
Dagon’s Return

Dagon gets a second chance at life in a new world full of magic and adventure, after the death of his family. It’s everything he’s ever wanted, but it comes at a price. Dagon must find his way in this world with danger at every turn. Why was he brought here, and what must he do? He’ll have to survive and get stronger to find the answers to his questions.

DreamEscape · Fantasie
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17 Chs

The forest of Umbria

Dagon arrived at the edge of the forest shortly after nightfall. He made camp 100 or so yards away as to not attract any unwanted attention from the woods. He went to sleep after his nightly training.

He awoke bright and early, the sun only half over the horizon. Another perfectly clear day.

"I wish the weather was like this back home, I hope it lasts," Dagon thought.

Dagon headed into the forest after getting ready. He had his sword on his hip, and bow and quiver on his back.

The forest was unlike the one he awoke in for the first time in this world. It was darker, quieter, and gave off a more ominous vibe. The forest didn't seem to be alive.

It only took Dagon 2 hours to find tracks. He wasn't an experienced hunter in his past life, so he didn't know what kind of animal he was following, but he followed nonetheless. Whether it was food or money, he'd get something out of it.

To his surprise, he felt lucky when he finally located the beast he'd been tracking. It was actually a wolf. Not just one either, a pack of them. He'd been quiet, and slow, the whole way to ensure he didn't alert anything to his presence. He was about 50 yards away when he first spotted them.

There were 4 wolves feasting on what looked like a deer, although there wasn't enough left of it to be able to tell.

Dagon made a plan in his head before taking any action. He didn't want to scare them away, but he didn't want them to be able to attack him before ensuring success. Dagon knew he wouldn't make it out alive if they all came after him.

He notched his first arrow, slowly pulling the drawstring back as to not make a noise. He aimed at the head of the closest wolf, taking a deep breath as he did so.

Dagon exhaled as he released the arrow, not even taking the time to make sure it hit. He notched a second arrow quickly, and took aim.


The first arrow hit its mark.

Dagon released his second arrow as the wolves quickly raised their heads from their feast. He notched his third arrow as soon as he released the second.


The second arrow hit its mark.

At this point the wolves backed away, scanning the area as they did so. Their hair and ears had perked up listening for any noise they could make out. As Dagon pulled the drawstring on the third arrow, the wolves located him. They dashed towards him quicker than he expected.

Dagon stayed his ground, lining up his third shot. When the wolves came within 20 meters of him, he took his third shot. The speed at which they moved was too fast for him to be confident in a moving shot, so he waited until the last second.

The second he fired the arrow, the bow disappeared into his storage space. He pulled the sword from his hip getting into stance.


The third arrow hit the wolf, but not it's mark. The wolf was too fast. Instead of hitting its head, it struck its stomach. It wasn't enough to kill it right away, but it'd still help in the fight to come.

The wolf cried in pain as it scrambled closer to Dagon at a significantly lower speed. A limp visible in its form.

The other wolf headed full speed to Dagon. It reached him within 2 seconds of the other wolf getting struck.

Dagon has just enough time to side step and chop down at the wolf with his sword as it lunged at him.



The head of the wolf dropped the forest floor, as the body tumbled further ahead.

Dagon's heart felt like it was trying to jump out of his chest. He was too in the moment to notice it until now.


He heard the injured wolf cry from a couple meters away from him. He was too focused on the the last wolf to remember the one he hadn't killed yet.

Dagon quickly spun around, facing the wolf.

Blood leaked out of its wound onto the ground, turning the dead leaves a sickly shade of red. It growled at him from a distance, as if unsure what to do.


Dagon took a step toward it, and the wolf took a step back. Even an injured wolf was enough to kill him if he wasn't cautious.

Dagon thought about what to do for a moment before quickly pulling back out the bow. He didn't want to let the wolf go, that was money he badly needed.

Before the wolf could pounce on him, he quickly notched another arrow. The wolf only noticed the sword was gone as it readied itself to leap at Dagon.

The wolf was only 3 feet away by the time the arrow lodged itself in its head.


The wolf, still in midair, tumbled into Dagon. He turned his body enough to let the beast roll off of him. Even knowing it was dead, he still was scared out of his mind.

This was the first time he's ever killed a beast such as this. Although Dagon had never killed anything before, he didn't feel any sort of guilt or sadness as he expected. He felt only relief and excitement.

Dagon took the arrows out of the bodies, before storing them in his storage ring. He didn't know how much space he had in there, but he'd keep going until he found out.

While only 2 were perfect killed, he still believed he'd made 3 or more silver coins just now. It wasn't a lot, but it was a start.

He'd read in the book "History of Valios" about the currency of the world. 100 copper coins equaled 1 silver coin, 100 silver coins equaled 1 gold coin, and 1000 gold coins equaled 1 royal gold coin.

The inn at the Guild costed 15 coppers a night. It was a discounted rate for the the adventurers, as a regular inn costed around 20 at least. He wanted to make enough on this job to set himself up for a couple days of training back in the city before doing another one, and hopefully hire a teacher if he had enough left over.

4 wolves weren't going to cut it. 10 was the minimum he was looking for. He didn't know how long he'd be out here, but he wouldn't go back until he had at least 10 wolves in his ring.

After his moment of thinking, and cleaning up the area, Dagon headed deeper into the woods. He doubted he get as lucky as he did the first time finding his prey so easy. He still wasn't use to the newfound luck he'd had ever since entering this world.

Dagon searched all day for new prey, but couldn't find any wolves. He managed to snag a couple rabbits with the bow on the way back out for dinner. Although he had food in his ring, it was best to save it for rainy days if he could.

As he prepared his dinner outside of the forest, Dagon remembered hearing the sound of a status message during the fight. He'd been so preoccupied with the battle at hand that he completely ignored it, and forgot about it afterwards. Dagon quickly pulled up his stats to see what rewards he reaped today.


[Health: 10/10]

[Stamina: 10] [Strength: 8]

[Magic: 15] [Agility: 6]

[One-handed sword proficiency: 12%]

[Longbow proficiency: 40%]

Dagon had a wide grin on his face as he read his new status updates. His sword proficiency was definitely going up slow, but he knew a good teacher would change that. As for the longbow proficiency, experience would take care of that. He had good form and plenty of practice in the past, he just needed experience using it in battle.

Dagon found comfort knowing he was steadily growing into a new person. It'd only been a few days, but he was changing. Both physically and mentally, and in a good way. He fell asleep that night in peace, peace he was hoping would last forever in this new life.