
Brywood's proposal

   "Careful with that step"he helped me sit,we were on his rooftop,he removed a cigarette and light it up,"have some"he gave me a new piece,i scoffed "you've been avoiding me"he looked at the cigarette he offered then,he put it back in the pack "why?"i didn't want to look at him,he didn't look at me either, he didn't even bother answering me,he just smoked"you should have at least cleaned up your wounds"i tried giving his face a soft touch but he threw my hand away "you are not my girlfriend"i was just being a friend like what's wrong with that "why did you let him beat you?"

"I deserved that"

"Did you tell--"

"There was no lie in that"my heart almost fell from place,i thought he was going  to be in bad shape but now i regret coming here,i stood "it's getting late,i better go home now"i tried to start to leave,he didn't turn, i walked to face him"you know a sorry woul--"he looked away from me,i swear i saw a tear "are you--crying?"i scotted,my hair tried to cover my face but I tucked it behind my ear,he rubbed his tear "must be the wind"liar!he smiled at me "i thought you were leaving?"

"Should i?"

"I can't stop you"a laugh escaped my lips "now i see the problem,you are afraid of rejection"

"'Only a bitch wouldn't be"

"That's shade"

"Sorry" i nodded "i never knew you had a sister"i looked at him for assurance, he smoked again"i never knew Whitney had big kids"

"She's our foster mother"

"She stopped working for my family five months ago,i would know"

"If i may ask--mmh nevermind"

"Back in Norton,father used to fund rallies that i would choose to contest, he always knew i would win and I did,one time i got in second place against Ace McCoy, hope you've heard of him"i nodded he once came at Darren and Dion's birthday "he's famous"he smirked "he stopped funding there and asked me to stop with it,i went on and i got in the big finals,he told me to stop,mother supported him but Jannah supported me,she didn't derseve to die,i went to that race to win for her,when the race began,father was there,i raced and took the second place again I was angry,father disgraced me,Whitney opened the door for them to leave,little Sara hugged me and left with dad,anger got the best of me,i got wasted Jannah told me there was no need to be the best,i was already a winner to her,i gave her a ride back,i was speeding,she begged me to stop,she cried,i can't forget her cry,how she begged,how i didn't listen, the moment I noticed a car ahead of us,it was too late,i woke up on the third week,no one ever came,i started hating Jannah for being selfish and everyone,later uncle took me to my little sister and parents' funeral,i was still in clutches everyone blamed me,Jannah's mother was there,she only cried to me to leave Jannah once she recovers,two days later Jannah died,i didn't want to go there,i didn't believe it, i stayed locked up for sometime doing shit to forget her and everything,it kind of did,i wanted to start a new life,the oldest Seel brother took everything and uncle took me,we came here but nothing lasts,that day i brought him medication,i found him lying on the floor,took him to the hospital,he's been there,they say he's not going to make it,i just don't know how to feel" his eyes were blurry,i hugged him sidely with a pat,i didn't realise i was the one crying untill he patted me back,"you don't have to stay if you don't want to"he assured "I'm sorry"i admitted,"don't be"he stood and helped me,we used the window to get back down,i helped him wash his wounds,he didn't even flinch,i slowly rubbed,the side of his mouth,my hair was back to my face,he tucked my hair behind and our eyes met,he moved closer and his lips brushed mine,i could feel his breath of  cigarette and mint,he kissed my lower lip,before i knew what i was doing,i kissed him back,i didn't care about the smell,he made me sit while facing him as he slowly brushed his lips on my neck which gave me some goosebumps,i shivered to that,his lips went to the top of my boob,i flinched then stood,"i think--i---i--i sh--I should go"i picked up my bag "yeah, you should"he stood and walked to the door"i'll make it alone"i walked without turned back,it felt different when he kissed me today,i heavily breathed "the subway is dangerous at this hour"Sora walked to me"you want to take me home?"

"No need,let's go home"Darren told me,he came with Layla,my bodyguard "someone's being a bad girl?"she jocked

"Layla!"i hugged her "you are lighter than usual"i laughed "and who is the gangster?"i turned but he was leaving "Sora"i exhaled "he's a number"she tucked my hand, Darren walked down the trail where he parked the car "i thought you won't be here untill next month"

"When duties call,i can't say no"

"What duties?"


           I sat by the coach opening my envelope,everyone was silent,Nicole leaned on Darren,i opened the envelope that was already opened

Claire Hearthton,


                     The Headmistres of Brywood gives a second call to you after the school board sat and review of your time here,they realised,your future lies in Brywood and would like to have you back and resume your studies on certain terms and conditions,

Brywood,a place where family unites.


                                  Regine Barclay


     I folded it and stood,"So Claire?"Nicole smiled at me"what?,it's not like non of you haven't read the letter"i flashed at them "Are you okay,Claire?"Layla gave me a confused look,i walked to my room and threw myself on bed, Nicole,Layla and Darren  walked in,i wanted to ask about Dion but i was still mad at all of them,Nicole sat next to me,"Sooooooooo?"

"No,I'm not going back to Brywood"they were all confused "i thought you wanted to go back there?"Whitney sassed" wanted?yes,currently?no"Layla collapsed on my bed,"is this about Sora?"Nicole asked"Yes,yes this is about him"i sat on my bed to give her a good look "He killed someone he liked,what makes you think he'll not kill you and forget you?"

"Atleast I'll be a memory stuck in his head unlike you,you turned your back on Sora when he needed someone,Sora never meant to hurt anyone,you knew that but you chose to call him a murderer"

"Did he tell you that he was given a chance to see Jannah before she died but he chose not to go"

"I wouldn't either"

"You are going to Brywood or else Mr.Hearthton will hear about this"i laughed "you are bluffing,i know you can't,you'll do anything to cover for Dion so if I'm blown,he's blown"i smiled at her,"if this is about Sora then I'm sorry i beat your friend"

"He derseved it and I'm not going to Brywood"Nicole moved closer to me and touched my neck"is that a hickey?"she laughed "everyone out!"i told them,Darren left first,"all of you"i finished, the moment they left,i threw myself back on my bed.

                  Today was hectic at school from the moment I parted ways with Dion who we didn't talk at all the whole ride and walk, Sahara pulled me excitedly "how was it?"she freaked,i gave her a confused look,"Sora's sex drive and appeal"she leaned on the wall,"i don't get you"i tried walking away,she pulled me"we all got the news girl"she freaked,"i can't believe you actually did it,some nerve"Charlotte gave an eerie whisper,Sahara rolled her eyes"you lost the bet Charl,give Hennessy back her 200$"she smiled

"Excuse me what????"i was confused

"Hennessy bet on you that you could complete  the dare before Friday and look at you"she showed me a picture of Sora and i making out,it was as if someone was there taking a picture of us,the bell rang,i sighed.


       Everyone is either talking about Darren's suspension or my incident with Sora,the attention got even bigger everywhere i went,Mark didn't even want to talk to me today,i took my lunch in the auditorium, i didn't feel like myself today,i didn't even know who i am for the first time,i texted Sora to meet me here but he didn't reply to me atleast he saw the text,the bell rang,i stood to head to the class,Sora was standing on the door post,i sighed "we'll talk after classes,the bell shows we are in the wrong room"i told him"i don't mind being in it,we need to talk"he cleared out "if it's about what's going,i don't know what happened "

"I do,Hennessy asked me to do that"i knew the kiss last night was too good to be true,"thanks then"i shrugged and walked to the door "I'm tired of this Claire"he got me confunsed,i stop and i could feel his body behind me,he took my hand from behind and covered it with his,"I don't want us to be strangers anymore"i turned to face him,though I had to tilt my head "'you are the one who treats me like a stranger, i always thought we could be friends but you always push me away"i have never been this bold with him but I'm being honest "i never wanted us to be friends"he admitted,he pulled me by waist and leaned forth for a kiss,it wasn't soft like always it a hungry one,his hand travelled to my ass and he grabbed it as an apple,"i like you Claire,i like you alot"were the words i heard when his hands slid in my shirt.
