
5.2 The Lilim Wears...


Today was a day of celebration, of jubilation and by no means an exaggeration. After two weeks of demeaning herself by wearing men's ware (that did not belong to her Stanley) Ezraphel will finally be able to sample the various fashions of this world. This was all thanks to her Stanley and her introduction to the wonderful thing known as 'Online Shopping.' Curiously this was a concept that was not too foreign to her as she would normally have her clothing custom made by an Arachne seamstress and delivered to her back home in the Royal Makai Realm.

In some ways the method back home was even better than what they have on earth due mostly to the fact that she did not have to wait weeks for the damn things to be delivered. As a princess she is given priority and her clothing usually arrive within the day (two tops), made to her specifications, clean and very comfortable. What the online method lacked in prompt and customization it easily made up for in volume and design variety.

Truly the designs she had sifted through in the catalogues were simply genius and there was just enough customization options to satisfy her for the most part. The best part about the whole thing and earth fashion in general was that unlike on Eos it is generally more accepted (and even encouraged in some instances) for women to dress less conservatively. Humans on earth have figured out that it is actually a type of empowerment for women to dress provocatively and without shame.

Why should she or any woman be ashamed of showing off their body? Really the ones who complain are the cowards too self conscious about themselves and try to make others feel bad because of their own perceived shortcomings. Thankfully earth's culture has progressed so far beyond Eos that the concept of a demure woman dressing modestly is a matter of choice.

Imagine Ezraphel's surprise when a large number of clothing seen on various models or statues called 'mannequins' wouldn't look too far off on what some Mamono wear. The only difference being that the materials on display on the screen were of a different (usually higher) quality and worthy of nobility.

Stanley had all but given her free reign to get anything she wanted provided she abide by the rules put in place which were not at all too constricting. Naturally Ezraphel took complete advantage of his generosity and it was an absolute joy for her. Just imagining her Stanley's reaction had filled her with great anticipation for the coming days. Aside from the various blouses and dresses she was familiar with, there were also the tight fitting pants called 'jeans' that would highlight her legs and ass, lingerie whose design was very close to what she normally wore, short skirts, short shorts, shirts called 'crop tops' that showed off her toned stomach and of course the shoes.

Ezraphel didn't know how her fascination with footwear started but she knew it would stick. Admittedly when it came to fashion on Eos footwear wasn't all that big, in fact it was mostly inconsequential. The same couldn't be said for earth wear the selection of footwear is just as vast and exotic as the clothing themselves. Ezraphel was blown away by the different types, designs and colors. She literally spent hours in front of the computer screen picking, dropping and customizing the various products.

In the blink of an eye several hours had passed and Stanley had to be the one shake her out her fugue state. Since he actually turned two shades paler upon reading the total cost of her would-be purchase she had to make some amendments and the results were now the packages being stacked by some men. Actually seeing the things she ordered made Ezraphel mildly shocked, it certainly didn't seem like she ordered as much and this was after her Stanley discarded what he deemed insignificant.

Either he was being lenient or Ezraphel went overboard in any case she couldn't help but tremble with excitement that is usually reserved for…other things. Her body wiggled (in an unwittingly sensual way), her tail danced about and her wings fluttered as she actively fought to contain herself. It wasn't until her Stanley gave the all clear that she revealed herself. A loud squeal was all the warning her Stanley received before she flew across the room nearly bowling him over, not that she noticed. Ezraphel had nearly two dozen boxes and an assortment of bags to open, catalogue its contents and store in the guestroom she had more or less commandeered despite sharing a bed with her Stanley.

She tried to be calm about it, she really did but even with her (in her own opinion) impeccable poise and control Ezraphel couldn't help but to pounce upon the gathered packages like an excitable child. Her Stanley had retreated to his office so it was the perfect opportunity to organize the various boxes into her new wardrobe room. The task was made somewhat easier through the use of simple magic which in itself was only possible due to the amount of opportunities she had in spending time with her Stanley.

If she were to hazard a guess Ezraphel would say that she was an 1/8th full on mana (don't ask how she got that measurement. It was paltry and Ezraphel was still adjusting to being so underpowered but at east she knew enough to limit the use of her magic for the time being. It was an impressive feat for someone used being powerful and would abuse her vast reserves without conservation. There is always that risk of falling back into old habits especially when she eventually gains access to her Stanley's spirit energy but until then she would only cast spells in the direst of situations. And yes organizing her new wardrobe definitely counts as a dire situation. For Ezraphel this was more than 'garments to cover her shame and modesty.' Pssh, what the hell does Ezraphel have to be ashamed of? And modesty, what is that, a type of food you eat? Because it sure sounds like something the Lilim would chew up only to spit out and stomp under her new pair of expensive high heels.

No, these clothes were tools to be used how she saw fit. Much in the same way a skilled warrior would wield their weapon of choice, so too must Mamono wear their garments with great skill, finesse and subtlety or if that isn't their style then they would go with bold, definitive and shameless or however they feel.

Stanley had once told her that her original clothes were less clothes and more 'fetish wear' that seem pointless to which she replied "there is always a point to what kind of clothes Mamono wear Stanley." Humans wear clothes to protect or cover themselves, Mamono wear clothes to entice and for most of the time it works. If being naked worked just as well then they wouldn't even bother with it but that is just too boring. When a normal human sees a Mamono for the first time they don't see her horns, tail, scales, claws, paws or furs first. More often than not they see her chest, hips, ass, legs or sensual frame.

For a time Ezraphel actually thought he was truly fighting against her advances from all angles. Why else would he supply her with baggy, not at all cute, men's wear? It was very disheartening to know that Stanley was so against her but then he went ahead and gave her unfettered access to what was essentially an armory.

And arm herself she did.

There is not a single item of clothing in these boxes and bags that she cannot wear in a way to entice the male gender or any gender really.

'With this I will be able to whittle him down further until he is left naked with no protection and then~'

"Ah!" she smacked her cheeks and wiped the drool from her lips "no, do not get distracted."

She had work to do and so she began using low level spells to separate the boxes into categories of footwear, tops, bottoms, underwear and the like. Not included are the ones that came as sets, those would be further organized at a later time under 'casual' wear, public occasions and the more private collections which will henceforth be marked 'for Stanley's eyes only.'

Ezraphel is so very thankful that Stanley did not look too deeply into what she ordered or else he would have spoiled the surprise~

She giggled at what the look on his face would be when she wore one of those.

In the midst of her organization Stanley popped out of his office in a hurry. Naturally this got Ezraphel's attention, this wasn't the first time he would spontaneously leave the house due to some emergency and after the first few times she would not really think much of it. With the return of a not so insignificant amount of her mana one of the first things she did was establish a sympathetic bond with her Stanley. It is something all Mamono do instinctively with the one whom they consider to be their husband candidate.

The results of this 'bond' vary depending on the individual power and intensity. In Ezraphel's case she is able to gleam a bit into Stanley's mood in a given proximity. It is why she knew that he was in a kind of distress that was not so out of the ordinary.


"I uh, forgot to pick up the thing."

Is that so?" she says not at all buying his facade.

He did not answer. Instead his pace quickened and along the way he took the keys to the horseless carriage know as a 'car.'

'Time for a different approach'

She grasped his shoulder and her heart ached at the flinch, she could have called him out on it but she chose not to "are you alright?".

"Yeah, I just need to clear my head"

Her lips pursed, wanting to press the issue but hesitating to proceed. There was a good chance she could 'trigger' his defensive abrasiveness, at which point nothing productive will be said. In the end she decided not to press though she did show her love through a more traditional hug. Even without the ability to read his mood Ezraphel could tell that what Stanley needed was reassurance at that moment more than any kind of sexual stimulation.

Looking at his gobsmacked face he certainly wasn't expecting her to do that

'Silly man'

"You have something to take care of?"

"Y-yes! I mean yeah."

Ezraphel giggled at the slip "alright then" as an afterthought spurned on something she saw in a 'movie' Ezraphel gave him an innocuous kiss on the cheek and repeated the line "for good luck."


She winked at him and started playfully pushing him into the car "go, I will be here when you return."

"O-oh…kay…?" he got in the car and opened the garage door.

Before he could reverse Ezraphel leaned down to the window and knocked. For a moment she saw him hesitate and that made her hesitate. It was obvious to her now that whatever turmoil lay in his heart she was involved if not the direct cause of it. She could get ahead of this, sit him down and talk to him, 'hash it out' as the saying goes without having to deal with any misunderstandings or wrong conclusions.

The problem now is that she was pressed for time and having to come up with an explanation as to why she knew about his inner turmoil could complicate things further. Stanley had an uncanny perception towards things like this and it stems from his exposure to the different scenarios in various media.

Ezraphel has a theory that many of these are actually different universes being filtered through the subconscious medium of humans, particularly the ones belonging to the media known as 'anime' and 'hentai.'


Ezraphel did not react to his outburst though she did finally blink "apologies I was just thinking…"

"What about?"

She gained a pensive look "what would you like for dinner?"

She could have predicted his next words "do whatever."

Recently Ezraphel has taken to experimenting with new dishes something her Stanley has been very appreciative of. But while most times he left the food preparations up to her she would still ask out of courtesy or in case he felt in the mood for something specific.

Now imagine her surprise when instead of those familiar two words he gave two unfamiliar ones "don't bother"


"Eh?" she stared at him with a look of incredulity.

"You don't have to make any dinner Ez"


"O-oh" she stuttered trying and failing to maintain a calm façade, not that he seemed to notice, he wasn't even looking at her Is there any particular reason why?"

"No I'm just…not feeling very hungry right now."


"I see" she mentally wrinkled her nose at the blatant lie

'Why are you lying to me Stanley?'

She wanted to ask but he was skittish as is and he was also already in the car.

"I gotta go"

This-this is all wrong, just what in her mother's names was happening!?

"Wait Stanley"

She may not be able to stop him b-but she could still reassure him of something else


"I love you"




Ezraphel silently watched him flee and without a second look back. The Lilim was at a loss for words, the rejection hurt but not as much as she thought it would because beyond the rejection was confusion. Her connection with her Stanley enabled her to glimpse his emotional state and what she found a mishmash of emotions. She didn't quite understand them but she understood at least that she was the source and that made her quite sad.

Whatever cheer she had from the acquisition of garments died a horrible whimpering death. With not even the distraction of preparing a loving home cooked meal Ezraphel could only drag herself inside, past the as of yet sorted boxes, up the stairs, across from the open door containing her boxes of half sorted new wardrobe and into Stanley's room where she proceeded to bury herself in the bed and cry for reasons that she herself was not entirely sure of.

Why was this happening to Stanley?

Why did he have to leave?

Why could he not tell her?

Why did he not look at her?

Why? Why? Why?