
Dabria - An angel of death.

There's a drumming in my ears, it sounds like a heartbeat, but as if it is dying. The sound begins to go quiet, becoming harder to hear like there's water surrounding it, a lot of water until it becomes nothing but a muffle of sound waves. It's changing pitch, it sounds like a murderous, pleading scream, as if someone is about to end up dead and they're begging for mercy, or they were shot and are shrieking out in pain. My heart skips a few beats as it becomes louder and louder and louder. I feel my hands coming to my ears to cover it, but I stumble back and let out a shriek when the screaming of agony became louder. Yet, I soon realized no sound came out and water began flooding my mouth as a pair of hands latch themselves around my throat and squeeze tightly, my own hands grip onto their wrists, clawing at them to let go. My vision is becoming blurry, all I can hear is ringing, clapping, cheering and then cries and screams of pain. I'm beginning to give up hope until my body is let go and left to sink down to the depths of my new cage of water. My eyes close and a sinking thought comes through my mind, 'It's the end, I guess.'

Dont_Scream · Fantasie
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16 Chs

5). Classroom


Akiro's POV


"Ah, is big brother feeling a little flushed?" She asks, smiling brightly up at me with a hopeful light in her eyes.

"What?! Hell no!" I suddenly burst out a yell, crossing my arms and looking away, cheeks still full with red. I feel her grab me around the collar, pull me forwards and drag me down the hall. I yelp in shock, huffing out loudly and following along with silence.

She pulls me to a classroom, turns me to be at her front without warning so I almost trip and fall back. Luckily I catch myself in time. "Alright! Behave in class Big brother or I won't be so gentle on you!" She grins from ear to ear, turns and skips down the hallway without saying anything else, or waiting for a response.

"Ah fuck." I mutter and look behind me at the class full of people staring at me, along with the teacher patiently waiting for me to enter fully and go to my seat. "Right. . . Class." I turn and step in, then carry on until I reach my desk at the back. I move the seat, then sit in it with a loud huff and a glare towards the teacher who soon after turns back to the board and starts writing on it. I look around the room with a dull expression, then sit up when I notice a certain person. I stare at him for a moment, and he glances back at me without a single word. I look away without saying anything myself, gazing out the window and down to the field outside where there was a small shed, a large tennis court, the actual field we did running and other sports on, and then a huge area for a garden. The courtyard adjacent to the field has numerous cherry blossom trees, several benches scattered around and a large fountain with a statue of a man, with somewhat a feminine appearance. A large crown is placed on his head with long hair, and that too had several jewels around the centre of his head, but also all over the entire crown. The long gown he wears forever in stone swirls around the whole fountain with pink water flowing out of his eyes and the base of the fountain which was a cherry blossom tree flower.

"Akiro." I twist my head to my name being said and blink repeatedly in confusion. "You're wanted at the main office." The teacher says after noticing my confused expression. I get up slowly and push the chair into the desk and step forwards and towards the door. I grip the handle and slide it open. I pause to look around the halls, glance back at my teacher and leave the room and slam the door.

I walk towards the office slowly, running my fingers through my hair while neatening up my uniform for once.