
To Live is to Sell

Rousing from his sleep Domnus had a crick in his neck from sleeping in the chair. With a stretch and a twist of his head Domnus thought he was good enough to get back out to the dungeon entrance. He needs to pay for his house so he needs to make so more money.

After grabbing his bag Domnus looked over to Bell to see him still fast asleep. The bed he was sleeping in was probably the most comfortable thing that Bell had ever slept in.

Of course Bell had to be woken up to go to the dungeon. And if his internal alarm clock wouldn't wake him up Domnus would have to do the job. Thinking of the best thing to do the job Domnus had a genius idea and grabbed a bell from his bag.

Why wouldn't the best way to wake up Bell be a bell? Holding the bell along with a small stick Domnus lightly tapped the two together making a small ringing sound. Unfortunately this only momentarily caused Bell to roll in the bed before falling back to sleep.

A bit annoyed Domnus smashed the two bells together making a powerful tong the echoed off the walls of the room. To this noise Bell jumped straight up at of bed.

"What's wrong?" Bell asked Domnus confused.

"You and I have work to do!" Domnus said grabbing Bell by his shirt, "Now get up and change, you've been wearing the same clothes for a few days now.

"I don't have any other their clothes," Bell admitted.

"Go tell Hestia that when you get back, okay?" Domnus said to Bell, "Now put on your armor and go!" Domnus said with a smile throwing Bell out of bed.


After getting to the dungeon Bell went inside the dungeon while Domnus set up his shop.

After setting up his stand Domnus sat down to think of what to show off. Thanks to the church being redone money is a much bigger issue. So something shiny that will draw people in.

With an ingenious idea, Domnus reached into his bag and pulled out the lucky coin from his bag.

While its use is to get more money, it's supposed to be used on monsters that drop money.

No monster in the dungeon drops money, and even if the lucky coin made money drop from monsters the money it would drop wouldn't be able to be used here.

So it's the perfect thing to sell, it's shiny, he can't use it, and he has a quite a few of them. The problem is convincing a adventurer that it does have a use, but he'll cross that bridge when he gets to is

Putting one of the lucky coins up to show off Domnus then checked his pocket watch and noticed that it was about time.

The sounds of many people running could be heard thumping on the ground. Several adventures were heading to the dungeon, each one a possible customer.

Sitting still Domnus waited for an adventurer to approach his stand. Luckily, he didn't need to wait for long.

"That looks interesting," an adventurer said coming over to Domnus's stand, "What does it do?" The adventurer then asked.

"It," Domnus said thinking, "I'm not quite sure," Domnus responded with a smile, "Yes, I don't know, but you could," Domnus said looking at the adventurer.

"Wait," the adventurer said, "I could figure it out?" he said with a sparkle in his eye.

"Yep!" Domnus said sticking to his idea, "You could figure it out! It could increase your strength ten fold!" Domnus said focusing on the good possibles.

"Oooo," the adventurer said getting mesmerized by the promise of opportunities and the shine of the coin.

"Well, only thirty thousand valis," Domnus said with a smile picking up the lucky coin and flaunting it in front of the adventurer.

"Thirty thousand valis!" The adventurer exclaimed, "That's my entire spending budget for the month," the adventurer said nervously.

"But imagine what could happen with a thing like this?" Domnus said with a wide smile.

"Fine," the adventurer responded cracking to Domnus's pressure, "Thirty thousand valis for the coin," the adventurer then took out a some money and handed it to Domnus.

"Thanks for your business," Domnus said as the new customer walked off with the lucky coin muttering something.

Then a Domnus had a strange feeling in his gut.

'Is this guilt?' Domnus wondered in his mind.

Was he feeling guild for selling an item to an adventurer that Domnus didn't even know what it would do? Did he feel bad about taking so much money for it?

"Wait," Domnus said out loud, "I'm just hungry," Domnus then said.

Domnus then went looking for some food in his bag not willing to get up and buy some at a market.

"Hello," an adventurer in front of Domnus's stand.

"Well hello there," Domnus said siting up straight, "How can I help you?" Domnus asked the adventurer.

The adventurer was a girl with long blonde hair and oddly long socks that reached from her feet to a little above her knee.

"I would like," the adventurer started to say before looking at a sheet of paper, "A infinity sided dice," she reads off the paper.

"Wait," Domnus said pointing at the adventurer, "Are you part of the Loki familia?" Domnus accused the adventurer.

"Yes, why do you ask?" the adventurer said confused.

"I am not and will never be selling the infinity sided dice!" I say loud enough so anyone who might be listening could hear me.

"Darn it!" I hear as Loki comes out from where she was hiding.

"You will never get your hands on it!" I tell Loki as she storms off.

"Shut up!" Loki yells back as she walks to somewhere that is not Domnus's problem.

"So," Domnus said turning back to the customer, "Is there anything else you would like?" Domnus says putting on a smile.

"I heard you sell potions," the adventurer said.

"Yes I do," Domnus said proudly, "Which type do you need?" Domnus then asked.

"I need something to recover health," the adventurer said to Domnus.

"Any specifics for the strength of the healing?" Domnus asked the adventurer, "The stronger the more costly,"

"Best one you have," the adventurer replied.

Knowing exactly what to get Domnus went into his bag and pulled out a red bottle with three yellow stripes on it.

"One super healing potion! That will be twenty five thousand valis," Domnus said putting the potion on the stand.

"Here you are," the adventurer said putting the valis on the table and taking the potion.

"Thank you for your business," Domnus said getting no reply from the adventurer.

Domnus then reached into his bag finally able to grab some cooked porkchops and take a bite