
Dante in DXD

I do not own anything that is copywrited that is included in this fan-fiction. I will try to either update somewhere between once a day and twice a week. Please for you critics out there don't hate post just because you don't like my writing. I am writing because I want to better myself not because I am a masochist that wants to beratted because his writing quality is subpar. For the rest of you I hope you enjoy the novel, please keep in mind that my descriptive writing isn't the best so bear with me, also if you cant quite picture what I am writing about then you can probobly find some kind of picture of the caracter online. Also I ask that the readers know at least some of the Devil May Cry story along with some of Highschool DxD. Other than that I hope you can enjoy my story. There will be a harem, some willing, some not so much. But there will be one.

Scarlet_Slayer · Andere
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39 Chs

Chapter 15:

The Monday after Dante woke up to see Nevan setting down a tray of food and a cup of coffee. "Morning Dante. I went ahead and brought you breakfast, also your uniform is on your dresser, I took the liberty of swapping the white shirt with a blood red one since I am unable to change the jacket." Dante thanked her and got up and did his morning stretches after eating his breakfast. Once dressed he did a once over on his uniform; it was a nice uniform that almost screamed rich, it included a crimson button-up shirt with a black jacket that had the school's emblem above the heart section. It also included a pair of black slacks and a pair of black dress shoes. "Not my personal preference but it will do in a fight." Dante mumbled to himself.

[Well, I think you look very handsome Dante. If I didn't know that you were going to school I would think that you are going to ask at some aristocrat's daughter. Anyway, it is already 7:30, so it would be best if you went to school early.]

Dante gave a nod to Veronica's comment before stepping out and summoning Cavalire and driving off to school.

When Dante got to school he received as much attention as he did last time, giving a shrug he walked to class. Once he arrived he knocked on the door and a minute latter a woman in her late forties opened the door and was surprised by his appearance. "Hello, my name is Arika Shikazuki, I am the teacher for this class. Can I help you?" Dante gave a nod, "Why yes, my name is Dante Michels Gregori. I was told that I would be attending this class. Nice to meet you Shikazuki-sensei." Arika gave Dante a once over, "Wait outside for a few minutes, I will call you in in a moment." Dante gave a nod and she shut the door.

A few minutes later he heard Shikazuki-sensei call him in, "Class this is our new student Dante. I hope you are kind to him." Dante gave a smile with a small bow, "Hello everyone, my name is Dante Michels Gregori, I look forward to studying with you all. I hope you will look after me." Scanning the classroom, he saw Rias, Akeno, Sona, and her queen Tsubaki. "Dante-kun, please take a seat next to Tsubaki-san if you would." Dante gave a nod and made his way to Tsubaki. He didn't miss that all of the devils in the room never took their eyes off of him.

Class went by rather quickly and everyone was surprised that even though Dante never once looked at the board when he was called on he answered it perfectly without pause. He even pointed out a few mistakes the teacher made during some of the questions. As he gazed out the window all of the girls were giving him looks like he was a god among men. After the bell rang for lunch he was quickly surrounded by girls asking different questions regarding favorite food, favorite drink, if his hair was natural, where he was from, was he in a relationship, along with a few others. He answered them without pause, "My favorite food is probably pizza. Favorite drink would be Coca-Cola. Yes, my hair is natural. I am from America. I am currently dating yes, though she is a bit to old to come to this school." The girls were surprised by his answer to his relationship status. When one of the girls asked to see his girlfriend, he showed them a picture of him and Nevan laying in a hammock reading a book, all of the girls were shocked. 'how is there someone this beautiful and sexy!!??' was all they could think. "This is my girlfriend Nevan Vladovich. She is from Romania. We met at a festival when I was traveling, and we ended up getting together after she moved down here." Everyone was still in shock, but Dante's words brought them back, hearing that her name was Nevan all the girls felt that they were suddenly inferior. Seeing their reaction Dante let out a silent chuckle.

After that event class went by rather smoothly and the day came to a close. "Hello Dante-san. We were wondering if you could follow us to out club room for a few minutes. We would like to talk to you for a bit." Dante looked up to see Rias and Akeno looking at him with smiles on their faces. Giving a smile of his own, "Of course, who am I to decline an offer from two beauties." Ignoring his comment, they left the class with Dante in tow.

Reaching the ORC [A/N: ORC=Occult Research Club] building they went inside. Inside Dante saw a setup similar to the student council office with two parallel couches, and a desk at the far end. Rias sat behind the desk and Akeno went off to the side and began making tea. Folding her hands and taking a serious expression Rias asked, "Dante, who or what are you?" Dante gave a smirk, "Now, now, the mean devil isn't going to try and take my soul now is she? Though I might just give it to you for the right price." Rias' eyes held a dangerous glare and Akeno visibly tensed up. "Aww, don't give me that look. I told Sona the same thing, I won't cause any problems for you if you don't bother me." Rias relaxed some but didn't move her eyes from Dante. "Ara, Ara, why is the heiress of the Gremory household getting so pent up when he just said that he wouldn't do anything?" Rias and Akeno immediately stood up and took combat stances, they could feel the pressure coming from the woman that just entered. "Nevan, didn't I tell you to wait for me at the gates?" Dante looked at Nevan who had a teasing smile on her face. "But I got so board waiting for you, so I came to get you." Nevan completely disregarding the devils in the room walked over to Dante and gave him a gentle kiss as she sat in his lap. "You little girls can put your guard down, I didn't come for a fight. Let me introduce myself, my name is Nevan Vladovich, empress vampire of Romania, and Dante's girlfriend. Also, if I came for a fight you would already be beaten or dead." Though she said everything with a calm smile Nevan still leaked a bit of bloodlust. Rias and Akeno both sat back down but were still on guard. "Dante, what is your purpose for coming to this school?" Dante gave a small chuckle, "I didn't plan to go to this school. My uncle signed me up and seeing no way out of it figured that I would have some fun while teasing the sisters of the two biggest sis-cons in the underworld. And before you ask I refuse to become part of your peerage. I won't serve someone that is one weaker than me, two a manipulative bitch, and three a spoiled brat princess." Midway through Rias was going to ask him but hearing his blatant denial and reasons she was fuming as a small aura of destruction magic surrounded her. "Akeno on the other hand, I honestly don't know what you see in this spoiled princess. We both know that is you genuinely tried you could kill Rias without her being able to resist." Akeno still had her calm but seductive smile as her eyes narrowed with a dangerous glint of interest. Rias was pissed that Dante just dismissed her presence. "You think that you are so great huh? Well then, let me and my peerage put that to the test. If you win, I leave you alone and owe you a favor, if I win you join my peerage. How does that sound hot-shot?!" Dante wasn't surprised by her challenge, "Good enough, I'll see you in about fifteen minutes as the rest of your peerage isn't here yet." Rias just puffed her chest out in frustration that Dante didn't take her seriously.

After around 15 minutes passed the rest of Rias' peerage showed up. So, it was Dante against Rias the king, Akeno the queen, Kiba the knight, and Koneko the rook. "Let's get this started already, I have work to do after this." Rias was once again pissed and she said, "Kiba! Koneko! Rush him, Akeno and I will support you, lets knock this arrogant bastard down a few pegs." Her peerage gave her a confident nod and started. Dante just stood there as Kiba and Koneko rushed him from opposite sides. When Kiba swung a sword at him he just side-stepped the blade, a similar action happened when he was attacked by Koneko. Dante still had his hands in his pockets dodging everything that Rias' peerage threw at him. "You know, I was hoping to get at least a bit of a challenge, but this is just disappointing." Shaking his head as Kiba and Koneko approach him in sync. Dante grabs Kiba's sword and kicks him away into a tree knocking him unconscious and he simply backhands Koneko leaving her also knocked out. Dante uses quick-silver to get right in-between Akeno and Rias as he pulls out Ebony and Ivory pointing them at their heads, "And I believe that is checkmate. Now if you ladies will excuse me, I have an appointment with a certain angel and fallen angel." Putting away his guns Dante summons Cavalire and drives off. Rias was angry while also scared, angry because Dante didn't become serious throughout the whole fight, but this also scared her. Dante managed to defeat her entire peerage without even breaking a sweat let alone be serious. 'I must get him to join my peerage. Maybe with him I can finally be free.' She thought, but if Dante could hear her thoughts, he would be laughing his ass off at her because she is delusional if she thinks she can even come close to his power.