
DAISY; Mysteries Untold

If shadows could hide, Daisy would be the perfect home. Welcome to her world; trying to find a balance between life and death, hopes and misbelief. Still, she journeys into it Will her strength carry her through or will she end up becoming another body in the bag, waiting to be buried, six feet under?

othuke_gideon · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Flash backs

Nothing felt the same after it left. " What form of horror movie is this?" I asked myself.

The reality of knowing that a spirit-possessed toy spoke to me and then went mute without giving me a way out seemed to be the most impossible thing to me at that moment.

I looked at my room and for the first time I wished the voices spoke, so I would admit I'm insane than believing all this.

"Talk!!!!" I screamed aloud, but there was no reply.

"You do a very good job at tormenting me, why can't you speak now?" I literally couldn't hold back my anger.

"You led me to almost ending my life and yet all I got in return was slaps to my face, cuffs to my wrists and hunger inside. What's the point? If you want to help me, get me a knife, so I can end my life."

Still no response; what is the point then?

I looked straight towards the box that had the answers I needed. This actually felt harder than I thought. It was as though a lump grew in my throat and I could feel it choking from within.

And I really wanted it, just to end it once and for all.

If shadows could reflect light, I think I would have given more light than the sun.

I wondered how much pain I could bear. I took hold of myself and tried to dry off the tears. It is not time to make wishes, action must be done.

I tried to stand up, but I remembered I was handcuffed.

I stirred at the box and wondered what was in it that needed to be unraveled.

"Run! But you can't hide, one by one we will come for your family" his voice echoed through the darkness.

"No!' as I tried to scream, yet my voice felt like it was being quenched by the darkness.

But no one was there, still I could hear his voice.

"Death would be a thing of joy for you, but your soul would suffer a greater deal watching all those you love die" he spoke again, but this time I could feel him close.

" I gasped for air, but it seemed there was none. Am I going insane? who did this to me?"

"There you are!" suddenly it was as though a strong hand pulled my hair towards the darkness, but this time it got darker, and darker, and even darker.

"Help me!" I tried my best to scream, but the more he took me into the darkness the more my voice faded away.

"Who are you?" I shouted, but what sounded like a whisper from me.

I could hear him laugh.

"I am....."

"Miss, are you OK?" I was awoken by a nurse, who saw I was sweating while sleeping.

So it was a nightmare, but it felt too real.

I touched my throat and had a sore feeling. It was as though I had shouted so loudly while I was sleeping.

"Miss are you ok?" the nurse asked again and this time bringing my attention to the time.

It was just a quarter past 2:00 pm and I remember clearly I laid my head down by some minutes to 2:00pm.

So it was not up to half an hour, yet it felt like a month in that darkness.

"I can't sleep, I can't stay awake either". I said to myself:

What did I do wrong?

My mind went to the fact that I haven't checked up on my dad or heard anything about my mom.

"Get close to Abigail!" These words kept ringing in my head and making me more alert of my environment.

"Hello" I heard her voice from the stairs, she was coming.

What does she want?

Did I make her angry again?

The door knob bent and I could see the smile on her face.

Certainly, I am living with a psychopath, but what made her happy?

She walked towards me and revealed what she had behind her.

"A knife" my heart sank deeper than the Titanic. I knew what it meant.

It was time for the ritual, she gave the look of love and affection.

"My precious, Mama wants us to play our little game" she smiled even more.

My heart was in pain, what a pathetic life this was.

She took hold of me from behind and pushed me to the bed.

She came close to my ear and whispered:

"You belong to me!" she looked for a spot on my body and then came a thrust.

She pierced the knife into me smiling, blood dripped as usual.

She took the blood into the usual cup.

I could see the pleasure she derived from it.

This made her more happy than me.

"Noooo" her scream made me scared.

What happened, she looked angry.

"How dare you!" She looked at me with so much rage.

I was in much pain, bleeding and didn't even know what I did.

But I know I am in for more

She raged and threw things on the floor.

"What did you do!" She pointed her finger at me.

I failed to understand why she would see her daughter in so much pain and yet be concerned as to what went wrong with the ritual

"What did you do!!!" Her voice echoed through the room and I got more scared.

"Why is your blood no longer pure" She threw the cup with my blood in it on the floor.

My blood!

How is it my fault?

I have not left this house since the hospital!

Or wait, did they give me blood in the hospital?

If that's it, then that's the cause.

"Hospital!" I muttered in so much pain.

I needed to go there, I was slowly dieing.

This pain is too much to bear

She paid no attention to me, giving me this feeling of uselessness because my blood wasn't pure.

"I would fix you, even if it means removing every form of impurities from your blood.

She threw a towel at me to stop the bleeding.

"I would come back with first aid, you won't be the reason for my death."

The door was slammed in so much rage and for the first time in many years, my mom wants to treat me.

This made me speechless.