
Dabria - An angel of death.

There's a drumming in my ears, it sounds like a heartbeat, but as if it is dying. The sound begins to go quiet, becoming harder to hear like there's water surrounding it, a lot of water until it becomes nothing but a muffle of sound waves. It's changing pitch, it sounds like a murderous, pleading scream, as if someone is about to end up dead and they're begging for mercy, or they were shot and are shrieking out in pain. My heart skips a few beats as it becomes louder and louder and louder. I feel my hands coming to my ears to cover it, but I stumble back and let out a shriek when the screaming of agony became louder. Yet, I soon realized no sound came out and water began flooding my mouth as a pair of hands latch themselves around my throat and squeeze tightly, my own hands grip onto their wrists, clawing at them to let go. My vision is becoming blurry, all I can hear is ringing, clapping, cheering and then cries and screams of pain. I'm beginning to give up hope until my body is let go and left to sink down to the depths of my new cage of water. My eyes close and a sinking thought comes through my mind, 'It's the end, I guess.'

Dont_Scream · Fantasie
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16 Chs

6). The Principal Is A Cruel Man


Akiro's PoV


As I got closer to the office, my thoughts were beginning to get drowned with questions and other normal thoughts. I slip my hand from my pocket as I reach the front desk, then turn to the lady sitting at it. She was rather small, with bright blond hair and blue eyes brighter than the bluest sky. She had some light brown freckles spotted over her nose and cheeks, sort of adorable in a way if you were into those things. I brush my hair from my face, it still being as messy as it was before, as I had messed it back up in the hallways.

The small girl looked up to me, then looked back down at the computer that was hidden by the large white desk that she barely had her head over, even with a much taller seat.

"Name?" She had a somewhat british accent, but it wasn't very rich like past students and teachers that had been at the school from my memory of them.

"Akiro Sidorov." I bluntly reply with, looking behind her and into the room with somewhat fogged windows, and there he was. The principal of the school is a cruel man, being sent to his office is practically the synonym of a second death. The man himself was feared, but not by the teachers for whatever reason they had seen from him to make them immune to his terrifying way of dealing with people who broke the rules of his just so wonderful school that he had spent so long building up.

"You may go in now." She quietly said, then leaning over the desk and pressing a button to open up the door next to the desk. I shift my body, then push the door open sluggishly and step in and towards his office. A frown is still placed upon my face as I grip the door handle, turning it and opening it with the least amount of effort needed.

I glanced down, fighting the urge to look surprised as the small male from last night walked out with a calm expression smothered all over his face. He looked up at me as he passed through to get past, his bright red eyes shimmering and giving the thought of thick blood slipping around in his irises line a river going in circles to no destination whatsoever. I pause at the door as he pauses as well, and I look back at him with a curious gaze.

"You're quite the ass, Akiro Sidorov." He looked back and gave me a smile that sent shivers up my spine. It wasn't a terrifying one or anything like that, it's one of those smiles that you don't expect so much that it's almost terrifying.

"Nice to know, snow-white." The name suddenly burst out of my mouth and my mind filled with swears and curses while I watched him smile less, but more softly as he turned away and walked out of the door I had come through.