

Jules_Joseph · Teenager
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6 Chs


"What do you mean? she should have died!! Last time I checked she's human. Her scent is human!!" I hear a familiar voice whisper shouting.

I slightly opened my eyes and right in front of me was Charlotte and Reid arguing. Well mostly Charlotte's angry and Reid with his arm wrapped around her trying to calm her down. I close my eyes and just listen to their conversation.

"Baby, sugarplum, calm down"

"No, I'm not gonna calm down. She was never supposed to be involved in the first place. And now that she is, it should be an easy death"

"It's fine. It just means that she's probably one of us"

"No that's not good"

"Wait, why does it matter tho?"

"This would cause an extra problem. She seems to be someone that's powerful. We've dosed her at least 5 times."

"If she's powerful then we'll just have her work with us or force her. Let's not make it such a big deal"

"WHY ARE YOU SO CALM" she shouted and tried to punch him.

Reid grabbed her hand and she threw her other hand and he caught it too. He pushed her into the wall and silence. I peaked and he smashed his lips on hers and she seemed to have somewhat calmed down.

I wanted to barf but I needed to get out asap.

That's when I realized that I was chained up and there was no way of physically getting out.

"Try melting the metal" I heard a voice which made me flinch but melting the metal was insane.

"I don't fucking have skin of vibranium" I scream in my head

"Why are you shouting" I hear a whine from a sweet but fierce female voice

I stopped breathing, there was something in my head and I needed to get it out.

"You won't be able to. I'm in your head, I've been living with you for a long time." she responds calmly.

"What are you" I asked worried cuz I felt something in me sink

"You'll know in time. For now we need you to get out and clearly melting the metal isn't a good idea according to you but trust me. You'll be fine. It'll just slide right off." she explained. But I didn't like her, she had a bit of an attitude.

"Why should I listen to you exactly" I questioned her

"Cuz if you don't you will find yourself stuck here for another 3 days" she said annoyed.

She had a point. What I didn't need was another reason to worry my dad. But I needed answers about this thing that was in my head. Cuz this was weird, the only reason I stayed was because I didn't want to get caught with these two disgusting idiots. I had no choice but to melt this shit and get out of here asap.

"Alright. How do I melt this?" I ask giving up on the thought of rejecting her.

"Well first relax your body a bit." she led me "clear your mind, and imagine the metal on you just melting away"

Well I did exactly what she told me but I didn't seem to be getting anywhere.I heard a snort from her and I just ignored her. After trying for about 5 minutes I gave up.

"Ma'am you got some explaining to do" I asked frustrated

She just laughed. I waited for her to finish trying so hard not to open my eyes and roll them.

"Why are you trying so hard?" she finally finished laughing.

"Because I'm trying to fucking get out of here" I screamed in my head.

"Alright, alright. Just relax and just think of it melting. Instead of trying to melt it yourself." she explained and I just knew she was ready to watch me fail this one.

I relaxed and slowly just imagined the metal chain melting on me and suddenly I felt something on my hands rolling down.

"Good, good" I heard her say "You actually didn't fuck up this time. It's slow but starting at the hands was smart."

Suddenly I heard a bang which made me lose my concentration. I peaked and noticed Reid and Charlotte were back to arguing and trying to find more of what they induced me.

"Hold on babe. Didn't her mom die protecting a royal she was assigned to?" Reid asked, a bit confused.

"Yea but everyone said she was a human who was a warrior in our world because she already knew too much and she was hard to kill." Charlotte

"Hold on than maybe her father was one of us" Reid exclaimed with amusement on his face

"Her father is a human idiot" Charlotte said, smacking his head.

"No no babe hear me out. She married this guy 3 months after coming here to protect those royals.That's not a coincidence love." Reid commented, crossing his arms and leaning against the door.

"I mean you have a point. So she's a half vampire?" I squeaked a gasp and shut my eyes.

I felt their presence closer to me and I knew I was gonna get caught. Charlotte grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled me close to her.

"I know you're awake," she gave a growl.

"Just melt the metal now" I heard the voice in my head.

I was wincing in pain but I was able to focus enough to get the metal to melt. Out of fright she released my hair and fell on her butt.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!?" she screeched in horror. I was able to get up but Reid was standing in front of the door and it was clear I wouldn't be able to leave without a pipe. He reached for me but I dodged his hand and grabbed his shoulder. That's when I heard him scream like he was dying, but something told me not to let go of him. I pulled his shoulder towards my abdomen, slipped my leg under his and fell backwards. I heard Charlotte wail as we both heard a crack that came from Reid. I immediately let go of Reid and tried to check if he was ok but I heard the thunderous voice in my head " HE'S NOT FUCKING IMPORTANT GET OUT NOW."

I rolled my eyes and got up to run. That's when I noticed the burn on the hand he had grabbed me with. I bent down and pulled his shirt to see his shoulder that I grabbed, and there it was a hand burn. My eyes went from Charlotte to Reid and just kept on going back and forth. She began to scream and I felt her rage fill the room.

"Are you gonna stand there all day or are you gonna leave?" I heard the voice in my head ask

I got up and ran out the door not knowing where I was. I ran out and it turns out that I was at the roof of the school in the forbidden shed. I practically wanted to laugh. Really they couldn't do better? I laughed to myself as I ran down the stairs that led to the roof but right before I got to the bottom I saw something at the bottom submerge from the dark corner.

"Well princess, your mother hid you well. Oh, your father will be excited to hear this news." He chuckled and walked towards me. He got into the school light which showed his defined features. He had a sharp jawline, high cheekbones, a pale skin but not in an ugly way. He had an assassin's body and long black hair with a white streak in the front. He looked like he walked straight out of a manhwa. I stepped back two steps and he paused.

I squinted my eyes and tilted my head to the side and asked "do I know you?"

"No princess" he chuckled and smiled "I'm your uncle tho and your father is looking for you."

I heard the door to the rooftop open and I had to make a decision to either go towards him or get caught by Charlotte.

"YOU BITCH!!! I WILL DRAW YOUR BLOOD!!" She screeched like a banshee and he just raised his right eyebrow at me.

"Causing trouble already huh" he smirked as he slid his tongue over his canine teeth and drew blood. The strong smell of blood came from him.

please let me know whether I should continue.

enjoy and thank you

Jules_Josephcreators' thoughts