
Dance with the Devil

With their gaze firmly met, Amelia moved her hands to opposite directions pulling at the tunic and ripping it into halves in the process. “Oops” was all Amelia could say as she smiled at him. It was a daring smile that sent chills down Michael’s back. Michael stayed frozen, not daring, no not wanting to move. He wanted to see how far she was willing to go and he was not disappointed. “I guess I have to make it up to you for destroying your shirt” Amelia whispered near his ear before letting her tongue travel to the back of his ear, licking the area and ending her teasing with a small and daring bite. Seeing that her husband was yet to move a finger Amelia knew that this was a challenge. “Let’s see how long you can last in your statue mode,” Amelia said in a husky voice. Her hands then traveled to his neck, lifting his chin to give her more access to her daring tongue. She started kissing his neck with her wet and hot tongue. She wanted to break him. To make him loose control. - - - Official commissioned cover art. Please do not use. Cover art by @arielfriass find artist on ig

Edenn · Fantasie
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36 Chs

Chapter 33: Human Limitations

Horror, pure horror invaded all of Emilia's senses. She could not believe how all this had ended up with her in this situation.

Time seemed to slow down as all of her father's warnings played like a film in her mind. She truly thought that she was ready and more than capable for whatever it was that the world would throw at her, but boy was she wrong. The reality of her situation was hitting her like a bucket of cold water. She was now aware of her shortcomings and of the fact that she was an idiot who depended too much on her divine powers. It had never occurred to her that without them she would completely loose herself along with her determination.

"How could I have believe that my strength was enough? I'm so sorry Clementine.." She could only apologize in her heart. Clementine was right to try to stop them from coming here. She knew very well that human limitations are a factor that both Azael and Emilia could not take into consideration because it was something unknown to them. And knowing this Clementine had tried to warm them. She knew that having no powers was going to be a shock, an abrupt introduction to a reality that they had no idea how to handle. How arrogant had she been at not listening to the only friend who could truly speak about human mortality.

Coming here, Emilia believed that her mortality was something she could survive, overcome even, but she was oh so wrong and now as the last spark of hope left her eyes she felt a cold calluses finger tracing her jaw.

A feeling of dread masked with disgust invaded her entire body. As she looked up she was met with the lifeless eyes of the demon in front of her. His empty gaze voided of all emotions, but one. This one emotion did something to her that was beyond fright. It brought her a deep revulsion and a feeling of anticipation and emptiness in the pit of her stomach for something that she knew was to come.

Feeling his cold fingers trailing down her neck she could not bare take her eyes away from his. She looked like a real porcelain doll paralyzed due to the horror that awaited her and the disbelief of this turn of event.

When his cold fingers reached her collarbone it was a if Emilia was jolted back and her senses were regained. In a faint voice akin to a whisper her lips released a firm "NO".

"No?" the demon asked in a mocking tone. "I don't think you have a choice. Now be a good girl or don't. I actually prefer it rough."

And before Emilia could react to his sinister, wicked answer he grabbed her by the neck and pushed her to the ground.

His grip on her neck was fierce, strong and casual. It almost looked as if this was something he was used to doing.

Emilia immediately reached for his tight grip on her neck trying to loosen it up. Seconds ticked by and she started having a hard time breathing. The air was not coming in. She knew if this kept going she would faint and that was the last thing she wanted.

Seconds, that felt like an eternity ticked by when like a car who was desperate to escape from his predator, Emilia reached over. She extended her arms aiming to scratch him, to scratch his face, his eyes, anything that would give her leverage in this situation. But it did not matter how deep or sharp her scratches were his grip did not looses a bit.

"His eye, focus on the eye," Emilia could hear herself explaining and just like she order herself she used her thumb to poke his eye. She focus all her strength on her one thumb as she knew that this was her last and only chance to get out of this situation.

A few seconds and nothing but then blood. Emilia felt drops of blood traveling down her hand. This encouraged her to keep fighting, to keep her grip strong on his face when a roaring scream erupted from the demon who was on top of her.

It was on instinct that he let go of her throat screaming in pain, "You bitch!" but still he remained kneeled on top of her.

Felling the air return to her lungs Emilia took the opportunity to master all the strength that she could and kneed him right on the groin making him fall to his side. In a second Emilia was freed from the cage his body had created. She did not waste a second as she hurried to stand up, but just before she succeeded something or someone pulled at her hair. It felt as if all her hair was being pulled out from her scalp and then just like that she was back on the floor.

She reached up trying to feel her head, when she noticed the figures surrounding her, laughing at her weak attempt of an escape.

"Did she forget about us?" The sinister, nasally question was coming from the fallen who had stayed behind.