

Keisha Johnston

I woke up and got up from my head for the bathroom not before my face met the floor. Shooting pain in my ankle.

How did my ankle hurt so much?

Oh, now I remember Damon threw me in the room which made me break my leg.

I winced in pain as I limped towards the bathroom.

I stripped and took a warm bath.

I wore a red off shoulder sweater dress with flops.

I limped out of the room trying to hide my broken ankle but couldn't. I just need a glass of water and the cookies I made yesterday afternoon.

I bumped into someone on the way when I looked up. All the colour on my face vanished. Oh gosh why. I am so dead.

"What happened to you and you are limping like that Keisha?"Toni asked.

"I fell and twisted my ankle"I half lied. Well, I did fall but it was Damon who made me fall.

"Tell me the truth," he said.

"I am telling you the truth I did fall because Damon pushed me hard and I fell on my heels which mad me twist my ankle"Oh gosh.

I slap my hand over my mouth immediately.


"I knew it. Come on go back to your room I'll come and check up on you" he said.

"I'm going for water and cookies I made yesterday," I said.

"Go to your room I will bring it to you," he said.

"No, it's just here I will get it and go, "I said.

"Go "he pointed towards my bedroom door.

"No, I will be done right now"I argued.

"You give me no choice," he said and I looked at him confused. Huh?

I felt myself being lifted off the ground and now on top of his shoulder.

"No put me down Toni, "I said beating his back which he felt nothing at all. Men.

"Keep quiet and let's go," he said.

"Please Toni put me down I will go back please, "I said laughing.

"Keep quiet Keisha" he chuckled.

I looked over the stairs and I saw an angry Damon. What got in his pants this morning?

He walked towards my towards the sitting room and placed me on the couch.

He walked towards the kitchen and brought a tray of bacon, eggs, toast and a mug of coffee.

I just wanted water and cookies.

"Here start eating I am going to bring my first aid kit and I will check your ankle," he said.

"But I just wanted water and cookies"I whined and he chuckled.

"Come on eat up. You need proper food before you take the medicine I will give you" he said.

"M-medicine?"oh gosh no I am totally scared of medicine.

"Yes now I am going to get it so wait here," he said and walked towards the stairs.

I felt someone burning holes through my head. I looked at the dining table and saw Damon glaring at me.

I moved my eyes away from him immediately and took the fork and took a bite of the egg and bacon.

"Oh I am here eat fast so I can check you up," Toni said when he walked down the stairs.

"But I just want water and cookies"I whined.

He walked towards me and sat on the couch. He took the tray and the fork from me.

"I am going to feed you so I can check you up fast so you can take your medicine"

"M-medicine?"I asked again.

He looked at me confused and he smirked later.

"Oh yeah. I am going to give you medicine tablets too for sure and they taste really bad" he said smirking.

"Come on open your mouth and let me feed you. It's been so long since I fed my little sister" he said.

"But Avía is there you can go and feed her"I complained.

"No no she's gone to school," he said and smirked. "now open your mouth and eat"

I complied and we were done with the egg and bacon with the toast. Now it's left with the coffee.

I brought the mug to my mouth and drank it quick.

He got up and kept the tray on the coffee table.

He sat down and kept my legs on his thighs.

He began massaging it.

"Ah Toni stop no Toni stop stop" I cried.

Damon was no longer here he was in his office I think.


"Come on it's not hurting at all"


"What is going on here?" a loud voice asked.

"Oh I'm massaging her broken ankle," Toni said looking at Damon.

"How did her ankle get broken and when did she break her ankle, " Damon asked.

"ha, detto che l'ha rotto ieri sera e come l'hai spinta facendole torcere la caviglia, stupida cagna," Toni said in some foreign language. Italian I think.

Damon's facial expression changed.

"And how do you believe that. She is lying of course" Damon said glaring at me. What did Toni tell him?

"Shut up Damon. I know you so well that I know you can do something like that to her"

Toni said looking at Damon with a disgusted look.

"So now you believe some bitch over your brother?"Damon asked him.

"Don't call her a bitch you idiotic man whore" Toni said.

"Or what? what are you going to do if I call her bitch she is one anyway. Trying to sleep with you for money. Only sluts and bitc-"

Toni cut him off with a punch to Damon's jaw.

They began punching each other and they were now on the floor with Toni on top of Damon punching him.

"Toni please stop"I cried. Why does the only brother I have had to fight with some bitch.


Cesca, Channel and Barbie were down now.

"TONI, DAMON STOP PLEASE" I cried and Toni got up from his brother.

"Don't ever call her a bitch again or else you would receive more than this that word should be given to your so-called sluty girlfriend of yours who has been throwing herself at me for so long"Toni spat.

Damon stood there shocked.