
Dadblade and Sonboo

After finding an odd mob in his base, Techno takes in Ranboo reluctantly and somehow finding himself become a father figure to this small....enderman thing. Over time he begins to understand why Philza took him and his brothers in. This is my Au regarding the Techno is Ranboos dad headcanon.

SomeFandometrashe · Videospiele
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5 Chs

Bad to Worse to Weird

Techno grunts wrapping his cape tighter around his bloody arm. Was his base always this far away or is the loss of blood finally getting to him. The battle between his brother and his stupid government left him more hurt than he expected. Not to mention the blast from Wilbur's explosion burned the hell out of him. He doesn't care though, he got what he wanted for the time being. He sent a message to whatever is left of L'Manburg while also causing a little chaos along the way. Every war on this server can be compared to many different greek tragedies. Why can't they see this is history repeating itself. Wilbur saw how horrible the government is. Why can't Tommy?

Techno shakes his head and sits under a tree to rest. He knows stopping is a dumb idea especially out in the open like this but FUCK this armor is so heavy. He peels off what's left of his leggings and wince at the damage to his left leg. He really needs to get home before his leg gets infected. He takes off his helmet and chest plate, putting it in his inventory. He bites his inner cheek trying not to cry out in pain when using his right arm to take off his shoulder pads. The last thing he needs right now is to alert skeletons or zombies hiding under trees. Techno uses the tree to help himself up and continues dragging himself to his base keeping a watchful eye. His vision is blurry and it'll soon be night but he needs to get to his base. He can already hear endermen spawning in. Fuck he didn't think he'd be this hurt from the fight. Then again he didn't actually think Wilbur was going to blow up the place. Techno curses at himself saying how he should have known and that he should have been prepared. After all, being prepared is what let him survive for this long. He sees his base in the distance and smiles till he feels blood and sweat staining his clothes run down his legs. He's so close he can't let something as pitiful as blood loss kill him now. He dragged his leg behind him opening the door to his base just in time for the sun to set.

After bandaging up his arm, leg, and stomach (he has no idea how he missed the giant wound on his side) he ate some food he had left in his inventory. He sighed laying on his bed, putting his wounded leg on his pillow. From the looks of the burn marks all over his leg, the wither blast to the arm, his side being cut open, and the vares cuts and stabs from swords and axes he wouldn't be able to do much for a few….weeks. He hisses when he sits up to check the stitches he had to do on his side….looks like it's going to be a few months instead. This is a huge dent in his plans since he can't train properly, cant farm fast, or get any resources at the rate he usually does. He already planned to grind for resources for the next few weeks, but now he can barely walk. He feels himself getting angry and takes a deep breath. This is fine. Just gives him more time to plan and work out a strategy. It's not like L'manburg is going to do anything worthwhile in the next few months. At the most, they'll maybe have full netherite gear if they focus and Tommy doesn't start another war. Techno tries not to let himself stress over it and lays down to finally get some sleep.

In the middle of the night, there is a loud crash that causes Techno to sit up and grab his sword. He bites his good hand holding back a scream of pain. Great. This is exactly how he wanted to wake up. In pain, barely able to move, and some asshat breaking into a base that took weeks to find the perfect spot for. This is just perfect. With a sudden wave of anger and pure spite for his own body he forced himself to stand up and drag his broken body to where he heard the noise. It seemed to come from the hall where he kept the food storage room and the useless block room. He knew this place like the back of his hand and made sure everything was perfectly organized, almost to the point where there was a separate room for every possible category of item in that world.

He quietly made his way down the stairs doing his best to hide his grunts of pain going down every step. Once he got close enough he could hear who or whatever it was was inside the useless blocks room. Techno stood next to the room gripping his sword tightly trying to listen for any clue on who it could be. After all, it could be a random zombie or possibly Wilbur coming to make a plan with him to overthrow the government. Once he heard the quiet chittering of an enderman coming from inside the room he let himself relax a bit. He still kept the same alertness but wasn't as worried as before. He felt the adrenaline leave his body as he went to open the door though once he stepped inside he froze. He never freezes; he makes sure of that but this…..this… isn't like what he's seen before. There in the middle of the room sits a scared….boy? He can't tell what it is. It has half black and half white skin running almost perfectly symmetrical from each other on its skin. It has one red and one green eye that Techno only saw for a second before it covered its eyes with its hands. It has the same particles as an enderman floating around it, and it sure as hell sounded like one but it is much too small.

It removes its hands to look at techno before quickly looking down. Techno grips tighter on his sword till it starts to let out a sound. It began to sound like a mix of a ghast and a child crying. To this day Techno is not sure why he did this but Techno drops his sword and slowly makes his way to it. "Um….hi?" It cries louder but instead of Techno getting annoyed like he usually does in these situations he looks around for something to comfort it. "Um...shit..wait um I'm sorry kid..um let's see um...do you want some cobblestone? Endermen….things like cobblestone right?" It..er the child looks up at him still having tears run down their face. Techno fought against the pain and slowly sat down to be less intimidating. Techno carefully tossed a piece of cobble towards them. The child stares at it and slowly picks it up making gurgling sounds. The crying slowly turns into a slight whimper as the child holds the cobble feeling more comfortable. Techno slowly scoots closer till he is arm's length away. The child now much calmer than before chitters and gurgles playing with the cobblestone. They notice Techno is a lot closer now and offers the cobble back adverting any eye contact at all. Huh...so this night went from worse to weird.

This is my story from Tumblr where I post more often. I have a writing disability so writing is hard. If you want to give advice/constructive criticism/request on what you want to see next then I'm all ears. For now, take this unedited mess. Btw the events in the SMP are going to have a considerable time gap between them so sorry if that's confusing for anyone.

SomeFandometrashecreators' thoughts