
Dabbling on The Concept of Multiverse

A multiverse where anything can be true, and where everything you believe in can be false, but in this one, it's just a "God" looking over some universes (Or story ideas the Author wants to make a full novel on but can't)

KingAka20 · Urban
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1 Chs

Lucky Bastard

In a world where monsters appear in certain areas like in games, people who have powers appear at the same time the moment the monsters showed up. It was a world that almost descended into madness but was kept together by the <Hunters>, who guided the remaining civilians to rebuild the world.

Now, everyone has unique abilities, well, mostly everyone. Those who're not born with abilities have unnatural talents in sports and studies, so the people of the world didn't look down on those with no abilities.

"it has been 200 years since the first monsters appeared."

The T.V. was noisy today, but I've no problem with it. Going into the washroom, I grabbed the toothpaste, which looked to be empty, but when I squeezed it, some of the paste came out enough for me to brush my teeth, after brushing my teeth I gargled some water and went outside the washroom.

"Forgot to put this back."

Without turning back, I threw the toothbrush and heard it hit the glass, where it was supposed to be. I walked outside the door of my apartment and jumped down from the 4th floor, safely landing on a pile of mattresses.

"Guess it's time to head to work."

Oh, almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Desmond Strife. I can be unnatural luck. For example, today I'm supposed to head to work, but I'm not feeling like working today so...


My phone vibrated in my pocket, and when I checked it, there was a text stating that...

[The Boss got promoted and told everyone to have a day off!]

Like that, I could also walk down the street without worrying about traffic or cars that are speeding. Some say this ability is the best, but it came with one drawback. The government supports everyone, except those with reality, time, and space bending abilities. My ability coincides with reality.

Luck is something that could as well bend reality whether I like it or not. Like if I were to sleep in an "Iron maiden" and someone were to close it, I would escape unscathed. Heck, not even a direct hit from the explosion of an atom bomb can kill me.

For that reason, the government placed secret agents all around me to observe me, and "try" to subdue me if I were to turn evil.


I entered a pizza parlor, and the receptionist greeted me with a warm smile on her face. She's an agent.

"Good morning, Cicin, I'll have two slices of all-meat pizza and a freshly brewed black coffee."

"Coming right up~"

How did I find out she was an agent? You might ask, well the reason was that I was lucky. One time I was in the bathroom and I overheard her talking to her captain or something, but I couldn't care less.

"Here's your food~"

As she handed me the food, I heard the bell at the door rang and I saw a beautiful, black-haired goddess. When I looked back at Cicin, her face was mortified.

The woman's name was Rhea. like me, she has a special power. The power she possesses is connected to time. It's <Regression>. When Rhea dies, the entire universe resets to a random point in time where she's alive. How do I know of this ability, well it's because I'm lucky...

"Desmond, I thought you were heading to work."

Flames started erupting around her entire frame. There are only a few cases where a human gains multiple abilities, and in her case, she was born with 2, the first is <Regression> the second is <Inherit> the second ability lets her gain the ability of the one that she kills and she can pass it over to her next, though the abilities that are passed over is just 1 and at random.

"I was until my boss said that we have a 1-day vacation."

The flames died down, but her rage is still there... she went close to me and pinched my left arm.

"Then just stay in the house, dummy."

One ability that she got is the opposite of mine, which is <Misfortune>. This is the reason she was angry, for she doesn't want me to go too far and too long without her.

I was about to respond to her but there was a loud crash from outside, and when I looked out the window, I saw a gloomy guy across the street with a broken flowerpot on his head, and when he saw me his face brightened up, he waved and ran to the parlor.

But when he entered, his bright smile disappeared, and he glared at Rhea. He moved slowly to my other side and clung to my right arm, while Rhea was clinging to my left arm.

"Ugh, it's Reyrey. Why don't you buzz off and die somewhere in a ditch?"

"Rhea, I'm quite surprised to see you here without an arm or a leg missing!"

Reyrey was a teen and is younger than me and Rhea. His hair was long and would cover half of his face, but once you see under those bangs, it would make any woman swoon, and any man jealous.

"Hey, hey, now don't fight you two."

The two of them just looked away from each other, and I ordered a whole pizza for the three of us. We sat around the table and started eating our breakfast.

"You know, Desmond, you could just eat in our apartment."

"Though I don't want to agree with her, if you've nothing to do all day, it's better if you stay with us."

"Sure, but don't you two have school?"

The two of them, who were eating, gleefully slowed down, and just looked away. They assigned me to be the caretaker of these two since the two of them have the ability called [Misfortune], yes, Reyrey was killed by Rhea, and Rhea was unfortunate enough to gain the ability [Misfortune], though the two of them have the same ability, mine is superior.

They rank abilities in this world. Let's take a fire user. For example, An F-rank fire user has the same fire like a candle. D-rank is a burner, C-rank is a flamethrower, B-rank is a bonfire, A-rank is a forest fire, S-rank is an atom bomb, and the theoretical God-rank is comparable to a star. There are also ranked in between, such as C+ or F-. Their [Misfortune] is ranked S, so they sought me who has the [Lucky] ability of S rank or even higher.

"We don't want to go to school," Reyrey said.

"I agree, but if you were our teacher, then that would be fine."

Rhea looked at me like she was expecting something. Then my phone vibrated and when I checked it, there was a text from Hunter's Academy.

[We have accepted you as a new professor at Hunter's Academy!]

And when I looked back, Cicin was giggling all to herself. This'll be bothersome, well at least it isn't dull.