

A few days before his little brother's birthday, Allen Morgan, only a 13 year-old, was almost caught by the guards after he was seen thieving pockets. In a bid to escape their eyes, he entered a tavern, but little did he know that action would forever change the course of his life. He wanted to be rich for his family. Did he obtain it? He rooted for his father to understand him. Was he successful in that endeavor? He wanted his little brother to have a good life. Did he even get it? In order to acquire them, he chose between the betterment of his life or of others. Did he regret it? Or did those choices lead him to something worse? His mother, nowhere to be found. His father, might as well consider him a good-for-nothing. Himself, in a state of oblivion. Follow Allen in his journey, in a world where he began to ruin many people's lives. Would he care about them? Would he be indifferent? Or be one of them? ... Additional Info: Next daily release will PROBABLY be during summer vacation. Additional Info 2: Currently editing chapters [again]. I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors as I'm not a fluent English writer. In addition, there are some slightly important things changes to them which would have an affect later on in the story. Additional Info 3: Removed some tags, I considered them as indirect spoilers and would add them later on through the story. -C_M

Celestially_Mortal · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
122 Chs


Inside the private room in the gambling den...

The owner of this gambling den was somebody named Louis.

He was the leader of the local criminal organization with many illicit or legal businesses and has been active for many years, yet the local government still hasn't acted against him.

As for why there were no raids on his establishments, it was not because he's influencial or powerful, but because he knew how to hide his tracks from the authorities.

He was also the same man that Marco talked with earlier before he left.

The gambling den was one of his many establishments, but this was where he was frequently staying.

Inside the private room...

Louis was savoring the wine he was drinking. Beside him sitting was a lady who was wearing minimal body clothes.

Louis suddenly called out towards the door, "Francisco, is the Punisher Squad back yet?"

Somebody replied back from outside the door, "Not yet, sir."

After which, he sunk into contemplation and muttered, "Not back yet?"

After a pause, he placed his hand on the exposed hips of the lady beside him, "Well then... make me happy."

"Sir!", Francisco called out from behind the door.

"What is it?!", Louis was angered. He was about to start doing it, of course, somebody like him would be enraged if he was interrupted in his sensual pleasures.

"Somebody's attacking the gambling den!", Francisco said.

"What?! Is it the town guards?", Louis asked and inwardly said. 'Have they already found out about me?'

"No sir!"

"Then who is attacking?"

"I got a report that it's just one person. He has already bypassed Front Zone 2!"

"Tell the guards to get ready!", Louis was a cautious man. That's also the reason why his activity was still not noticed by the local government. Even though it's just one person, he'll still be alarmed.


The gambling den was split into five sections. The first one was the lounge. The second was the Three Front Zones. The third was the Gambling Hall. The fourth was the Private Front Zone. The fifth was the Private Room where Louis was.

Meanwhile at the Front Zone 3...

Allen was behind a pillar, hiding himself from the crossbow bolts of the enemies.

"So much for sneaking.", Allen sighed. He was trying to sneak by taking advantage of the dim lights of the establishment.

He easily passed the lounge, however, after he passed the door of Front Zone 1 towards the Front Zone 2, an alarm was activated and the guards of the Three Front Zones rushed towards him.

He easily bypassed the Front Zone 2, but got stuck at Front Zone 3.

A lot of crossbows where pointed at his location. Even though he was wearing the enchanted assassin clothes, he wasn't rash to directly attack the crossbowmen, as they might hit his head, which wasn't fully protected by the clothes.

However, that doesn't mean he couldn't do something.

"Look, it came out! Fire!", the command was given, and they all shot towards Allen, but they didn't know that the kid wasn't just an ordinary human.

Seeing the arrow rain, Allen wasn't flustered. He already fought a dragon with the help of the Erchian Dagger, even though he wasn't using the said weapon right now, but he got enough experience when it comes to these kinds of situation.

Executing the Shadow Steps, he swiftly avoided the arrow rain by running up the nearby wall.

Yes, running up the nearby wall. He only got to do it in an instant, but it was enough, because he sent out dagger flashes towards the enemies.

The Dagger Flash's former range was at ten meters, but after battling for many times and with the small permanent boost of the Erchian Dagger, it has more or less doubled.

-sou- -sou- -sou-

The crossbowmen were stupefied by when they saw those glowing curved lights, and they only got to recompose themselves when the flashes were upon them.

-pshew- -pshew- -pshew-

The dagger flashes penetrated the body of the crossbowmen and went to the their other comrades behind them.

The flashes didn't stop until more than half of them were killed. Corpses were now lying down the ground with puddles of blood appearing under them.

The other people who were still alive were frightened by the scene and ran away. In their eyes, it was as if Allen was the grim reaper.

When all the survivors left, Allen saw the mess he had made and was even disgusted of it. He felt a bit itchy just by smelling the aroma of blood in the air.

But he had to do it, or else his father would be in big trouble and he himself would lose ten years of lifespan.

The kid continued forward and saw the open door towards the Gambling Hall.

However, he didn't enter it, because he knew that there would be a lot of guards pointing their crossbows and other weapons towards the entrance.

He thought of the situation and concluded that even if he executed Shadow Steps ran towards the walls of the Gambling Hall, he would only have a 15% to 20% chance of living.

However, he thought of an plan...


In the Gambling Hall...

Numerous crossbowmen were in position aiming at the entrance, there were even some guards wielding spears from the other side of the hall.

Surprisingly, they were more well-equipped than the town guards!

When their commander saw a black silhouette entering the room from afar, he ordered out:


As soon as the order was given out, all the crossbowmen started to shoot and an arrow rain more than twice the size of the other ones earlier rained down.

When they clearly saw the silhouette, they saw that it was carrying the severed upper part of two of their comrades. Blood was still dripping down their torso.

"Fire when you're ready!"


Allen rushed towards a stone pillar and went behind it to cover himself from the incoming arrows. Afterwards, he discared the upper bodies of the two dead people he was carrying. He only used them to cover his head, some arrows did hit the kid's feet and legs, but didn't pierce through his clothes.

He took an instant peek towards the enemies, and determined the distance was beyond the range of the Dagger Flash.

In addition, there were spearmen in front of the crossbowmen, their formation might seem neat, but in truth, it was disorganized.

Some crossbowmen weren't in line, while spearmen weren't that vigilant and even talked to the people beside them.

"What to do?", Allen pondered. Time was running out, he couldn't afford to stay here for too long.

The town guards might notice that there was chaos taking place in this location l, or the enemy leader might escape, or there might be reinforcements coming from outside that would force him to a corner.

There were many uncertain factors, but he didn't come in here unprepared. Before he went towards the gambling den, he went back to the house and took some things from the satchel.

He took out a small orb from his sleeves and activated Firm Fists.

Allen knew of the orb's function and now, it was the right time to use it.

The kid then threw the orb towards the enemies. With the slight boost of Firm Fists, it reached the guards at a fast speed. All the guards then saw the orb and sticked their eyes on it to check if it was a threat. However, what they just did was a fatal mistake.


The orb exploded and blinding light came out from it.

"Ahhh... my eyes!"

"Help, I can't see!"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

The orb was given by Lord Levine, if it was activated, one would get permanent blindness if they looked directly with their eyes onto it at a close distance. He was planning to use it later on, but he had no choice but to use it now.

Allen wondered at that time why would the holy priest even gave that dangerous object to him.

Luckily, there were no guests this night because they all left after the mayor temporarily lifted the curfew, which made them worry that there was something fishy going on.

The kid easily passed the shouting blind guards, and couldn't help but feel pity. However, he tightened his resolve and closed the large steel door behind them.

Allen then walked in the corridor towards the next room. As soon as the kid entered the Private Front Zone. He saw a man wearing robes while holding a staff, who was blocking the way towards the next corridor.

The man was surprised when he saw Allen's height and inwardly said, 'It's only a kid?'

Actually, Allen could already be considered a bit taller than the other children a year older his current age.

When Allen saw a blue gem on the man's wooden staff, he immediately thought, 'A mage?'

Then his thoughts continued, 'Why would there be a mage in a small criminal organization like this one?'