
Dance Of A Thousand Blades

Shifting Steel Knighthood was considered to be a relatively powerful Knighthood until they were besieged by more than ten knighthoods that had different and complementary techniques. They fought to the death to save their nation, nonetheless, they were outnumbered and unprepared. A 12-year-old, hot-headed, and tantrum-throwing boy was burdened with the mission to save his family and his nation as a whole by gathering bits of ancient items stolen by the invaders and returning them to an ancient ruin where they belonged. Failure to do so will doom everyone in his nation. Sadly, he might be a never-seeing genius but the world is filled with danger that he alone can't explore it.  Coupled with his genius intellect, outstanding battle talent and a talking Portable Tower that serves as a guide, he built his knight squire and embarked on a journey with resolve, dead or alive, to save his people. ****** This world of Knights has a code of living which serves to weaken them and also empower them.

Newbie_Mistake · Aktion
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Rank 0 Knight master can feel they were closed to something profound and they only need a nudge to achieve it. But it will.also deep infinite long. Many became hermit and roam the world in search if salvation while others resort to creat8ng school and try to make something out of it.

Few will turned to dark art as they study and use hideous ways in search of a way for them. In kings landings they were frowned upon and punished or even killed.

"What happened to him now?" Master Jasmir asked.

"He was found out and I was taken away from him!" The two headmaster nodded before Master Jasmine explained, "Quasar Feather came from adult bird and thus it has Its own desired characterise and ways you should before you nurtured it and you. That you have less connection with and also not aiding you! However, yesterday it seem that it needed you in frenzy conditions before you gain it essence!"