
Orario, city of dreams

Dirt crunches against his boots walking on a path to Orario. This man was going there to make his dream come true. With some old boots and a very large pack on his back. He lived a poor life before this one. A life where he died with not a penny to his name, and the clothes off his back stolen by his family. But now, he can make a name for himself. A name in the city of Orario. He knows he's in a anime world, he traveled when he was alive, not legally but that is neither here nor there.

When traveling he looked through othered windows to watch their TVs when he was board. The best house to do that was in Japan of all places. It was because it belonged to a dead girl, he may of needed to learn Japanese but it was worth it to watch that show behind the window. When he was reincarnated, he had now idea until he heard of the name of this city. Knowing it was where the main character lived, it must be a city of great prosperity. It could be a city where he could stake his name.

Quickly snapping out of his thinking before he smacked into something in line, almost loosing his balance while stopping. Seeing the long line in front of him, the merchant knew that it was going to be a minute. However, for Orario it would be worth it. With the sun high in the sky the merchant waited.


The sun was setting and the merchant was tired. Seeing the person in front of him move into the city, the man mustered up all of his energy to talk to the guard to get into the city.

"Name please," the guard asked looking at a piece of paper.

"Domnus" the merchant said "Domnus Dawson" the merchant said with a smile ready to get through the large gates.

"Reason for coming here" the guard said still not looking at Domnus.

"Merchant, to adventurers specificity" Domnus said almost feeling a nice bed.

"Ok, to do that you need to be certified to sell to adventurers," said the guard tired as well.

"Got it I'll do it tomorrow have a good night!" Domnus said running through the gate.

Now usually you're supposed to pay the guard and check the bag. But Domnus was the last person for this guard before he switches, so he let him go so the guard could clock out faster.

Running through the city, it looked beautiful. Domnus's sore legs reminded him that there is a bet to get too. Balancing his bag on his shoulders,  Domnus kept going forward to find a place to sleep the soreness away.

Unfortunately it was a bit too late and if an inn hadn't closed up already it was full with people. Going into the middle of town, there was a large fountain. Pulling out a spare valis from his pocket, Domnus flipped it into the fountain wishing for good fortune.

Turing around, Domnus began to setup a small resting space. Putting down his bag and opening it down the middle the bag split into two parts. One the holder where his items were, and the other side a stand where he planed to sell his items. Sliding into the bottom of the stand, there was a little place where he could sleep. Sliding under Domnus made himself comfortable before closing the bag to block out any sun. Domnus then took out a small wooden clock, and set an alarm. Closing his eyes he fell asleep, not knowing that something was sleeping next to his little hideout as well.


With the ringing of the alarm Domnus's eyes snapped open to turn it off. With a stretch he went to open the bag to get out, there was some resistance. There was something blocking him! Pushing harder whatever it was moved out of the way, getting out to see who it was Domnus saw an odd sight.

It was a young white haired boy, asleep. It seemed that the white haired boy was sleeping, and the pushing just rolled him over. Pulling his hands to his side, Domnus began to grab his two curved sickles. Before he could do anything the boys eyes snapped open.

"I'm so sorry!" the red eyed boy apologized bowing up and down.

"It's fine" Domnus replied, he was thinking about hitting the boy, but the apology was too authentic to stay mad.

"Actually I have a question" Domnus asked with the boy looking at him, "Do you know where I can register to sell to adventurers?" Domnus asked.

"Yes!" the boy replied, "Back there," he pointed, "The registration is over there for both adventurers and merchants."

"Thank you!" Domnus said walking away with the boy following him.

"What's your name?" the boy asked.

"Domnus, yours?" Domnus asked in return.

"Bell, nice to meet you!" The Bell said in response.

"So where are you heading?" Domnus asked Bell.

"Oh, I'm checking in if a God or Goddess has come down so I can be an adventurer." Bell said with a smile, "It's my life long dream."

"Here" Domnus said grabbing a necklace from his bag and tossing it to Bell, "A thank you for the information"

Caching it Bell looked at it, the string was nothing to talk about, but the main part of the necklace looked pricey. It was a small thing, square head with what looked like emerald eyes, and a large nose that went down over the mouth.

"A little information is not worth this!" Bell said holding it delicately in his hands.

With a laugh Domnus responded, "Don't worry it won't break too easily, it's just a good luck charm I made." Domnus finished walking away with a pep in his step. Bell followed while tucking the necklace down his shirt and following Domnus to the sign up center. Domnus was hoping it to be easy, only time will tell.