
Damon, but my way

Dylan found himself in the body of Damon Salvatore right after he was turned into an immortal instead of a vampire - now Tribrid and he does not give any fucks about what his brother is doing, but is rather concerned about his and scobby gang's future which he will try and get as many minimal casualties as possible. On the way maybe make a castle and save Lorenzo from ever going to Augustine to being with. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oc x OcDamon x ???

MasterShadow · TV
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2 Chs

What a brother I got pt. 2

Stefan Salvatore has a pretty normal day today. He just finished drinking a man dry and ripping his head off. So pretty basic ripper Saturday afternoon.

He is on his way to Chicago to get some life from the blood of the party humans. He just had a 'pleasant' with his brother, and let just say that the few words that they exchanged in their conversations resulted in him relapsing back into his ripper phase again.

He pick the man up a threw him with the rest of the pile of his victims. He smiled at his masterpiece. The blood on his clothing matched perfectly with his colors and he can't help but admire the style.

If Lexi were here, she couldn't but help be....disappointed, be very disappointed. But what she doesn't know won't make her mad. He won't tell that he met Damon. If she found out that he went to see his brother without her, she'll be pissed.

The whole trip to see him was a waste anyway. He went to tell his brother about his discovery about soulmates, but before he could get a full sentence out his mouth, he punched him. and from there, anyone can guess which direction the meeting went.

Still, Stefan wants to tell Damon about soulmates, no scratch that, Damon's soulmates. He found one of his soulmates three years before his sibling encounter and let just say even with her you can't get a word in without getting faced punched. At least now he knows that they are a match made in heaven or possibly hell.

Stefan felt a shiver up his spine just thinking about her. She was a really powerful, scared supernatural creature. She makes the legends about the Originals seem like a bedtime story you tell babies. Glad it is also a myth that somehow coming to life

He only felt lucky to be able to find her weakness use it to slow her down just enough for him to slip out of her vines. She hated vampires, and werewolves, witches, and hu... you know, she hate contact with anyone in general. The dead-dead corpses of different supernatural species that were burned in from of him didn't need to come back to make it clear that she was powerful, he's not stupid.

Thought that makes him wonder, How will Damon deal with her?

No one knows what Damon will handle her when he meets her. And if he dies, she did the world a favor.

Damon POV

All I see is dust. Dust flying everywhere. It blocks any light that comes through, so much so that you would think it is night if not for the occasional flash of light.

"I am - "

I hear voices. Very loud voices. Some much so that it sounds almost like they are in my head. The speed of the wind is accelerating. I am most floating off the ground. The dust is starting to glow. Now they are diming again. They are going ag... they are flashing, but each time with a different color. I can see which ways the dust going and it is being collected at the center in a circle.


There is the voice again. It's very loud, and creepy, though I didn't have time to complain because of the loud click echo through this vast sand, dust Terrence. I was now running to the center to the flashy dust. Desperate to get to a safe clearing. As I was running. I heard it.

"I am - "

Wait I know that voice? It's...


"What? Who talking?" I asked the voice. Something didn't feel right with me. I am tied to a chair and I don't even know why. I feel like there is something wrong with my brain. It feels in a way split in half.

["You not wrong the space here is split in half. there is now a barrier."]

"What the fuck who are you. I am not asking again. And also answer how did you know what I was thinking." I asked the voice. I looked around the area I am being held captive. There is nothing but lit candles. I didn't see anyone who could have spoken.

["Come on Jackson. That hurts now. Come on you know me."]

"Jackson who? Names Damon Salvatore." I resorted. How did I end up here? I was just drinking a passer bye after snapping Stefan's neck and passed out from what? Heart stroke? Vampires don't have hearts. But then again when it is taken out of our body were truly die. Ironic.

["Wait. You're not Jackson?"]

There it is - the voice. I can hear the hint of worry coming from it. I tried to use vampire hearing to hear its owner's heartbeat. I can't pick it up with my vampire hearing. Wait.

"I want you guys to help me get answers from the witches about what he is. I know they aren't in the most -"

My vampire hearing has gotten better than ever I could hear them talking. I tried to listen closer, and instead, I have a very vague mapping of the place in my head. That is new.

I haven't missed with my brother long enough for him to kill himself so I need to get out of here to do it.

I first tried to get out of these binds. It seems that they are weak no loss no I just stronger. What is going on?

["Jackson I need you to wake up. I'll try to break the barrier okay?"]

"Shut the fuck up." I hissed at the voice. It is so close but yet so far. He is going to blow my cover for me.

["Glad we are on the same page. Okay starting."]

I started to feel a sting in my head. It was repetitive. What is going on? Is the voice in my head?

Stop it. STOP. STOP!!! I kept thinking loudly in my head.

["Almost there Jackson it's almost breached."]

It going on and on.

Is this Stefan's doing? He is going to get hell as payment for this.

It went on continuously until I felt something. The headache went away. As well as the constant banging. Thank god.

["Oh yeah thank him. While I did all the painstaking work and helped you break the mind barrier, Gods take all the credit. Every time, "] he complains

Okay, I don't know who - no wait. I know who you are? Wait I know why I'm here.

At that moment, memories flooded in or back to me I don't know it was confusing. It's like I - Damon got memories of a guy named Dylan Jackson. But it is also like this time Dylan got memories of Damon Salvatore.

It is scary. Though it is not as scary as the fact that both realized through the memories of each that I am a fictional character in a Tv show that Dylan watched.

["You couldn't just stick with one shit at a time, can't you?"]