
DAISY; Mysteries Untold

If shadows could hide, Daisy would be the perfect home. Welcome to her world; trying to find a balance between life and death, hopes and misbelief. Still, she journeys into it Will her strength carry her through or will she end up becoming another body in the bag, waiting to be buried, six feet under?

othuke_gideon · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Still at the Hospital

We got out of the room and I wanted to stay there to heal his broken Heart.

But I didn't had an idea of what to do. I walked back to the room but every step felt different; like it was heavier.

I remembered those times mom and dad would argue, and still make-up.

About those times we would play games and enjoy lovely picnics.

Is it possible I lose everything?

Is it possible my story ends up like Mr Frank's?

As I took each step towards the room, I reflected on everything I had experienced.

One thing was certain, I wasn't ready to lose my family.

No matter what, I would fight for my home.

No Matter what!!

Though I am not a skilled Fighter or use weapons like Rakas.

But I know I am a fighter, and as a fighter, I won't allow anyone hurt my family.

I sounded like a hero in an action movie, I lacked experience but one thing was certain, Mr Frank story made me heartbroken.

I stood at the front of the door looking at the "Alice in Wonderland" picture on it. I now understood everything. This was a little princess' world just like my room but now, she is no more.


The dreams we always wished for turns out to be the nightmares we wished to forget.

I walked to doctor Isaac's office and could see him in so much files.

"Sir, can I come in?" I spoke while signaling my presence.

"Oh! Miss Daisy, how may I help you?" Wait, I never told him my name.

How did he know?

"How do you know my name?" I asked giving that look of mistrust.

"I overheard it from one of those people who brought your mom" he tried to hide his obvious uneaseness.

Well I am not blind and certainly I can't trust anyone.

"Alright. My mom is ok and she wants to be discharged" I stated it as tough I read from a news letter.

He was surprised and couldn't hide it at all.

"How! Miss that's not possible. I intend still running further tests on her." He stood up and advanced towards me, then started speaking doctor terms.

Like what do I care? Do I look like someone moved by that.

"Please she wants to be discharged, and tell her the hospital bill." Why is he wasting my time?

"Oh! Mr Emmanuel has already cleared the bills, you have nothing to fear." He smiled at me expecting a warm reply.

"Okay!" I just replied no sign of excitement.

The last thing I wanted was to be in his debt.

"please come and tell her yourself". I wasn't ready to argue with her anymore.

"Alright miss Daisy. You go ahead, I would meet you there."


"Should we take your truck?" I sat up on the couch trying to ask Him our next move.

It sounded as though we were acting a real life action movie. I was ready to play the hero and save everyone.

"We can't, the truck would give us away, probably we would take public transport" he turned from what he was doing on the table.

"Alright sir, thank you, sincerely." I wished I had words to express my gratitude.

"You are welcome my dear. Don't worry, all would be fine" He turned back from what he was doing.

He looked so engrossed in what he was doing, I had to ask.

I stood up to meet him over there.

I could be very curious at times. It is one of my bad habits, "what's that sir?"

He wanted to fold it but I guess he couldn't anymore.

"It's a letter" he spoke so quietly

"To whom?" I wondered what he needed a letter for when there is a mobile phone.

"It is a letter to my wife and child, I write to them most times" he held the pen tighter.

"It's a way I get to feel closer to them, sometimes while writing I cry but that way I hope they know I am sorry." He stopped writing.

How could his story not get more saddening?

"Sir, you don't have to be this way. Am sure they know you are sorry" I wished I had enough words to encourage him but he was in too deep.

"Dont worry we would go and hopefully get there safe" he tried smiling intentionally.

What difference would it make, can his smile cover his pain.

"I would get my ID CARD just incase the police starts asking questions. He gave so much attention to me trying to make me less worried.

Truthfully I wish I didn't, but seeing the Man who saved my life loosing his.

How could I?


"What did the doctor say?" She welcomed me with a question.

It felt as though she wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Mum he is coming, he said he would tell you his final decision." I had no more words to spare.

"Why are you so useless?" All you had to do was simple, yet you couldn't!" she started again.

But this time I was different, we can't both be shouting at the same time.

"I'm sorry Mom." I gave a look of remorse but that wasn't real.

She kept quiet, it was as though the statement made her weak.

"Better!" She can be so bossy.

Not long after Doctor Isaac came in, he was shocked. He couldn't suppress it.

"How?" He kept on looking at the woman whom he couldn't help but feel bad for due to her paleness, now looking so fresh.

"Doctor Micheal came to check on her." I had to help his overthinking.

"Who is Doctor Michael? There is no one by that name here." He confirmed what that nurse said.

"Don't mind her doc, she is just playing with you." Mom said to him trying to cover it.

"No one like doctor Micheal came here, I felt it was a miracle." She kept talking.

Wait, why's she hiding the fact another doctor came?

"But.." I wanted to say something.

"No buts my love. Don't stress the doctor my precious." She continued; "My daughter likes to bring her imaginations to life, that explains what she meant" she is now calling me insane

I will take it.

"Ma I would check your vitals and if I see you are good, you can go tomorrow." He added "But you still need to rest."

I could see mom's very fast mood change.

She wanted to leave here at all costs.

"Alright sir, thank you." She smiled so brightly.

Funny how mom just denied that another doctor came, yet she expects me to ignore that.

Still she want to leave here urgently.

Now more than ever I would unveil all these mysteries, I would put an answer to them all.

He left us in the room with Mom smiling so brightly at me.

"Damn!, I can't just stay here for another day." she didn't hide her anger in front of me.

Well she had to stay here, which means I have 24 hours to find out something.

24 hours to know whether I can still call this lady mom or not..

Time starts now!