
Chapter 74: The Infiltration

Location: The Valley of Sorrows

The valley of sorrows is the area were the headquarters of the dark dagic organization withsterak is located, It's a valley known to have the highest scents of the dead and the strongest magic zone.

The dark mana released into the valley of sorrows is beyond imagination.

This is the reason Lord Lucan Baylor chose this place to create the headquarters of the dark magic organization withsterak, using the body of a dead demonic beast to create the headquarters.

The door oeading into the grand castle of withsterak was opened when a dark mage walked in with his clothes soaked in bloods, he held an artifact on his hand with a sorrowful look plastered on his face.

Immediately he entered into the castle, he was immediately recognized and transported into another area of the castle, There is a dark nage who is known for controlling the castle with his magics.