
Dali Ballo

In the heart of Claché forest, young Joon Dodug finds himself embroiled in a perilous journey fraught with danger and discovery. Seeking the elusive demon tears and driven by a fervent desire to confront the notorious Dali Ballo, Joon's quest takes an unexpected turn when he awakens in a mysterious cave. There, he encounters a enigmatic stranger whose culinary skills belie a deeper connection to the shadows of the forest. As Joon's search for the dragon tear intensifies, he finds himself ensnared by a band of menacing goblins, only to be rescued by an unlikely ally: none other than Dali Ballo himself. Shocked and bewildered by this twist of fate, Joon's world is turned upside down as he grapples with the realization that his greatest adversary may also be his salvation.

JIZentertainment · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Chubby Hut

Joon awoke with a start, his heart pounding as he realized he was suspended upside down, his body bound tightly. "Help! Help! He's going to kill me!" His voice echoed through the room, a desperate plea as he strained against his restraints.

"Quiet now," Dali Bolla cautioned, a finger pressed to his lips. "Struggle too much in this position and your head might just burst." He began to sharpen a pair of knives, the grating sound filling the room. "I have a few questions. If I suspect you're lying, you die. If you struggle, you die. If you understand, close your eyes." As Dali laid out his rules, Joon's body trembled with fear. He squeezed his tear-filled eyes shut and gave a shaky nod.

A smirk played on Dali's lips as he began his interrogation. "Just three questions: who are you, why are you here, and who else knows you're here? Answer truthfully, and you'll get to ask three questions about me." He set the knives aside, his gaze never leaving Joon.

Taking a deep breath, Joon tried to steady his voice. "First, my name is Joon Dodug, raised in the 'Fiery Tavern' of Daldoria. Second, I came to find the Dragon's Tear... to kill you. Third, the only one who knows about my journey is Princess Alexandria. I swear, that's all!" His voice wavered, betraying his fear.

Dali paused, considering his words. "Princess Alexandria, why does that name sound familiar?" A smile flickered across his face before he resumed his stern expression. "What about her? She won't cause any trouble, I promise," Joon quickly added, a sorrowful look in his eyes.

"I'm sure she won't," Dali replied, settling down in front of Joon. "Now, your turn to answer my questions: Why did you kill the king, where's the Dragon's Tear, and why am I tied up?" Joon's voice held a newfound confidence, as if he was finally taking control of the situation.

Dali chuckled. "You've been thinking about these, haven't you? First, I didn't kill the king, I have no idea where that rumor started. Second, the Dragon's Tear has already been used by someone else. And third, you're tied up because every time I woke you, you attacked me. Satisfied?"

"Yeah because you're a murderer- wait what? What do you mean you didn't kill the king?" Joon asked in complete confusion. Dali looked at Joon then he raised his foot and in a flash the rope was cut and Joon fell down. "Ahh!" Joon yelled as he hit the floor. He jumped up and scolded Dali while adjusting the cloak that Dali gave him. "And another thing! I walked 40 hours to get here just for you to tell me that the dragon tear was drunk already, now you'd better explain!"

"Actually, you walked 17 hours and passed out then I bought you here. As for the dragon tear, I used it, it wasn't drunken." Dali explained and sat back now. "Ugh, one day I woke up to people saying I destroyed two kingdoms and killed the king, now this is where I end up." He said to himself and put his face in his hands.

Joon felt sympathetic and thought to himself. "Was this really the man I came to kill? Did he really kill the king?" These thoughts flooded his mind as he sat next to Dali. "Dali, I know you said 3 questions but I need to know what happened to the king, the former king right now doesn't care about the kingdom, he has a trio of men going around terrorizing the capital. He's barely ever in his kingdom and my people are starving. Please, let me help you and you can help me." Joon said with his voice cracking and tears falling down his cheeks.

Dali sighed and sat up. "Alright, 12 years ago when I was 14, I came across a map that had the secret to the strength of the dragon-demon king, a powerful entity that ruled over the underworld. The map led to the Dragon's Tear, a potion said to hold the king's immense power. I wasn't planning on using it but I wanted to keep it out of the wrong hands. It was a long 40 hour walk but when I got there, I grabbed it. Then a goblin came out of the woods and in surprise I dropped the bottle and it split on my legs, granting me the most powerful legs in the world, my magical powers are based on them. Some things happened in those next two years but 10 years ago, before the king Brerum died, the kingdom of Dethross and Rethkam came to take over Daldoria, I knew I had to do something so I went, defeated some of their soldiers and tried to talk to the king, they said they received a letter from the king saying he was going to take infiltrate their kingdom. So I went to confront the king, but he was dead, his head decapitated from his body. And I was ambushed, stuffed in a bag and thrown in a river and woke up back here."

Dali's voice trailed off, his gaze distant as he relived the painful memories. Joon sat in stunned silence, processing the information. The man he had been sent to kill was not a murderer, but a victim of circumstances. He felt a pang of guilt for his earlier accusations.

Joon then had a lightbulb moment and stood up. "Wait, Dali! What if we go back to Daldoria and take down the king!?" He said in excitement. Dali pondered to himself and smiled before saying. "No." As he said this Joon's face went from hopeful to annoyed. "What why?!"

Dali went outside of the cave and breathed in and as watched the butterflies flutter around the wildflowers, he said, "Because, Joon, I've been running and fighting for so long. I'm tired. I just want to live in peace." He turned to look at Joon, his eyes filled with a deep sadness. "I've done my part. Now it's your turn. You have the strength and the will to make a difference. You don't need me."

"What, Have you seen me?! I have the strength of a slime and the magic level of an elf! I can't do anything." Joon complained as he followed Dali into the forest.

"I've met Elves bigger than you. Don't disrespect them." Dali responded and kicked a tree off its roots and caught it with his shin before it fell. "I wasn't disrespecting them, I was proving a point." Joon defended himself and jumped back as the tree fell. "What the heck are you doing?"

Dali started cutting off the tree's branches and setting them in a pile. "Need firewood of course, can't go freezing in a cave now can I?" He chuckled and picked up the pile of branches. "You're killing me here, Dali! What is it that you do every day that you can't help me?" Joon yelled at him in pure desperation.

Dali sighed and dropped the branches. He then looked at Joon and cracked his knuckles. "You brought bad memories back into my head. Alright, you wanna go out there and get killed by King Trekum? Fine, but if you think that at your power level you can do it, you got another thing coming." Dali scolded him and removed his shirt, revealing his physique.

Joon took a step back in surprise. "What do you mean? I thought you were gonna do it, for me!" He yelled and backed up into a tree. "That was your first mistake, if you go about your life relying on others to do your dirty work then you shouldn't even be allowed to live, you might as well be dead right now." Dali explained and began stretching. This hit Joon heavily and he pulled out Jude's dagger. "Alright, what are we gonna do?"

In a flash Dali was right in front of Joon and kneed him in the stomach. "Gah!" Joon spit out blood and fell to his knees. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He strained, out of breath as he held his stomach. "Don't worry I disabled my magical powers, this is my raw leg strength." He reassured Joon who stood back up. "W-what? You're strong without the dragon tear?" As he said this he hurried up and ducked as he saw Dali's foot coming to kick him but instead the tree behind him was sliced off. "Now, you're gonna fight me, with everything you got, using the Dodug's thievery skills, and I'll teach you them." Dali explained with a smile. "Teach me? How would you know how to use them?" Joon asked in confusion. "How do I know? Well, my best friend was a Dodug of course."

In the outskirts of Daldoria

"Dammit!" Sir Jude yelled as he punched a brick wall. "What's your problem?" Captain Amit asked him while drinking. "We got humiliated by the king, trash talked by a kid and now my dagger's been stolen. When I get my hands on that kid I'm gonna-" Jude said but was cut off by Mage Spurin. "Telling us about your problems is not gonna help anyone. King Trekum still needs us to bring the dragon race back to his side of Earth." She explained and began levitating in a sitting position.

"What was that? Maybe my ears are deceiving me but it seems like the king is plotting something against my race?" A voice was heard behind the trio. They turned to see a gruffy old man. "I shouldn't have said that out loud." Mage Spurin said with a nervous chuckle.

"So, you must be of the dragon race." Jude said in a menacing tone. "But you're one of the weak ones, otherwise you'd be in the other world." He walked up to the man. "I'm in the worst of moods right now so, let's make this happen." He swung a sword at the man. "METAL SCALES!" As the man yelled this, metal scales grew out of his body protecting him from the slice. "Whoa, didn't see that coming!" Amit laughed, almost choking on his drink. "So, if this is how the surface dragon race is, then how strong are the other sides?" Jude asked with a laugh and cracked his knuckles.

3 minutes later

Amit and Spurin watched Jude stood over the man's body. The man had swords in every part of his body as he laid there bleeding to death his metal scales flickered on and off repeatedly until he drew his last breath and they went off completely. "Come on, was it that serious?" Spurin asked as Jude's face was rage filled and he huffed and puffed. "You know how Jude gets when someone takes his dagger, it's hard for him to keep control. Then all that childhood trauma comes out." Amit said and threw his alcohol bottle away.

"We should bring this to the King, he'll love to see this." Jude calmed down and wiped blood onto the man's shirt and picked him up over his shoulder. They walked toward Daldoria then Amit stopped. "What's the matter?" Spurin asked as she and Jude stopped. "I've been feeling a gaze on us ever since that old man came. Maybe I'm overreacting." Amit explained but continued walking and the others followed suit.

In the Kingdom

"Sir!" The King's apprentice said as he entered the room where the King was sitting with an angry gaze. "What is it?" King Trekum replied as he watched the apprentice flash appear in front of him. "I swear, I felt that man's pressure just now."

"I know, so did I." Trekum said calmly. "It's strong but it's not like 10 years ago. I thought I told you to take care of it, Sege." He stood up and he and the apprentice, rather Sege, had a standoff.

"I didn't know I was in charge of making sure everybody you want dead is dead or not. I thought I already did that with the former King." He said with a chuckle. The king raised his hand but brought it down when the door opened. "Daddy, Brother!" Princess Alexandria entered on her wheelchair and said with a weak giggle.

"Alexandria, what are you doing here?" Sege said in an annoyed tone. "Mind your mouth, Sege." The king smiled and opened his arms as Alexandria gave him a hug. "How was your day?" Trekum asked as he returned the hug. "It was good, I saw the beautiful elves doing their ritual dance-" As she explained she was cut off by Sege. "Blah blah blah, you're 18 Alexandria, you're acting like a little kid in their daddy's arms."

"Sege!" Trekum's voice boomed as he stood up and grabbed Sege by the shirt. "Enough of your attitude. Apologize to your sister and get out."

Sege grabbed the king's wrist. "Father, sister, I'm sorry." He said as he let go and walked down towards the entrance and out the door. "Don't worry, Daddy, we could hang out." She said but then started coughing. Trekum held her up and sat her back in her wheelchair. "It's alright sweetie, you should get some rest." She nodded and rolled out of the room and shut the door. "It's almost time." Trekum sighed and sat down.

The door opened again and the Reax trio walked in. They each had maniacal smiles on their faces. The king saw the man in their hands and immediately felt the dragon race presence and began smiling.

Back at Clashé forest

Joon fell to the ground and threw up blood. "Dammit, it's only been a day since I've been training with this monster and the most I've done was use two moves. There's no way he's just a human." He thought to himself as he struggled to get up. Bali sighed and crouched down. "Look, I get you think I'm being hard on you, but I know what the king is capable of. And I know exactly what he has in his arsenal. But I also know that you're strong." He smiled and helped Joon up.

"You need to get energy, I know the perfect place." Dali put Joon on his back and jumped on a tree. Joon clung to Bali's back as he scaled the enormous tree effortlessly. He couldn't help but marvel at Bali's strength and speed. "Alright, we're here," Bali announced, dropping Joon gently onto a sturdy branch. Joon looked around, surprised to find a small hut perched high among the treetops. "What is this place?" he asked, rubbing his aching muscles.

"This is the 'Chubby Hut'." Dali replied and helped Joon walk to the door. Joon was really surprised by the small size of the hut. He had many questions but kept them to himself. "Uhh, but this is too small-" Before he could say his complaint, Dali opened the door and he saw the inside was incredibly different from the other. The walls were sparkling, adorned with colorful crystals that emitted a soft, enchanting glow. The air inside was infused with a sweet and soothing aroma, instantly calming Joon's weary mind and body.

As Joon stepped inside, he was greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The Chubby Hut seemed to be a sanctuary of tranquility and rejuvenation. The floor was covered in plush cushions, inviting visitors to find comfort and solace. Vibrant tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of nature and mythical creatures. Joon couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and mystery in this extraordinary place.

Dali led Joon to a corner of the hut where a small table was set up with an array of colorful fruits and rejuvenating potions. "Here, have some of this," Dali said, pouring a vibrant green liquid into a delicate glass. Joon hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect, but the exhaustion and pain in his body urged him to try it.

With one sip, a surge of energy coursed through Joon's veins. His aches and pains began to fade away, replaced by a newfound strength and vitality. It was as if the potion had the power to heal not just his physical wounds, but also his spirit. Joon couldn't help but smile in gratitude.

As Joon sat on the cushions, savoring the refreshing drink, Dali explained the significance of the Chubby Hut. "This place is a hidden sanctuary, known only to a select few. It is said that the crystals and potions within hold ancient healing powers, capable of restoring the body and mind to their peak condition."

Joon looked around, his curiosity piqued. "Who created this place? And why is it called the Chubby Hut?" he asked, his eyes scanning the intricate carvings on the walls.

Dali chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Legend has it that the Chubby Hut was created by a wise and eccentric sorcerer known as Chubby. He was renowned for his extraordinary magical abilities and his love for all things cozy and comfortable. He believed that true healing could only occur in a space that embraced warmth, happiness, and a little bit of indulgence."

As Dali explained this an Elf came behind him and hit him on the head with a plate. "Stop telling people that dumb story!" The Elf scolded him and turned to Joon. He was short, chubby, had pale skin and green doe eyes. As Joon saw Dali get hit he chuckled. "Who are you?" He asked the Elf who smiled. "I'm Lix. But thanks to him everyone calls me…"

"Chubby!" The patrons all shouted in unison while raising their cups and laughed. "Yeah." Lix said with a chuckle. "So kid what's your story?" He asked and sat next to Dali's knocked out body. "I'm Joon Dodug, a human, 19. Born in Daldoria in the Fiery Tavern." Joon replied with confidence like he wanted respect.

"Daldoria huh? Then I'm pretty sure you've heard about Dali's story then." Lix asked and took a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, it's really tragic. I tried to kill him at first. Then I found out that he's not so bad. How do you know him?" Joon asked as he continued drinking the energy drink.

"Well it had to be like 6 years ago, I saw him injured on the ground, brought him into the hut and treated his wounds. Turns out he just sprained his ankle." Liz chuckled before continuing. "We just hung around each other for a while, then I said something about opening a restaurant and Dali out of nowhere buys a incantation orb, or probably stole it. And he set it off in the hut, thus turning it into this beautiful place you see now."

Lix continued his story, explaining how Dali's impulsive decision to use an incantation orb had transformed the humble hut into the enchanting sanctuary it was today. "He may be incredibly irresponsible sometimes but, It was quite a sight," Lix reminisced with a smile. "The hut was instantly filled with sparkling crystals, vibrant tapestries, and the aroma of sweet potions. It was as if the hut came alive with magic."

Dali, who had regained consciousness, groaned and sat up, rubbing his sore head. "Yeah, I may have gone a bit overboard with that orb," he admitted sheepishly. "But I couldn't resist the opportunity to create a place of healing and comfort for everyone."

Joon looked around, taking in the beauty and serenity of the Chubby Hut. "It's truly remarkable," he said, his voice filled with awe. "I've never experienced anything like this before. It's like stepping into a different world."

Dali nodded, his eyes filled with pride. "The crystals and potions within the Chubby Hut are said to possess ancient healing powers," he explained. "The energy drink you're sipping on right now is just one example. It's carefully crafted using a combination of natural ingredients and enchantments to boost energy and rejuvenate the body."

Joon took another sip of the drink, feeling the invigorating effects continue to course through his body. "It's incredible," he remarked, his voice filled with gratitude. "I can feel my strength returning, and my mind feels clear and focused."

Dali smiled warmly. "That's the beauty of the Chubby Hut," he said. "It's a place where one can find solace, healing, and the opportunity to recharge both physically and mentally. It's a sanctuary for warriors like yourself who need a moment of respite from the challenges they face."

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask, why are you two together?" Lix asked after finishing his drink. Joon felt a surge of excitement shoot through his body. "We're gonna kill the king of Daldoria and clear Dali's name!"

As Dali heard Joon's outburst he spit out his drink. "You're planning to kill someone?!" Lix asked in a more serious tone. "No no, you're overreacting as usual, Chubby. I just told the kid that if he wants to go do it, then he has to train, that's all." He said while scratching his messy Afro.

"Well surely you're not letting him go alone!? You know exactly what The king and his apprentice are capable of. If I would've left you in the forest we would've never made this hut!" Liz scolded and nudged him. Dali pondered for a moment then took a large gulp of his drink and stood up. "Come on." He tapped Joon on the shoulder and walked out the hut.

"Aww man but I was having fun." Joon whined as he followed suit but not before grabbing a few energy drinks.

They walked into the forest back to their training area and Joon was still energized. "So what was all that about? Chubby seemed really angry."

"It's nothing, let's just get back training." Dali said as the words that Lix said echoed through his mind. He put his hands down and pat Joon on the head. "Oh what the hell? I guess I'll accompany you on killing the King." He smiled as he looked down at Joon who now had a smile on his face. "Really?!" Joon asked in pure joy. "But that means I'm gonna have to train you harder." Dali said as he threw a round kick to Joon who quickly ducked it. "Haha too slow!" Joon said and dashed backwards. "Hmm?" Dali mutters trying to see what Joon is planning.

"I came up with a new move." He put both of his hands out and yelled. "Swiper's hunt!" He yelled and Dali felt an ominous presence coming towards him he jumped out of the way and a tree was removed off of his roots and fell down causing a loud boom. "What the hell?!" Dali muttered to himself. "Yeah, it would've been better if you hadn't dodged." Joon pointed out with a chuckle. "I call it 'Swipers hunt' anything in a far range can be pulled to me. I used it to make the tree fall on accident, I originally wanted to pull you towards me." He explained.

Dali's eyes widened as he listened. "In only a day you're able to do that? Maybe I should up the ante." He chuckled and in a flash he was right in front of Joon. "Huh?! Gah!" Joon gasped but then immediately felt his legs be kicked and he was flipped into the air then on the ground. "What the hell was that?!" Joon yelled as he felt his legs shaking from the pain. "I've been using my strength on you, now it's time for speed training." Bali explained with a maniacal smile.