
Chapter 226 Ignoring the square cube law

"That… that could work actually. I mean, that is sort of what we did the first time actually. The fire was just step one, and even though they all fit together nicely, the story, the fire, and a bit of time all added up to break it properly" said Minor

"Ok… so we have the purple sky thing, and you said that was worth 20%?" asked Kat

Minor nodded with a slight grimace "That's just a best guess. It probably isn't super integral to the scene but because it's just so ever present and takes up so much 'space' so to speak, then I think it will make a difference

"Plus, because it's just a slight change of shade it won't be impossible for me despite the fact it is so large a change in other ways" said Minor

Kat nodded "Well, what other things can we do… we don't exactly have a tonne to work with I don't think"

Minor nodded but didn't say anything.