
Damien: The Devil's Of Sicily Book 1

Magdalena Trovato hails from one of the most powerful crime families in Sicily. Oblivious to the imperfections of her family until her marriage is arranged to mafia boss Damien Cartia, she starts to see the cracks in the façade she's been living. Damien Cartia is known as a ruthless devil in these parts of Sicily. A man with no secrets, no past, and a reputation as a lawless murderer, Damien emerges from the shadows, resurrecting his family name from the grave. He's prepared for revenge. Even if means marrying his enemy's daughter.

Author_Briar_Rose · Urban
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12 Chs



Damien pointed the gun at me, a cruel glint in his beautiful slate grey eyes. My heart dropped into my stomach.

"You think you know me?" he asked. "Just because I married you and you have my last name, it doesn't fucking mean you know anything about me, Lena."

Tears blurred my vision and I stepped forward even though he could pull the trigger at any given second. I could see the raging storm in those dark grey depths of his.

"I love you," I whispered.

He laughed, shaking his head as his lips curled upward. "Oh you do, do you?"

"I never wanted to hurt you, Damien. You left me no choice." My voice was thick with emotion.

He reached forward and grabbed a fistful of my hair, before lifting my face to his. "You a bad liar, Lena, and I fucking hate liars."

His lips came crashing down against mine in a hot, mind-numbing kiss, his teeth nipping at my lips, promising to leave a bruise. As soon as my pulse had picked up, Damien pulled away and stalked out of the room.

And I knew one thing for sure. He was going to wreak havoc.