


"Did you miss me, baby"

I saw Ellen on my bed. She got up and came to hug me.

I kissed her lips.

"When did you return?" I asked

"I returned this evening and decided to pay you a visit because I missed you so much"

"Ok let's go to bed now I have a lot going on here, "I said and she nodded and we headed to bed.

Ellen is my girlfriend of two years now. She's a model so that means she's not usually here with me. She was in Paris a week ago for a photoshoot and returned today.

I woke up and took my bath and went to the dining room to have my breakfast.

Franca, Ave, Channel and Toni were all here seated at the table.

"Good morning" I greeted and sat down.

"Morning" They responded and engaged in a conversation and suddenly they stopped and glared at someone behind me.

"Oh no the witch is back" Avía murmured.

I looked behind me and saw Ellen. I rolled my eyes at what Avía said.

"Good morning" she greeted but no one replied.

"Why does our morning have to be ruined, "Franca said.

"Shut up Franca"

Let you know. All my siblings don't like Ellen. They keep saying she's a gold digger and is after my money why will someone with money want mine.

Keisha walked in and served the food but Ellen didn't get served.

"Hey there you maid where is my food"

"Sorry miss but master didn't tell me he was expecting a guest so I made only for them" she's still in on this master thing. She should stop it makes me feel like some old highschool teacher.

Stupid boy, you told her to call you that you jackass.

"I'm not a guest in this house I'm his girlfriend so serve me now"

"Ok miss"

She said and walked away.

"You take my food I do not feel like eating, "Franca said and got up.

"Me too"

"Me three"

"Me four"

They all got up and headed to the kitchen and I was left with Ellen.

We had our breakfast in silence.

They all came out of the kitchen holding a plate of eggs and bacon and a bowl of cereal.

They sat on the breakfast stool and ate their food.

Like seriously.

Third-person POV

Keisha stood in the kitchen thinking about what happened just then in the dining room.

Who the hell is that bitch? She thought

By the looks of things, she noticed the family of Damon didn't like that bitch.

She saw all the siblings of Damon enter the kitchen.

"Keisha meet my elder brother Toni and my elder sister Channel" Francesca introduced them to her.

"She's Keisha, my classmate, back in Middle School. The one I used to play pranks with" Francesca told her siblings which made Toni laugh remembering the pranks they playback in school which their parents had to be called or either him or Channel.

Francesca asked Keisha to prepare some breakfast for them cause they don't want to eat on a table that has a slut on.

She made bacon and eggs with Coco for them and they left to the breakfast table.

Keisha continued cleaning the kitchen and after they were done she did the dishes.

After doing the dishes she began preparing their lunch for them when Ellen walked into the kitchen.

"Hey you scullery maid get me some to drink now"

Carrie and Taylor rolled their eyes at her. They both hated her so much.

Keisha thought. Who the hell is this bitch talking to.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, you bitch. The one behind the stove get me a drink"

"Pardon me Miss but did you just call me a bitch?"

"Who else is behind the stove except you. Now hurry I don't want to see your ugly face"

"Why don't you fucking walk to the fucking fridge yourself and get your fucking drink cause I don't want to get slut germs on me"

"You fucking bitch I'm going to kill you today"

Ellen walked towards Keisha and grabbed her hair.

Carrie and Taylor who were at the corner of the kitchen decided to go and call Francesca and her other siblings.

"Leave my hair, you psycho"

Keisha was a person who didn't entertain shit. Once she was feeling better than before she was definitely in the mood to punch and scratch the face of any bitch who was in her way.

Francesca, Toni and Channel walked into the kitchen seeing Ellen holding Keisha's hair, Toni decided to go help her but Francesca stopped her say"wait for the best part. I know this girl she's always up to something bad and you would like that a lot"

Keisha grabbed Ellen's hair more like a wig and made her look straight at her face and scratched it with her long nails.

Ellen released her hair and held her face which had just been scratched.

She rose her hand to slap Keisha but was too late because she received a punch from her.

Francesca was recording the fight the whole time until someone decided to ruin the fight.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"Damon asked.

Ellen began her fake bitch cry.

Keisha rolled her eyes looking at her.

"Typical dramatic queen bees" she mumbled making the De Luca siblings laugh except Damon of cause who was listening to his girlfriend the whole time.

"What did you do to her?" Damon asked Keisha

"Why don't you ask her she'll tell you everything"She replied him.

"She said you scratched her face, punched her, pushed her to the ground and hit her head to the wall is it true?"

"You fucking lying bitch" Keisha said looking at Ellen who was smirking at her.

"I asked you a question didn't I?"

"Yes but I only punched her and scratched her face because she held my hair and was going to slap me"

Is self-defence. She thought.

"Come with me" he walked towards Keisha and grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Let me go. I didn't do anything"

He dragged her to her room and punished her.

Keisha didn't cry. When she saw her sisters again she gained her courage back.

He walked out of her room to meet his siblings leaning against the wall glaring at him.

"What is your problem?"Damon asked.

"Our problem is you always believe that Barbie bitch who happens to be your girlfriend every time," Channel said.

Channel was a person who never tolerated shit. Family or not she's gonna diss you and that's what everyone liked about her except Barbie of course.

"What are you talking about?"

"We were there the whole time we saw everything. Carrie and Taylor told us everything which began the fight. Tell that bitch of yours to watch her dirty tongue that's in her stink hole she calls mouth because next time I see her doing that I won't waste a minute before kicking her fake ass" Channel said.

"What did she do?" Damon asked.

"Oh, so you now want to know. If you weren't an idiot who is blinded by some stupid gynephilia you have towards her. You would have asked when you walked into the kitchen"Channel answered him.

"Why don't you tell me and I love her it's not gynephilia"

"Says the guy who has a lot of gynephilia," Francesca said

"Shut up Franca. If you're not going to tell me I think I'll get going"

"Yeah get going you can ask Carrie and Taylor they'll tell you everything," Channel told him.

Keisha was in the kitchen washing her nails which scratched her make-up, not her face.

She didn't even care about the punishment she just received. She was just sad she didn't scratch the face of that bitch but rather her make-up.

She went back to the food she was preparing for them and began singing Bodak Yellow by Cardi B.

She chuckled softly.

"Hey you Madam said she has forgiven you for your bad behaviour," some annoying squeaky voice said and she turned to see some blonde bimbo with a caked up face wearing one of the maid's attire.

She ignored her and continued cooking.

She served their lunch and went back to the kitchen to wash the pots and pans.

After they were done the plates were brought in and she washed them.

Carrie and Taylor came and she began chatting with them.

"Brittany is back again," Carrie said.

"Who is Brittany?"Keisha asked.

"Just Sir's girlfriend's maid. She's just like her"Taylor answered.

"She's blonde right?"


"She came here saying Madam said she has forgiven you for your bad behaviour," Keisha said mimicking her voice.

They laughed.

"What Happened to you the last time we were here when you fainted?" Carrie asked.

"I took in something which I'm not supposed to"

"Really what?"Taylor asked.

"I'm allergic to milk and master have it to me because I hadn't eaten the whole day. I did tell him but he thought I was lying"

"Oh," they both said.

Brittany stood at the entrance if the kitchen and listened to them and run to tell Ellen about it.

"Madam I've heard some great news which I know you are going to love, "she told Ellen who was doing her make-up.

The reason why Brittany follows Ellen is that she knows she's going to get the old jewellery of Ellen which she just wears once and gives it to her.

"What tell me"

"I heard Keisha is allergic to milk which can lead her to lose her life. Damon Sir gave some to her which she almost died"

"Really?"Ellen asked excitedly.

"This gives me a plan," she said evilly looking at Brittany who was smirking at her.

She removed a necklace and gave it to Brittany.

"That's your reward," she told her.

"Thank you so much Madam," Brittany said with a wide smile on her face.

"Keep on listening to their conversations and you'll get rewards like this"

She nodded and walked out.

Ellen was really happy and she knew if she did that Damon won't complain because he gave her some.

They were all having their dinner with the De Luca siblings not talking to Damon.

They had pasta for dinner and it tasted like heaven.

Even Ellen liked it but pretended it was gross.

Keisha was done with the dishes and was having dinner with Carrie and Taylor which was vegetable ramen noodles.

Brittany sat there eating the noodles with disgust written on her face but she liked.

Ellen walked into the kitchen smirking. She was going to make Keisha regret what she did to her earlier.

She walked towards the fridge and removed a carton of milk and took two glasses.

"Hey, Keisa let's drink I want to apologise for my behaviour earlier, "Ellen said.

She poured two glasses of milk and gave one to Keisha who was just staring at her.

She drank hers quickly so she can feed it to Keisha.

"No thanks I'm ok," Keisha said with a fake smile.

She even got my name wrong why should I even take something from this bitch who doesn't even look like she regrets a thing.

Carrie and Taylor saw what was going and decided to call Damon.

Ellen took the glass and held Keisha's chin.

"This is for scratching my face. Now you're going to die"

She said smirking at her.

She kept it on her lips and poured it into her mouth.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ELLEN?"Damon yelled which startling Ellen making her drop the glass.

Keisha spat the milk in her mouth on Ellen.

"N-n-nothing" she stuttered.

"I just walked in on you trying to feed Keisha milk"

"She told me sh

e wants it"

"Oh, you expect me to believe that a person allergic to milk will tell you to feed her milk?"

"Yeah she did you can ask her yourself"

"No, I didn't she told me she was going to kill me"

Ellen stood there scared of Damon will do to her.

"Follow me," Damon said angrily.