


Mummy! Mummy!

Please help me. Dad! Is anyone out there?

This place is dark and cold I could barely see anything, I'm scared. Please somebody help me.

My tummy hurts I'm hungry and thirsty and I also need to use the rest room. I tried to push myself up from the floor to a sticky grey rug. I don't remember what happened or where I am. Suddenly I heard a loud foot step from afar.

Thud! Thud!

The sound was getting closer and closer I guess the person is headed here this is my chance to get help, I say. Somebody help me I scream out loud enough for the person to hear me.

The door crashes open. I jerked up from where I was laying.  I saw a huge figure of a man standing at the door staring down at me.

My voice was weak, weak from the scream and cry for help. Who's there plea! Please! I tried to get the words out of my mouth but my throat is patched. I tried stretching my hand out to him for help but there he was staring at me. I wonder what kind of person he is, why am I here with this strange man.

Water! I need water please I say weakly.

I watched him close the door and started approaching me. He sat down on the floor beside me and looked straight into my eyes. I got to see his face clearly he is so handsome. His eyes are enchanting.

He threw a bottle of water at me I quickly picked it up and gulped it down. Now I have strength to talk.

Who are you, why am I here? I ask.

Please I need to use the toilet am press. I say.

He laughed. His laughter echoed in the empty room. It was so melodious I wish he never stopped but then it was annoying as well. I wonder why he laughed when I made mention of using the toilet.

Crazy son of a bitch. I mumbled

"What was that?" He asks.


Just get me out of here. Somebody help me I scream, louder this time.

"Scream all you want baby girl, nobody will hear you".

I managed to get myself off the floor and I headed towards the door but there he is putting up a very annoying smirk. I have no idea what's going on through his mind. I reached the door grabbed the handle but suddenly I felt his strong hand wrapped around my arm and there I was crashing to the floor.

"Shit! What the fuck do you think you are doing? You crazy fucked up bitch."

He hit me on my stomach and I hit my head on the wall. My head hurts.

"Don't you ever try pulling that stunt with me, you are here to stay. If you try to be smart ever again around me you will definitely surfer."

He hit me again and again I let out a loud scream followed with tears.

I've been working on this for a very long time, I can only keep on if I get your support and encoutagement, which I hope to get from y'all. thanks in advance

Parisaacreators' thoughts