
A Goddess

Once more time started to tic by. After seeing that Loki visited some other adventures came over to check his products. He sold two more shields and the person who bought the story book came back to buy another. This time it was a book about a man called Peter Pan. He made much more profit than the previous day which brought a smile to Domnus's face.

With about ten thousand valis in his pocket Domnus saw that the time to meet Bell was fast approaching. Packing up his stand Domnus began to set off before he was stopped by an adventure in a cloak.

"Business going well?" the cloaked man asked.

"Yes, thanks for asking, now I must be on my way." Domnus replied trying to leave, when the adventurer pulled out a sword.

"Great, now please give me your bag and all of your money," the adventurer said trying to make some extra cash.

"As a merchant I will make a deal with you." Domnus said walking closer to the cloaked adventurer, "If you leave, you keep your arm if you don't, I'll cut it off" Domnus said with a smile on his face.

"Stop messing with me and give me the goods!" The adventurer exclaimed.

"Well, your loss," Domnus said before pulling out his two curved sickles on each side of him.

Taking this as a fight, the cloaked adventurer ran at Domnus guessing that the bag would weigh his movement down. He guessed wrong.

While the adventurer was charging, Domnus moved right and swung his blade through the cloaked arm. This severed it from the adventurer and he fell screaming in pain.

"A pleasure doing business with you" Domnus said putting his weapons away and heading over to meet with Bell.


As Domnus was walking over slightly late, he noticed that there was someone else talking to Bell. A girl in fact, Domnus then put a slight smirk on his face wondering what he can say to tease Bell. But as Domnus got closer he saw who the girl was, it was a goddess.

"May I ask who are you?" Domnus asked gaining the attention of Bell and the goddess.

"I am goddess Hestia" the goddess replied getting up from the fountain, "And who are you?" Hestia asked.

"I am Domnus Lady Hestia," after introducing himself Domnus then turned to Bell, "Good job!" he whispered with a thumbs up.

Bell smiled as a result. Realizing what this means Domnus began to look downtrodden.

"I guess the house is going to be a bit more empty now," Domnus said to the confusion of both Hestia and Bell.

"What do you mean?" Bell asked Domnus wondered why his friend was looking kind of sad.

"Well now your must move to the house of your goddess with the rest of the familia," Domnus said putting a hand on Bell, "Hope you well do well, and remember to buy from me ok?" he told to Bell.

"Well," Hestia said butting into the conversation, "I don't have a base of operations just yet," Hestia admitted.

From this Domnus picked up two different things. First, Hestia most likely doesn't even have a place to stay. Second she used 'I' instead of 'we' meaning that she's the only one in her familia as of now.

"Oh my gods," Domnus said pointing at Hestia, "Your a new goddess with nothing trying to take advantage of Bell aren't you,"

"What! I am not," Hestia said trying to defend herself, "I may be a new goddess but I will not take advantage from a soon to be part of my familia," Hestia said proudly.

"I'm guessing you're going to live in our house though," Domnus asked while Hestia crumbled a bit, "And eat out food?" Hestia crumbled a bit more under the pressure.

"I though a goddess had picked up Bell," Domnus said looking away from Hestia, "But it seems like Bell picked up a Goddess," 

"Now," Hestia said clearing her throat, "Would you, Domnus, please join the Hestia familia," Hestia asked.

"After all of this you thought I would say yes!?" Domnus asked, "You are not a smart goddess Hestia,"  Domnus added.

"Hey!" Hestia exclaimed, "That is Lady Hestia to you!" Hestia said trying to invoke her right as a goddess.

"Not after trying to take advantage of Bell!" Domnus yelled back, "I ought to send you back to Heaven"

"You would not!" Hestia said.

"Yes I would!" Domnus replied.

No you would not!" Hestia responded

"Yes I would!" Domnus replied

No you would not!" Hestia responded

This went back and forth a few times. Every so often Bell would try to stop it but get ignored by the two not listening and continuing to argue.

"I don't have time for this!" Domnus said pulling himself out of the conversation, "I need to drop off my bag and get some food, unless you want nothing for breakfast and dinner?" Domnus said making both and Bell and Hestia listen to him.

"We will go back to the church, I will drop off my bag and I will leave so you two can do the thing where Hestia gives Bell her blessing, ok?" Domnus said looking at the two.


Heading over to the food stands, Domnus was thinking of what to do with Hestia. She seemed nice enough, other than the whole trying to piggy back off of Bell thing, but with his unstable salary he could take in another freeloader. The good side is that Bell will start adventuring which will pull in some extra cash that would be relatively stable.

However for a while the money pulled in by Bell won't be much because he needs to get used to adventuring. Scratching his chin Domnus wondered what to do. There are plenty of things he could sell for a boat load of valis, but he wouldn't feel morally right selling any of them.

They are items so powerful that just wielding one can make you a world ending threat, and he had plenty of these. But he refuses to use them off of principle, so they sit locked up in his bag.

Shaking his head of those thought, Domnus knew his focus now was getting as much food as he can for the least amount possible.