

Taehyung was the D.U.F.F. But what happens when he decides he doesn't want to be that label anymore? Taekook topkook smut

Taekooksbabyslut · Fantasie
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Taehyung slouched as he stumbled through the hall of busy students, constantly getting shoved around. It was easy to think that Taehyung was someone who had a low self esteem, someone who gets bullied.

But despite what most would think, he is actually pretty comfortable being himself and doesn't care what others think. If they judge him, too bad. He knows that he's a good person with a lot of self worth, so why engage with those who don't view him as such?

Taehyung also was never bullied because he had a sharp tongue on him, he wasn't afraid to snap back. Plus, he is best friends with Jin and Jimin, two of the hottest yet friendliest people you will ever meet.

"Taehyung! Yah! Wait for me," Jimin huffed out, throwing an arm around the younger's shoulder.

Jin and Jimin cross dressed every once in a while, and today was one of those days. Taehyung preferred to wear loose, baggy clothes that didn't show off a lot of his body outline. He wasn't too confident with changing in front of other people as well.

Taehyung peered at his friend through his glasses.

"You shouldn't be so slow or I'll leave you to the lions," Taehyung murmurs, eyes looking back ahead.

Jimin giggles, "The jocks aren't that bad"

Taehyung rolls his eyes, finally able to move faster as the rush of students thinned out, "first off, you are dating two of them so of course you would say that. Second, don't forget Jeon is my neighbor, and third, I saw a group of them bullying a kid for money a few minutes ago"

"and you didn't stop them?" Jimin queries, eyebrow raised.

Taehyung scoffs, pushing his glasses up a bit, "of course I did. I threw my yoghurt on them"

The two giggle, entering the classroom. They sat next to each other, leaving a seat open on the other side of Tae for Jin.

Whilst the two were chatting, Jungkook had to ruin the fun by throwing a pen at Taehyungs head.

The brunette threw a scowl to the ravenette that snickered. The jock sat two seats down from him.

Taehyung picked the pen up and threw it back as hard as he could, hitting Jeon square in the forehead.

The boy mutters a few curse words as his cheeks flush from anger and embarrassment. A hand covered his forehead that now had a red blotch decorating it, making Taehyung and Jimin laugh.

"What's the matter Jeon? Don't like the new addition to you're face?"

Jungkook glares at him, "Shut up Tae, now I'll have this on my head for the next few hours!"

Jimin chuckles, "You'll be lucky if it's just that, I remember Taehyung flicked my forehead so hard the one time that I got a pimple there the next day. It was huge"

Taehyung giggles at the memory.

Jungkook shoots them a look of horror, "great. Kim has cursed me to get a pimple"

Taehyung smiles at the larger male, "it's one of my magical powers!"

"What's the other one? Breaking toilets?"

"Shut up Jimin!" Taehyung screeches, "that was one time!"

So I made the first chapter short because I wanted to see if anyone would even like my writing before I wrote a whole long chapter ♡

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