
Something Odd

"That can't be right," Loki exclaimed.

"I'm sorry goddess but this is all we could find" one of their top familia members says.

"This can't be all," she mumbled.

Loki had been trying to find out about Domnus, she had her familia members ask around the city to see if anyone knew Domnus previously.

Some of the members traveled to other towns to see if Domnus lived near, or if someone he knew lived near.

But almost nothing came up. The only information Loki found was that Domnus traveled to a town, sold a few things, asked the way to Orario, and disappeared as fast as he arrived.

She even planned on personally asking around the familia to see if they previously knew a man with blue eyes, or was it brown? Maybe they were green?

Come to think of it she couldn't remember what hair color, or face shape he had.

The only thing Loki could remember about his looks is that he was average looking.

However, his looks didn't have anything to do with his past so she pushed it to the back of her mind.

Almost everyone in the city Loki could find someone who knew them when they were younger. But no one knows where, or when, Domnus was born.

If Loki was able to find he was born she could work forward to maybe find out where his stuff comes from. Specially that infinity die and that healing potion sold her Ais.

There was an accident down in the dungeon which left one of her familia members in an extremely worrying state.

A bolder hit them directly on the head, they were knocked out with their skull crushed and blood coming out of the top of their head.

Their breathing was ragged and their eyes unfocused. Everyone there thought that death was absolute.

Then Ais forced the potion down his throat, and in an instant he was back to normal.

There was no visible signs of healing, he just drank the potion and then was healed.

Loki wished to give the bottle to someone to research it, but Ais told her as soon as the potion left the bottle, the bottle disappeared from her hand.

The whole experience was so strange that Ais could barely describe it to Loki.

The only reason Loki believed it was because it was Ais who told it to her. Because of this Loki wanted to find out how to make such an incredible potion.

Previous to her investigation, she had heard Domnus's meetings with Freya and Hephaestus. This lead Loki to not ask Domnus outright for how he made the potion, for he would say something like "Merchants secret" and not tell her.

But Loki was thinking at this point to ask Domnus all of her questions seeing that nothing had come up.

"Goddess Loki?" One of her familia members asked opening the door to her office.

"Yes?" Loki responded snapping out of her thoughts.

"There's an adventurer who seems to know the person who you're looking for," the familiar member said.

"Send them in," Loki said a bit desperate for information.

"Hello?" The adventurer said coming to the office.

"Hello, please sit down and explain how you know Domnus," Loki said annoyed.

"So that's his name," the adventurer mumbled, "I didn't see him, but I did see something scary and weird," the adventurer said.

"Explain," Loki pressed.

"I used to be part of the army in Rakia and was part of the Ares familia, but I left for personal reasons," the adventurer said.


"DRESS IT UP" my commander yelled calling us in order.

We were training as usual, I was tired and ready to head home, the same feeling was spread around to everyone.

The very strict commander wasn't even yelling at us when we swayed out of line, or coughed too loud. He even had a bit of a slouch.

Suddenly during our normal routine someone else's footsteps could be heard from behind.

It was odd, we were stoped as no steps should have been taken. Not to mention that citizens aren't aloud in training.

Moving around now would most likely get us yelled at, even when the commander was tired, so no one turned towards the noice except the commander.

When the commander saw who it was he straightened his back immediately and his eyes shot fully open.

"MEN, SPLIT DOWN THE MIDDLE" he called out.

Following his orders in confusion we all made a path down the middle, with me being on one of the edges facing the middle.

In fear and curiosity I waited for whatever was walking down the middle to reach me.

Finally, my dread dissipated when I saw why we split the line. It was just some guy walking with a weird backpack.

However, the commander seemed to be spooked enough for me to be weary of him.

Then he stoped where he was a turned towards me, and then started walking towards me.

Every step the man took put more and more dread in my heart.

What level was he? What skills did he have? What has he done?

"Excuse me," the man asked right in front of me, "Orario is this way right?" he asked pointing the way he was already walking.

"Yes sir!" I responded trying to be as respectful as possible.

"Ah, thought so" the man replied, "Thank you," and he continued on his way.

The man slowly walked out of sight with the commander watching him the whole way.

"At ease, go home" the commander says without any power in his voice, "I need to report this to Lord Ares," the commander mumbles before walking away.

The rest of us sat in formation bewildered at what had just occurred.


"And what did Domnus do to earn that reputation?" Loki asked worried.

"I don't know, but whatever he did scared Ares enough to ban people going to Orario for a while,"  the adventurer responded.

"So how did you get here?" Loki then asked.

"Time passed, the ban was lifted and I traveled here and joined the Soma familia," the adventurer replied.

"You may leave now," Loki said annoyed.

"Can't even pay me for my help," the adventurer muttered before leaving.

In truth the reason Loki didn't pay the man for his help was because he didn't help. Loki ended up with more questions than answers about Domnus.

Not to mention what he did in Rakia that could even scare a numbskull like Ares.

Perhaps some interrogating needs to be done to Domnus so something will start to make sense.