
Zither Sacred Master

He sighed and thought that in 100 days, the Trial Tournament would commence, he had to create at least 20 level 4 Knight Squires for that. Even though that was a passing grade, to win he needed Knight Masters.

He remembers the competitors that were in other Towns far away from him, he wondered how far they had reached and if they had the talent he had.

'Noah Ark. That boy is talented. He mastered Mirro Sieroes and they originated in Eastern Plain according to studies and they were used in fighting and dancing competitions centuries ago. That was not important, it was the fact that it was bodily movement. And Noah has mastered them to perfection. Perhaps I need to improve the Body Prom. But I don't have the funds'

He thought, "Should I sell my kidney? That is the only way for me to get the finding and call upon a Master Prom.'