
Dance to your heartbeat

He wasn't looking for love. Well he did once upon his teenage years but... kind of lost it because he didn't have what it takes to keep her around. Sad truth apparently. He didn't expect to meet a woman who has it all, seen it all and still wants him like oxygen to a life in amidst his nightmare. A woman who definitely knows what she wants and take it without a second thought. A blessing in disguise?. "Hey" She called him in a whisper in a dead silent room with just them two inside, naked under the covers, "How?" She asked breathlessly while tracing all the lines on his chest before kissing hardened nipple. "Huh?" The boy asked him with the same state but, the only difference was him being still in his after sex haze and currently turned on. That was the best sex he ever had in his life no offense to his ex. "How does one know if it's love?" She explained before continuing, "How do they know if it's true love to begin with?... How can one know that it's going to last forever? mmh?" Asked the girl expectantly searching for his eyes in the darkness. "Uh..?" The man found himself dumbfounded naturally, like who asks questions like that to a one nightstand?. You want more? Then, all you got to do is put me in your library and let's enjoy this story together ;)

General_Majesty · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 5_-_ Kissing preposition

"You don't want to be my friend?"

"Of course, I don't want that!" Sam blurted out angrily before, running the sentence in his head and the unshed tears in her eyes undid him, "No... I don't really mean that I actually don't...I, its an honor to be your friend because, I do but I just..."

"You just what Sam?"

"I know that this is stupid and I probably will sound more like a dick... not like I have one or yes, I do but, its just a small and quite disappointing organ..." Mumbled Sam frowning, busy contemplating what the heck he was saying and the fact that he always makes a fool of himself in her presence.

"Hey, hey Sam?" Sophie called out to him mercifully getting him out of his misery, holding on to his shaking hands, "Hi"


"You look cute when you're being nervous" Said Sophie smiling up to his face, "Do I make you nervous, Sammy?"

"Yes" Replied Sam releasing the breath he didn't know was holding and after awhile he added, "A whole lot!"

"Would it be weird if I say that I'm relieved you feel that way?"

"No, you're perfect... I'm like the king of weirdos so, believe me when I say you're safe from my race" Said Sam dryly making Sophie burst out laughing.

"That explains why nobody says anything to us being all over each other at the door to the cafeteria"

"They're used to it... I once had a breakdown right over there. Wailing like a baby" Said Sam pointing a step away from the door.

"Oh. My. God! That's scandalous"

"Well, I couldn't come here for weeks after that... nursing my ego and my shameful armour" Said Sam feigning sadness making Sophie cackle some more, "What are you having?"

"I can eat everything except for anything meaty"

"Shocking! Didn't peg you for a vegetarian"

"Hardly a vegetarian" Replied Sophie with a shrug but, continued since it was clear that Sam needed the explanation, "I just hate seeing blood and the thought of my palates being the reason why innocent animals had to die... Let's just say I don't want add to the list of my sins"

"Did I just get traumatized?" Gasped Sam clutching onto his chest dramatically, making Sophie chuckle and hit him on his chest playfully, "Wait for me here while I go and get you your non-meaty lunch"

"That's not a thing by the way"

"Oh... So, now it is. Sorry for the late update, miss Cruz"

With that he left for the buffett smiling like a fool. He felt good being around her. Easy. She makes him happy and though he doesn't really know who he was anymore, she makes him feel like himself and by the way of things going on? He's pretty sure she is enjoying his company too.

"Didn't take you long enough, I see" Sam heard a pissed off voice behind him at the queue.

"Hey Allen" Greeted Sam, all the butterflies dead in his stomach.

"I can't believe I felt sorry for your ass the other day" Said Allen taking the tray from the rack and so did Sam, "A great actor that you were yesterday making Tracy look bad and double timing"

"Aww, And here I thought none of you are ever going to notice my talent before I die"

"Pussy!" Cussed Allen before feigning realization, "Oh my bad, you just have it on the smaller scale, sorry but, I'm curious... Did you tell her that?"

"Oh, Sophie?" Asked Sam the obvious before scoffing, "You can try elaborating on that one to her but, I don't think she minds it though... It turns her on more on the contrary, if you know what I mean. Dick"

"That looked serious" Commented Sophie accepting her tray from his hands.

"Just boys being judgemental pricks" Dismissed Sam with a shrug.

"Oh, this I must hear" Said Sophie, interested.

"You remember me saying that my girlfriend of four years being married to my bestfriend, right?"

"And colleague"

"You're good at this"

"What can I say? I want to know everything about you... good and evil"

"Friends don't do that"

"How would you know when your own best friend married your long term girlfriend?" Deadpanned sophie sipping on her juice, "So, he's that bestfriend?"

"Ray?" Asked Sam with a chuckle, "Nah... Thats Allen. He's just our mutual friend or more like his since today is the longest we ever talked to each other"

"That's sad"

"Do you know the saddest part of all of this?"


"That it doesn't hurt me in the slightest! Well, maybe it did yesterday after finding out that I was betrayed and cheated on behind my back..."

"Wait, wait, wait over there... You want to tell me you didn't know your girlfriend was getting married to your bestfriend before yesterday?"

"Apparently if I didn't enter the office chat group, I wouldn't have known Ray was getting married either"


"Novel, right?"

"So, what's his pain?"

"Jealousy. I mean I get to be sitting here with the most beautiful woman on planet... second to my Mommy though but, yeah"

"Sammy, Are you flirting with me right now?"

"I am?... I... I didn't know... It was just a fact but..."

"I want to kiss you so bad, right now"


"You can say no obviously but, I really want to bite that trembling lip of yours. It's very distracting"


"Okay as in I can kiss you right now, right here, in front of all these many people? Or...?" Asked Sophie in a dangerous low tone, grabbing on to his nape and coming to sit on his lap.

"Please" Whimpered Sam eyes closed, head thrown back. Waiting.

"Please what Sammy?"

"Please, kiss me, right now, right here in front of all these people... Please"

"Oh, baby... Look at how vulnerably you can get for me? A kiss wouldn't be enough to satisfy me, you know but, I'll take what I can get" Said Sophie before touching their lips together, licking on his lower lip, dipping her tongue into his willing mouth before she felt his hands holding her to him, desperately.

For eternity he didn't know where he was nor what he was doing, he just felt electrifyingily good, if that even makes sense.

"God. What are you doing to me, Sammy?" Aggrieved Sophie touching her forehead to his, regulating her breathing but, unlike her the boy beneath her was a mess, with tears falling, face flushed, eyes and mouth slightly open, panting for air. A hot mess indeed.

"What was I thinking?"

"What's wrong? Do you regret kissing me?"

"Hell, No. I can regret my existence but never kissing you"

"Then what's wrong?"

"I can't be just friends with you... I tried to be content with that but, kissing you now made me realize that I'm not strong enough for that"

"I... I ... I can't either"

"You can't what Sammy?"

"I can't be friends with you either" Clarified before continuing, "I like you Sophie... I know, we started off weirdly_"

"I thought you said I'm not weird"

"Well, not at that one time" Replied Sam smiling charmingly at Sophie, "Sophie, we were basically strangers when you hit on me. I mean I don't remember giving you my work address but, here you are"

"Turns out I'm a psycho to boost"

"I don't know where this is going nor how it's gonna end but, I'm sure I don't want a repeat of what I've experienced with Tracy"

"So, we're going to take things slow?"

"Yeah... get to know me more and I really want to know you better, would you like that?"

"That's perfect but, how about kissing and holding hands in public?"

"I thought it was obvious that this decision came from your kiss"

"So, kisses stay?"

"As long as they last"

"I like your way of thinking"

"And I like your way of kissing more, girlfriend"

"Boyfriend? How about blow jobs?" Asked Sophie with a silent excitement when she felt Sam froze, "What's wrong?"