
Ch.21 - Goodbye

Marlin was mentally exhausted when she walked into her apartment building. Dave nodded at her and flipped to the next page in his newspaper. "Rough day?"

Marlin assessed the sixty-something man and found herself sitting next to him.

"That bad, huh?" he asked. She slumped and propped her feet up on the desk, mirroring him. Dave folded his newspaper slightly and gave her his full attention.

"What do you think when you see me?"

Dave pulled a face," if this is sexual then I see you more like a daughter."

Despite her mood Marlin laughed," you know what I mean. You've ran this desk for as long as I've lived here. What did you think when you met me?"

The man looked deep in thought for a moment. "I told myself I'd never tell you this, but I thought you would end up at rock bottom in a week. I b-"

"But why?" Marlin interjected swinging her legs off the desk. Recent frustration was already building back up.

Dave rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder," men seek out to crush pretty things like yourself. It isn't right and it's not true of every man, but I've seen some of the worst."

"What about now? What do you think of me now?"

He shrugged," you proved me wrong. You're strong kid, but you're also kind. You're the type of person who would hold a conversation with an old receptionist," he flashed her a toothy smile.

The elevator dinged before Marlin could reply. A man came out with a cart of boxes. Marlin frowned," is someone moving out?"

Dave's smile dropped and he unfolded his newspaper. "Fast lesson; don't be strong all the time."

Marlin didn't wait for the elevator and before she knew it, she had run all the way up to her floor. Barreling through the door she was met with a hallway filled with boxes. Henry was talking to one of the movers while Britney loaded one of the carts. The mover nodded to Henry and pushed the cart into the elevator with Britney following. Henry turned to his apartment but caught Marlin's eye. His face turned ashen white and Marlin had a feeling that she wasn't supposed to see this.

"You're moving!?"

Henry looked side to side like he was searching for an escape. When he couldn't find one, he looked toward the ground. "It was the best decision."

Marlin scoffed and felt the tears build in her eyes," best decision? You're running away and you weren't even going to tell me. Did you even think what this would do to me? Having my friends disappear out of nowhere?"

Henry was silent.

Marlin didn't try to stop her tears as they ran down her cheeks. "I'm tired, Henry. You need to fix your issues, and this is coming from a girl who couldn't find where she was going if you drew me a fucking map." She raised a finger and pointed at him. "But you are a whole different sort of fucked up. You can't even commit to a fucking friendship."

Marlin turned around with her last word and didn't look back as she pulled out her phone and called Sebastian.

He answered almost immediately, and his heart dropped when he heard her sniffles. "I'm on my way but don't hang up."