
Damien Ashley

Read to get wowed!!

Babe_505 · Teenager
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4 Chs

Chapter 2



*Dior * by pop smoke was playing super loudly I just had to wake up ugh whats with my phone and waking me up these days.

'Caller Id: Carmen'

I rolled my eyes, rejected the call and got up to shove some real good piece of meat chunks into my hungry mouth

Thankfully for my lucky ass there were some left over turkey in the fridge. I took as much as the aluminum foil plate could contain which is 'a lot' , strolled over to the pool to get some air.

Jeffrey came out barking as loud as he could the little guy probably missed me a lot I missed him too he's the best dog a man could ask for.

" I see you are finally back 'Carl Michael' " Miranda, my annoying baby sister joked

Even though Carl Michael was my full name no one ever knew it was 'part from mom, dad , Miranda and some of her other dumb friends.

I dread the name.

The hatred I have for it is so pure and true . if anyone knew my full name they'll probably laugh their asses off . That's why I go by Michael, Mickey,Mike , M and big guy  but its totally okay if you rather call me "sexy" . I mean  I am hot after all .

I have a reputation to keep but Carl?.. is a real deal breaker.

"Where's mom?" I asked

"Oh she went to the grocery store earlier for some supplies"

"Hmm" I hummed

Told you I wasn't the conversational type..

Ashley p•o•v

I was woken up by a crazy hell of super noisy bangs at my door.

I wasn't really disturbed though whom ever it was would probably get tired of banging and go away, I decided to go back to sleep.

Thirty minutes later the person at the other side keep on banging like a mad bull hitting its head repeatedly against a wall,

Five minutes later I just couldn't take the continuous noise any longer , I unlocked my bed room door only for my fuming looking dad to barge in without My consent.

"You can come in.." I said sarcastically since he was already seated only my bed.

Mom 'wanna be' strolled in with an obvious smile which she failed miserably to hide.

"Ashley what the heck is going on with you?.... You of all people know fully well I have a reputation to keep I can't allow a totally confused messed up teenager to wreck the good image I've spent all my life building !..."

" are you done?" I cut in

" Ashely what the fuck has come over you these past few years I am your father you do not and I mean will not talk to me that way!" He yelled

"You wanna know what's wrong with me?..I chucked bitterly... We all know what's wrong with me...I hate the fact that you cheated on mom with this mentally fucked up wanna be gold digger ! You and I both know she and Jason died because of you! You drove them to their death!....for fucks sake dad this bitch of a woman is probably six or seven years older than your own daughter ....but no you didn't care you got married the very day she turned eighteen exactly two months after moms burial ...who does that ! on top of all that I have to be constantly reminded of mom by calling this replacement 'mom' I air quoted"

I was full on crying with snort and all

Wanna be mom broke into tears and left the room

'Yeah get the hell outta here it's not like you were even welcomed to begin with' I mentally said

"Ashley you would go out of this room right now and apologize to Christine right this instant or else...!" He roared

I wasn't left with an option Dad stormed out of the room

I slammed the door , sat on my bed and rang Miranda's cell I really need to talk to my best friend right now


A long while later,

I saw 'mom' note the sarcasm preparing lunch which was really weird .

"I'm sorry" I blurted out

....*no response*...

I didn't care though its not like i meant it in the first place I'm totally not sorry.

"babe come on I'm starving " dad said

Ewwww just totally ewww 'babe'? To be sincere it sounded really odd coming from my dad.

"Ash do you mind setting up the table for me" Christine asked with an obviously fake smile.

Off I went to the dinning area.

"have a seat Ash we are all eating as a family I have some really good news" dad said with a goofy smile.

I mentally hoped the 'good news' doesn't mean Christine is pregnant .

We ate in total silence no one cared to break the uncomfortable silence not like I cared I just wanted to get the hell out of here ASAP

A while later Dad brought out a brown folder and handed it over to me.

This better not be what I think it is.....

"Dad ! What the hell!? why would you do this to me and call it some 'good news'!" I yelled with glossy eyes

I stormed off to my room


A soft knock was heard followed by someone entering my room

"hey" I said to my dad softly

"I thought I'll let you know I'm doing this for your own good okay you need some space away from all this bullshit ....and also Agnes is coming over soon to evaluate your mental health....hum I know I don't say this often but I love you Ash" he said and walked out of my room leaving me alone.

I Can't believe what just happened! Would a dad who claims to love you tell you a one way ticket to Europe is good news? how the fuck does he thinks he's doing it for my own good!

The stupid plane ticket was scheduled for next week meaning I have just a week left in California , just a week left to see my best friend Miranda, a week left to visit moms and Jason's grave....how could this guy who calls himself my dad be so cruel..

To top it all he thinks I'm crazy , mentally unstable !