
Danmachi x Konosuba : The Legend Of Aqua Familia

After defeating the Demon King, Kazuma decides to return to Japan. However, just as Aqua is about to send him home using a magic circle, Megumin and Darkness interfere, causing them to be thrown into the DanMachi world. Witness the legend of Aqua Familia in the city of Orario.

Kasumigaseki · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 12 : Not So Peaceful Night

The adventurers from Loki Familia arrived at the Hostess of Fertility, accompanied by their goddess, Loki. Loki led the way, walking in front while various adventurers of different races followed her calmly. There was one Pallum, two Amazonesses, one werewolf, one dwarf, one Elf, one High Elf, and lastly, one human.

The human was at the very back of the group. She was an incredibly beautiful woman with green eyes and a slender figure. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back. She was Aiz Wallenstein, the one who made Bell Cranel fall in love at first sight.

Bell was taken aback when he saw Aiz Wallenstein entering the Hostess of Fertility. His eyes widened, his mouth fell open, and his entire face turned red as he watched Aiz walk gracefully into the pub.

Aqua Familia glanced at them for a moment, then ignored them and focused on the food in front of them. Both Aqua Familia and Hestia Familia enjoyed their meals peacefully, just like Loki Familia, who was celebrating their success after exploring the dungeon.

However, this temporary peace was shattered when a werewolf named Bete began to spoil the party.

"Aiz Let's Tell them about that thing"

"That thing?"

Aiz asked Bete.

"You know! We let a bunch of minotaurs escape on our way back. You took out the last one on the fifth floor, right? And you remember that tomato brat who was there, right? A wimpy little kid who'd obviously just started adventuring got conrnered by one of the minotaurs who ran from us. When Aiz cleaved the minotaur appart, it's stinky blodd got all over him and he looked like a bright red tomato! And you know, the tomato brat ran off screaming, our princess saved him and he ran away from her! How pathetic is that?"

"I think in that situation, he can hardly be blamed" Aiz replied without any expression on her face.

On Aqua Familia's side, they could hear everything clearly.

"Oi, Kazuma, are they talking about Bell?" Megumin asked Kazuma, trying to confirm what she had heard.

"Yeah, they're definitely talking about Bell," Kazuma replied.

Meanwhile, Bell could only lower his head, feeling extremely embarrassed and pitiful as Bete humiliated him in public, especially since Bell was right next to him.

"Enough, Bete! It was our fault for letting the minotaurs escape from the seventeenth floor. You should be ashamed"

Riveria scolded Bete because she couldn't stand hearing his words.

"What's swrong with saying trash is trash? What do you think, Aiz? Just hypothetically, Who would you choose? Me or the tomato brat?

However, Bete ignored Riveria and continued to speak even louder, as if he wanted all the adventurers in the Hostess of Fertility to hear him.

"I'm talking to you, Aiz! If that kid asked you out, would you say yes? No way, right? A coward who's weaker than you has no right to stand beside you You yourself would never allow that. A coward isn't good enough for you. Not for Aiz Wallenstein"

All the insults came from Bete's mouth. Unable to bear it any longer, Bell ran out of the Hostess of Fertility, leaving Aqua Familia behind. But shortly after, Hestia and Syr immediately chased after Bell.

"Hey, you damn wolf! What's your problem? Why do you keep saying Bell is weak, weak, and weak? What's your issue with him?"

Megumin couldn't stand listening to Bete and decided to confront him directly.

"HUHH? Who are you? Are you a friend of that tomato kid? You look really weak. Hahaha, weak people are always friends with other weaklings!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?? Are you looking for a fight??"

Megumin was furious; she couldn't accept being called weak by someone she didn't know.

Bete was provoked by Megumin and slowly approached the table where Aqua Familia was eating.

Mia Grand, a dwarf standing 180 cm tall, sensed that a fight was about to break out in her pub and tried to stop them. However, Loki stopped her.

"Wait, Owner, can you do me a favor? This looks interesting; I'll cover all the damages."

Mia Grand watched with a suspicious gaze, but she decided to stay silent and see what would happen. Normally, she was very strict, even with her own goddess, Freya. But seeing Loki ask for a favor, she decided to indulge her selfishness just this once.

Bete slowly approached Megumin. Suddenly, Kazuma downed all his beer and stood in front of Megumin to block Bete.

"Wait a minute, if you want to touch her, you have to get through me first!"

"What the hell are you? Are you also that weak brat's friend?!!!"

"Ah, if that's the case, so what?!!!"

"Heeeh, don't you mind if I say he's weak?!!"

"Not really; the fact is, Bell is weak, but I don't like it when a man belittles another man in front of a woman to boost his own ego."

Kazuma said it with a very irritating smile. He was genuinely provoking Bete to strike first.

"You bastard, are you mocking me?"

"That's right."

Bete was truly furious. He couldn't keep his composure while drunk and was easily provoked by Kazuma's taunts.

Without any hesitation, he immediately launched a kick at Kazuma.

Kazuma, using his "Auto Dodge" skill, was able to evade Bete's attack.

Bete was surprised to see this seemingly weak adventurer dodge his strike.

Then, Kazuma grabbed Bete's leg that was still hanging in the air and used his signature skill.

"Drain Touch!"


Bete screamed in pain and immediately collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Loki Familia and the other adventurers in Hostess Of Fertility couldn't contain their shock at seeing Bete defeated in an instant.

These adventurers were astonished to witness a Level 1 adventurer overpowering a Level 5 like Bete.

Meanwhile, Loki Familia was surprised because they had never heard of or seen this adventurer who defeat Bete, especially since they had just come out of the dungeon.

Despite their shock, all members of Loki Familia instinctively stood from their seats and assumed a ready stance for battle. However, at that moment, none of them were armed. The only ones capable of fighting unarmed were the two Amazoness sisters named Tiona and Tione.

Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness realized that all members of Loki Familia were prepared for a full-scale fight. They also stood and assumed their combat stances, but Kazuma stopped them.

"Everyone, sit down calmly in the back; let me handle this,"

Kazuma said before pulling out a mask and putting it on. The mask was black and white with small stars beneath its eye holes.

This mask was the Mass-Produced Vanir Mask. This mask raises magical abilities, increases blood flow, and gives the user's skin a healthy glow on the full moon. And now was the perfect time.

"That mask... be careful, he's using a magic item,"

a green-haired high elf named Riveria warned her fellow familia members.

"Don't worry, leave this to us!"

Tiona and Tione stepped forward to represent Loki Familia.

"Oooh, so now the girls are stepping up. Just remember this, I'm an advocate of true gender equality; I'm a man who would even dropkick a girl in the ass. Don't think I'll go easy on you."

Tiona and Tione ignored him and jumped to attack Kazuma simultaneously. But Kazuma easily dodged it.

After that, Tiona and Tione each attacked from Kazuma's left and right, yet none of their attacks landed on him.

They tried to attack Kazuma repeatedly until they were out of breath, but Kazuma remained untouched.

"Hahahaha, hahahahaha, is this the quality of the strongest Familia in Orario? Disappointing, very disappointing!!!"

"Now it's my turn, Double Steal!!!"

Kazuma extended both of his hands, the left hand towards Tiona and the right hand towards Tione. Both of his hands glowed, and soon after, the light disappeared.

Tiona and Tione closed their eyes, unsure of what would happen to them. After that, they realized something had vanished from them.

Kazuma then slowly opened both of his hands, revealing a plain white underwear in his left hand and a black underwear in his right hand.


Kazuma then shouted loudly, spinning the underwear in his hands high above his head.











All the adventurers in the Hostess Of Fertility fell silent for a moment. Who would have thought that Tiona and Tione could be humiliated by a Level 1 adventurer?

The entire Aqua Familia could only hold back their embarrassment at Kazuma's antics.

Meanwhile, Loki Familia was even more shocked as they witnessed that this unknown adventurer defeated one Level 5 adventurer and embarrassed two Level 5 adventurers in front of the public.

"Damn it!!! Give us back our underwear!!!"

Tiona and Tione jumped simultaneously, trying to reclaim their underwear.

Kazuma quickly reacted upon realizing someone was trying to attack him.'

"Oops, not so easy!'"


Wire made of adamantite shot out from Kazuma's hands and bound Tiona and Tione simultaneously.

"After that, Freeze!!!'

In this restrained condition, Tiona and Tione received Kazuma's magic attack, but it had no effect due to their Abnormal Resistance skill.

'Oh, it doesn't work, huh? Then feel this!'"

"Drain Touch!!"



Even though Tiona and Tione had Abnormal Resistance and high Vitality as Amazoness, they were still powerless against Kazuma's Drain Touch. After a while, they lost consciousness in front of him.


Kazuma kept laughing uncontrollably, caught up in the moment after successfully defeating the three adventurers from Loki Familia.

"Come on, who else wants to step up!'"

"Hearing Kazuma's challenge, Aiz tried to step forward to face him.

But just as she took a step, The Captain of Loki Familia "Finn" stopped her.

"Stop, Aiz. He's a strong opponent.'


"Ooh, so you're the famous Sword Princess, Aiz Wallenstein. Even though Bell likes you, I won't hold back against you. Don't forget, I'm an advocate of true gender equality."

"Loki, look at this. What should we do?"

Finn looked at the worsening situation, leaving the final decision to Loki.

"Ugh, how was I supposed to know it would turn out like this?"

Loki clicked her tongue, trying to shrug off responsibility.

"Ooh, so you're the one named Loki!"

Kazuma looked Loki up and down, trying to size her up.

"That's right. What's it to you?"

Loki replied back to Kazuma.

After taking a good look at Loki, Kazuma finally realized something was off.

"Female? Isn't Loki supposed to be a guy? Are you some kind of fake Loki?"

Kazuma relied on his knowledge from Earth, bluntly expressing what he thought.

Loki, upon hearing this, immediately got angry when a human doubted her identity, especially when that human thought she supossed to be a man.

"Damn it, how dare you question my identity... You... what Familia are you from?!!!"

"Me? I'm Satou Kazuma, the captain of Aqua Familia!!"

"Aqua Familia, huh? Good!! Then it's settled! War Game!!! A War Game between Loki Familia and Aqua Familia!!"

(To Be Continued)