
Daily Life of a Transmigrating Villain

In a battlefield drenched in metallic stench, a man lay with several sword wounds on his body, arrows embedded in his chest, blood trickling through his eyebrows onto the already blood-soaked ground, which had reached saturation and could absorb no more. "Tch, you look pathetic, brother," a woman averted her gaze. "It's good that we finally got rid of a monster like you," another one looked down at him. "Hngh~, stop it. That guy isn't dead yet," winced the woman who halted the arm pressing against her breasts while nibbling her ears. All of those women, standing with a man acting intimately with them, looked at the broken man lying on the ground. 'Haah... why me? What did I do to deserve this?' The man's heavy eyelids lifted only to see those women, for whom he had given his entire life, finally betraying him and leaving him on this cold ground to die in a clash with another man. 'Is this really the end? No, I want to kill all these hoes!' DING! ~~~~~~ "Kughh?! - why?" A man, fallen on the ground with his back against a rock, looked at a woman wearing an emperor's dress. She knelt down, holding a sword that had just stabbed her own friend who had helped her climb the throne. "You see... there are too many secrets about me that you know," the woman tilted her head, gripping the man's face as she leaned in, adding, "For your knowledge, I have been feeding you slow poison since the day we met." "W-what? How could you?" The man couldn't understand how a mere five-year-old girl could plan all this. "Tch, you see, it's not my first life but my seventh, and each time you appear just as shocked. Pffft." As he looked at his childhood friend, the man's eyes started to lose consciousness, tears trickling from his heavy eyes, his shattered heart crying, 'I can't die without taking down these bastards. No!' DING! ~~~~~ ""Come, Hero, and receive your reward for returning to your world!"" An announcement was made by a divine beauty with white wings. A man stepped forward and knelt to receive his reward for his achievements on the battlefield against the demon army for more than 40 years of his life. Schlkt! "Urgh!?" His eyes widened, blood gushing out of his mouth. He tried to look upward but realizewd he had been betrayed. DING! DING! DING! [ Congratulations on being chosen by our company of multiverse body rentals! You are eligible to be chosen by our editors, who, after very detailed analysis, have decided to provide you with a chance to improve your life and take revenge on those who have wronged you! ] [ Would you like to grant access to your body to our professionals who will carry out the task? ] "Yes," said a man betrayed by all these women. "Yes," said a man who was stabbed in the back by a friend he helped to ascend to the throne. "I accept," declared the fallen hero. . . . . \\ Volume 1 \\ "Take my body!" exclaimed the second-generation heir who lost his everything just because he loved a wrong woman. He was declared unfit for the heir position, lost his reputation to a man known as the king of soldiers who arrived in the city, and acted as the bodyguard of the woman he loved, now having nothing but his broken life at hand. [ Please read the 12,736 pages of this contract and sign it! ] 'Who even reads such a long contract?' thought the man as he signed. DING! «Thanks for selling your soul!» ~~~~~ ADVERTISEMENT!!!! Dear Humans who are reading this story in text format exactly as executed by our professionals. You can also get a chance to be isekai'd in these stories if you are chosen by our Editors. Though the seats are very limited, there are several criteria for one to at least become eligible: 1. 1.5K lifetime power stone votes in this gateway test for your new life. 2. At least 1 comment on a chapter. 3. Follow the rules of special privilege (voting, choosing the next plot, and even the story) as mentioned in Chapter 9. {* Consult our star agent TRUCK-KUN for Verification}

A4KL · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 7- Showing the mirror of truth


Suddenly, Damien's phone notification rang out, likely signaling the confirmation of the task he had delegated while he bided his time provoking Edward and teasing Emilia—farming hate points.

Damien's hand moved into his suit pocket, fingers brushing against the cool fabric before he retrieved his phone to check the incoming message:

:: Young master, we have sent the letter with the bottle's fingerprint to the police chief, and also the other letter to Gabriel Blake, who has left with two dozen armed men to attack the Ramphian Hotel. Awaiting your further orders. ::

'...Well...' Damien lifted his gaze, glancing toward Emilia. Her eyes, wide with fear, trembled as they locked onto his. Without hesitation, he grabbed her hand, feeling her slight resistance, and led her down the platform stairs.

"Let's begin the celebration, gentlemen," he announced, his voice cutting through the murmurs of the crowd. His eyes narrowed as he met Edward's glare.

Edward stood beside Amelia, who appeared dazed. His jaw clenched, but he was met only with a smirk from Damien.

Damien relished the irony: Mr. Son of Heaven had carelessly discarded the glass bottle after drinking from it and killing the innocent butler, neglecting to wipe his fingerprints from either the bottle or the body.

Damien, being a man of justice, had ensured that the fingerprints would serve their purpose.

The first letter, written by Damien, was sent to Gabriel Blake, detailing some of his crimes.

The second letter, along with an HD+ 8K high-definition video pendrive of the murder titled 'A mad dog biting the neck of an innocent butler,' and a sample of the fingerprint, was sent to the police chief of the main city.

The police chief would come here to arrest a single man, unaware of Gabriel Blake and his armed men, who would be the first to arrive at the scene.

Afterwards, the scene here would be like—Boom.

'...Now just need a simple attack,' Damien mused, maneuvering everything to ensure that Edward would bear the blame and the hatred. All that remained was to push Edward to the point where his hatred for Damien became visibly evident.

After all, the night would eventually end, and once it did, Damien would need to be the victim here.

"Wow, you both appear to be a match made in heaven!"

"Indeed, what a gorgeous bride, and Sir Damien is already so handsome, hahaha."

"Yes, and please ignore the third leg; they are just jealous of you."

'Fucking bastards,' Edward gritted his teeth, noting the mocking glances of those around him, their minds oblivious to his true strength while they called him a dick.

In this moment, he etched their faces into his memory, planning to show them true fear when he eventually dealt with them by either killing them or destroying their businesses.

"Bring the rings," Damien commanded. The servants moved with subdued elegance, presenting a tray made of silk cloth on which two ring boxes rested, both appearing to be made of glass, showcasing the marvelous pieces crafted from the most expensive stones.

But one of the boxes was empty, evident from the hollow space visible through the transparent cover.

"Th-this? Sir, we are unaware of this," one of the servants stammered, fearing they would be blamed for the missing ring.

"You don't have to feel nervous. This is exactly how it's supposed to be," Damien clarified, turning to Emilia, who looked back at him with confusion, unable to comprehend his next move while noticing his softening gaze.

'What does he want?' Emilia glanced at the ring box and then locked eyes with Damien, who appeared to be plotting something again. Her anger visibly flared at his behavior.

First, he had seized the majority of their company shares and then lied to her about her uncle's being in his grasp.

Not only that, he even told her to sleep with him as payment for his agreement to act against that man.

She didn't know what was going on inside his mind or if he would keep tormenting her like this.

It was intolerable for her.

She only wanted to help her mother, who was in debt, but now she was being forced into marriage with this man who seemed nothing short of a monster.

"Here, this is the ring that Emilia will wear." Damien took out another black box from his suit pocket, opening it to reveal an old-fashioned black ring inscribed with words in an unknown language.


'No, don't tell me...' Amelia, watching with narrowed eyes, felt them widen the moment she saw the ring Damien offered to Emilia, the same one he had offered her a year ago.

At that time, her memories were still vivid, allowing her to recall the events clearly.


"Amelia, will you marry me?" Damien knelt in front of her with a helpless gaze, proposing despite knowing her reluctance.

"Damien, you know I don't want to marry until I secure my future," Amelia averted her gaze, feeling burdened by the elaborate seaside proposal with drones and fireworks lighting up the sky.

The spectacle could melt the hardest of hearts, but she found it overwhelming, not wanting to be tied down as someone's wife.

"I... I see," a faint smile crossed Damien's face as he looked down, his hand loosening its grip on the ring. Despite kneeling, his eyes betrayed the emotional turmoil in his heart.

"Although, this ring is beautiful," Amelia tried to change the topic, acknowledging the unique and attractive black ring that had been offered to her.

"Yeah, this was my mother's last possession. She wanted me to give it to the woman I want to spend my life with," Damien beamed, his eyes lifting with a smile as he shared its origin.

"Oh, I..." Amelia felt a pang of guilt, sensing she had hurt him deeply with her rejection. She started to speak but stopped herself.

"No, no need to feel guilty. Let me tell you more about my mother," Damien shook his head, understanding her position but eager to share more of his life. He stood and took her hands, leading her to a nearby bench.

The night was long as Damien recounted stories of his mother who had passed when he was seven, his father remarrying ten years later.

Amelia sat beside him on the bench, hands clasped in her lap, listening intently as Damien shared his life's story.

Despite knowing she would never love him back, Damien knew he would continue to love her.


'Are you kidding me?' Amelia's widened eyes trembled, her fingers slowly clenching her tight red dress, whose silky fabric started to feel suffocating against her skin.

Finally, a dreadful feeling shrouded her mind: the entire marriage plot Damien had seemed to arrange to get her attention was not fake.

It was a feeling that everything was genuine, and he was really going to marry someone else.


"S-stop it!" Suddenly, Amelia cried out as Damien's hand pulled Emilia into a tight grasp and his tongue entered her mouth in a deep kiss.


Instantly, it crushed Amelia's heart, her voice reverting to that same place.