
Daddy’s Little Girl

Zoey864 · Teenager
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8 Chs

Old and New

Faith's POV

The mall with Elena and Jeremy was really fun, if you count fun as being a third wheel. Fortunately enough it was fun for me because I love third wheeling. 

Unfortunately the weekend decided it wanted to be fast so today's Monday again. ughhh  why oh why does the universe hate me so.

I'm currently on the way to school with Elena. Jeremy said he'd meet us there because he was meeting up with some friends. I thought it was weird because Jeremy and friends in the same sentence that is just something I wouldn't expect.

So for the last 5 mins Elena's been going on and on about how excited she is to go to school. I mean honestly how can someone want to go to that hellhole willingly. Although I was a little excited too because I get to see Alessandro.

I still don't know how I feel about him, I mean yea he's my mate and everything but for all I know he can be controlling and abusive. I won't go through that again. Not  when it cost me so much last time.

"Faith, helloooo." Elena said dragging out the O

"Huh, oh um yea I totally agree."

"Really so you agree that Jeremy is hot."

"Eww definitely not!"

"I knew you weren't listening!"

"Sorry El, it's just I have a lot on my mind." I sigh

"Aww babe whats wrong, you know you can tell me anything right?" Elena said while wrapping her arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to her.

"Yea I know El, it's just that I don't know what to do about Alessandro. Y'know I want to get to know him for Hope's sake but then I'm scared I'll get hurt again. And last time it cost me my dad.." I sighed and continued "I just I don't know."

"Aww Faye it's okay."

"It's not it's really not El... what if... what if Alessandro is like him. Even worse what if he... he finds out and doesn't want me anymore."

"Faye listen to me I know your scared, hell I'd be scared too if my boyfriend was like.... and then he... your dad... Faye your so strong okay and maybe he is like Him but maybe just maybe he isn't."

"Well damn El look at you being all wise and stuff." I said with a slight chuckle

"Hey! I'm plenty wise And smart." She Huffed

"Okay. Okay I believe you El calm down it was a joke." I laughed

She huffed "A very untrue joke." She looked at me from the side of her eye and busted out laughing.

" Ahahaha you should've seen your face.... it was soo.... fu..funny." She said in between laughs

"I just was confused you were so serious." I shrugged

"You should know I'm not very serious." She said after she sobered out form her laughing

"Yea, your pretty goofy." I laughed

Maybe..just maybe today is gonna be a good day Monday be Damned.