herself on him,"Lets head up there its more fun" I felt like I needed to throw up,I left without a word and searched for the bathroom I knew I was being punished by God for breaking his commandments like don't go out at night,I had already thrown up twice before getting to the ladies room, I opened the first door and Lorry was giving Sahara a head,they stopped noticing my face I ran to the sink and let it out Sahara pulled back my hair as she soothed my back"what happened?" she asked as I faced the mirror meeting disappointed Lorry leaning on the bathroom door"it must be the fish I took" I lied,Sahara looked worried then in a frac of a second she started laughing " you and your appetite " i washed my mouth and spat I was beginning to get dizzy with one shot but that's just not possible "I'm sorry for ruining your moment" I told Lorry,she shrugged "we were heading to the VIP section anyway" she casually said we both got out and headed there "there she is" Charlotte's voice is a pain in whatever,she smiled as I got in I stumbled and fell on Mark's lap,What a coincidence!he smiled "get a better excuse for getting to me than this" he lowly said Darren gave a glare but I couldn't say anything " we were playing truth or dare but what's the fun in playing the game without the G.O.A.T favourite?" people   cheered as I nervously laughed" I  have a better game than that"Hennesy,Lorry's  best friend said "what's better than truth or dare?"Charlotte asked after taking a gulp of her drink" it's called DTDC" we all looked at her "I'm not good with abbreviation but I like the game already"Charlotte said okay I'm Dc so that's bad news "we can't play truth or dare on the dare crusher, but we can dare the dare crusher "

" I don't thin--"before Darren went on people were cheering "okay can I go first?" Hennesy asked and leaned forward "okay Dc have three shots of undiluted  tequila non stop" my brothers gave me an apologetic look as Nicole cheered with the others"oh she can do that"Mark assuared"then let's see "Charlotte handed me the first shot "pleasure to have you at my party Dc"she wickedly smiled,I smiled back and took the shot"oh I know"i took in the non stop shot and I assure you hell isn't that torturing,people cheered and I was still on Mark's lap,Dion cheered but Darren looked disappointed and i was dying "ok me next"Sahara freaked,I gave a glare but she didn't notice it "okay,I give you five minutes to make out with Mark,and it starts-------now" she looked at her phone okay i have watched alot of kissing sessions but i dont want Mark as my first kiss"guys I want her to be willing to have me not getting dar--" I silenced him with my lips then gave a 360° turn to face him completely,he grabbed my ass and showed cooperation,it wasn't bad but I felt him hard as his tongue explored mine and my hand slipped from his chest,his hand slipped in my meshy top and he cupped one of my breast with his hand " okay time out"they all cheered as i backed away quickly "you are  a pro"he smiled I felt disgusted for the moment "let's play another game" Darren suggested I was thankful and dizzy "why other game,can't the party girl enjoy this game too?"Charlotte asked "okay Dc I dare you--to----um----"Sammy whispered something to her ear and she smiled "I heard you have a shocking bed count record Dc will you mind adding Sora,the nerd in it"people were shocked "that's lame Cheeky"Dion said "I know but can Dc do the lame too?"she said smiled "that will be easy for her,remember that foursum you heard Dc?"those were last words I heard before passing out on Mark's arms
