
Dangerous Ceo's Wife: Behind The Mask

Min Jung quickly took cover behind a tree as she caught sight of some men with a cars in front of her house, this wasn't the first time they visited this month but they had never come at night and tonight, they were carrying weapons some of which she had never seen before Her first instinct was to hide "I can't give you the land, I've told you before, it's a family inheritance" Min Jung could hear everything they said, she looked at the man in suit in his 40's he looked like the boss and he had talked with her father without an ounce of respect "You can't give it, you or you won't" I'm sorry Sir, I would appreciate it if you left my family and my property alone, we don't want any trouble, Min Jung's father said with a shaky voice, the looks of the man and the men that came with him were enough to make anyone pee on their pants "Too bad we won't be having this conversation again" "Really?" Kim Ju Won asked with excitement as his eyes widened holding the hands of his wife firmly. If they ever said not giving up for what you strongly believe yields good results, he felt he had seen it first hand He couldn't help but feel excited "Yes, dead people tell no tales" Park Kija said as the smile on the face of Ju Won died immediately "Whaaat do...you mean by that?" he asked stammering "Kill them" he ordered Jong Si Woo stepped forward with a small dagger, slowly walking towards Kim Dae, Min Jung's mother, "No, No please don't kill me I beg of.. You.. Before she could complete her sentence he slit her throat as her blood kept gushing out with her life slowly sipping out "Haaa" Min Jung exclaimed holding her mouth immediately so she won't scream out loud as hit tears dropped from her eyes "Haaasaaaaaaa, Haaaaaaa" Ju Won screamed in anguish Holding his wife that was almost lying helplessly on the ground, "Its okay, you won't be alive to grieve for long" Park Kija said with an evil smile "I hate you!!!!, you are going to die a slow and painful death, you will die miserable, you will die!!!!!!" He screamed in pain, "Dae, Dae open your eyes, open your eyes please Dae don't do this to me, Dae!!!" She managed to speak but all he could hear was Min Jung, she was worried about Min Jung Kija looked at him on the floor holding his wife whose life was slowly sipping away "You shouldn't have said that, you shouldn't" "Throw them inside the house" Jong Si Woo and Li Seok carried pushed them both inside the house "What...what are you doing" "I am giving you your family's inheritance, perhaps you could live here forever, you need to feel what it's like to die a slow and painful death" "Hyaaah you can't do this, we did nothing wrong" he screamed in tears Min Jung was faint in fear, as tears and sweat formed a good mixture on her face, with her hands perfectly covering her mouth as she watched everything from behind the tree, her father taught her better than expose herself in the face of danger "You did everything wrong by not giving up this place which is a good thing as you would have to live here forever" "Burn this place to the ground!!" he ordered as Li Seok walked quickly to the boot of the car to get gasoline Min Jung eyes widened as more tears flowed freely down her cheeks, her heart rate tripled, if she was calm enough to listen she might have heard her own heart beating Soon a huge fire was all Min Jung could see as she heard her father screamed Let me out, help!!! Somebody help, she looked at the man under the bright moon light in disdain His crooked teeth was hard to miss, and the tattoo in the arm of the two men that accompanied him was equally hard to miss, it was exactly same just in different areas of their body. Chairman Park walked away from the building slowly as he felt a sudden movement behind the leaves "Check!! someone's there" Its a little girl, should we kill her He looked at her, she was all sweaty and scared. "Knock her out we've shed enough blood for one day"

Shu_Lee · Urban
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13 Chs

Seo Jun

Man Shik was deep in thoughts when he heard his phone ring, the last thing he wanted was a disturbance of any sort

"Who could that be?" he thought to himself moving closer to the centre table to pick the phone call.

It was Seo Jun,

"Hyaaahh, loser bachelor, where are you?!" he asked with excitement in his voice

"Pfttt bigger loser, why are you calling me by this time of the day, why don't you go visit some shit hole in the UK" Man Shik responded

"Oh, you mean shit hole in Korea?! Yes I'm back dumb dumb" he said which made Man Shik laugh

"You're still you, you haven't changed a bit and that's a good thing, crap"

They chuckled once again...

"Good to have you back man"

"Good to be back he responded, I suppose you would be free tonight, I'm hosting a welcome party at the club tonight and you must be there"

"Arrrggg Seo Jun I don't think I'll make it for the party"

And what would you be doing than attending the most important event this night?"

"Be ready by 7:00 pm and prompt?" he said with a form voice


"No buts, you will be at the party and that's final, I don't care how you do it but you just get ready by 7:00"

"Okay.." he said in resignation, he knew it was pointless arguing with Seo Jun, he was positive that even if he didn't want to go, Seo Jun was willing to drag him from outer space to the earth for his party if that was necessary.

"You don't sound too sure, there is something else I'll like to add"

"There will be booze and girls, hot girls since you are going to be a married man soon I think you should have some fun while you still can," he said mockingly

"Get over yourself perv," he said with a frown between his brows, that was one thing that he didn't want to hear, he was so pissed about the fact that he was going into a marriage of convenience plus he hadn't even met the girl before and he was expected to like her and get married to her.

All his family cared about was the business deals and the marriage alliance that came with it, he had someone in the family in charge of every aspect of the wedding, it was really strange because he was going to get married in a month and he had no idea who he was going to get married to.

If there was anything he needed more at this point was that outing with his cousin

"Fine I'll come with you, but you would have to come to pick me up else you'll have to go alone," he said

Yayy!!! Now the party begins he said smiling

"Alright see you later" he hung up before Seo Jun could say another word, his cousin was crazy but he was still his best relative.

He threw the ball to the wall and caught it back, he did that 5 times before stopping finally, he had figured out how to balance the accounts but not how to cancel the wedding

"Little progress is still progress," he said to himself standing up to leave the Park Corporation building, his cousin was going to rain fire and sulphur if he wasn't home by 6:30 pm"

He took the private elevator and informed his driver to get the car ready, soon he felt a rush of sadness as he thought of his mother, all she was facing in the hands of that demon of a father he had.

But to make things bearable for her, he had to comply with his father's wishes, his younger brother from the concubine was even more detestable to him.

Sometimes he wished they all disappeared from the face of the earth.

He entered the car and drove off straight to Park mansion, it was located in the heart of Seoul, the decorative flowery patterns was the cardinal feature of the Parks mansion, it could have easily become a site of exhibition.

The driver parked in front of the golden water fountain in the Park Estate where the mansion was located, the fountain was made of pure gold lined with the finest of diamonds, the worth of the fountain alone was more than that of some families one would consider elite.

He came down from the car and walked inside the house, finding his father sitting on the white coloured couch with silver designs on the edges or the armchair, it was his favourite hence he was always seated on that chair most especially when he needed to seat and think a little

He walked straight to his father, bowing politely and dropping a greeting

"Good evening Dad, Mother" he turned to give his mother a slight kiss on her forehead.

"You look pale, have you had anything to eat?" he asked with so much concern in his voice.

His mother nodded her head sitting on her wheelchair, feeling very weak.

"Mother mother!!!" He said kneeling gently in front of her wheelchair when he noticed his mother's head was slightly tilted to the left side

He cupped her chin with both hands and she jerked back to life.

"I'm fine Man Shik!" She managed to say with a shaky voice