
Cyclops: Fear No Gods (Marvel)

The Boy Scout. The first of the X-Men. The Leader. The Hero. The Villian. The Symbol. The Mutant. He had many titles to his name, but none more well-known than that of Cyclops. He was the man with the plan, the man people looked to lead them from the difficult times and the one they betrayed when things started to turn for the better. Yet he had always fought for one goal, an impossible goal that always kept getting further and further away. But upon the brink of failure, Cyclops, like always, had a plan in the works. Perhaps his universe was beyond saving, but there were others out there. He just had to arm another with the memories he had and rely on them to succeed where he had failed. There was always one person he could rely upon and that was himself.

Carrots123 · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

First Meeting

"It pisses me off."

Warren looked towards Bobby out of the corner of his eyes as they made their way down the street. School had ended and the two were making their way back to the Xavier Institute, Hank having remained behind to join the football club and Scott had gone to collect Alex. This left the two of them to walk in what had been relative silence until Bobby's sudden outburst.

"What does?" Warren wondered.


Warren smirked. "That's a who not a what." The glare he received said that Bobby did not enjoy his sense of humour as much as Warren did. "Why though? You've barely spent time around the guy and when we do, he's training us. Hardly much time to get that pissed off at him."

"That's exactly my point!" Bobby exclaimed. "He's just so intense. Can you deny that? At lunch, we were trying to talk to him and he was either so absorbed in writing notes in that little book or asking us questions about training. He literally never asked us anything other than that, does he even switch off for a second?"

Warren couldn't deny what was said in the slightest.

Scott was a very intense guy and that was something all had come to realise almost instantly. Warren had barely spent much time around the X-Men and he would say that despite having met the guy only a few days ago, his closest friend was Bobby. Purely because he and Hank didn't have much in common and Scott was rarely seen.

If he wasn't in the training room or eating meals, Scott was locked in his room.

Though more recently he had been out running, it didn't change the fact that they rarely interacted with one another outside of anything training related. "True." Warren agreed, but he also knew more about Scott than Bobby did. "But that's kind of the guy he is." Even what he did know wasn't much, yet it was enough to know that something had happened in Scott's past, something worse than what happened to him at the hands of Vulture.

Warren didn't know what and at times, he was kind of afraid to ask because whatever it was, it had damaged Scott massively. Even he, a teenager and someone his father had routinely called a disappointment had noticed. Scott was damaged and perhaps, in Warren's mind, the reason Scott couldn't switch off was because it was a way for him to handle everything around him.

"An asshole?"

Warren shrugged. "I can't say he's not." He admitted. "But that's hardly all he is."

"Then what is he?"

"No clue." Warren answered truthfully. "I barely know the guy, but what I do know says a lot."

"Like what?"

"He acts the way he does because he's seen and done some serious shit." Warren said simply. "He attacked Oscorp on his own to rescue me, did so without hesitation according to Amelia. He even put himself at serious risk to battle against some superpowered foes in order to let Hank and his parents get to safety."

Due to the circumstances of their new home, Hank, Warren and Bobby had been forced to interact with people they wouldn't have usually talked to all that much, mainly each other. Furthermore, because of the work they were doing and what they were trying to build, it led to them sharing stories, though that was mostly Warren from his time as the Avenging Angel. Naturally, of course, questions had been asked about why he joined the X-Men leading to Hank also revealing why.

Scott's involvement in it all had become very clear.

"I know that." Bobby sighed. "It doesn't change the fact that his intensity pisses me off. Like if I suddenly don't give my all for like a few minutes, he's on my case about it."

"That's just who he is though." Warren argued. "But I agree, it's a bit annoying."

"Thank you."

"But also," Warren interjected. "I think he's right to do so. From what Hank explained about the guys Scott fought, we wouldn't have stood a chance. Hell, I fought against one with minor enhancements and got absolutely bodied. I would have been killed there and then if it wasn't for Scott saving my ass. He knows what he's talking about and doing and as much as I hate that, I'm gonna listen because I respect him."

That's ultimately what it came down to.

Warren respected Scott, had seen him fight and being on the receiving end of his aid on a number of occasions.

Bobby hadn't.

He didn't understand the hype, so to say and so, only saw what was on the surface and because he didn't like what he was seeing, Bobby didn't feel the need to look any deeper. Scott, considering the type of person he was, didn't care to change this opinion on him and just focused on the task at hand, not letting himself get distracted for a moment.

"I still don't like the guy." Bobby muttered, recognising that arguing this with Warren wasn't going to work.

Warren didn't like or dislike Scott, but he respected the guy, that was much was clear.


It was awkward.

Scott wasn't one much for social interactions, preferring to get straight to business and be done with it, a weakness of his. However, even he knew that the silence between him and Alex as they walked up the drive towards the Xavier Institute was awkward. He had tried a few times to make small talk, but nothing worked, Alex just remained silent and ignored him, sometimes marching ahead.

Making small talk was definitely a weakness of his.

He would have to try and solve that problem soon before it became a major problem.

"Alex." Scott tried once more, having given his brother some measure of silence for a little while. It was best to do so after a little break and give him some time to relax, then try again. "Do you remember what I said when you left the orphanage?"

There was a pause.

"I wasn't lying when I said I would protect you from everything." Scott continued. "I left to go to New York to help Warren, but I didn't tell you because I knew you would want to come with me. That's why I kept it secret, I knew how dangerous things could get and I didn't want you there, in danger."

"But I have powers now!" Alex proclaimed, turning to him as the two brothers came to a stop. "I can help. Let me join the X-Men and train, I'll get strong enough that you don't have to do it."

Scott frowned, knowing that this would be only the beginning of his brothers hardships if he said yes. Though, even then, simply being related to him would cause Alex many troubles also, especially when things heated up as they were heading towards doing. But even so, Scott intended to limit as many of those problems as possible starting now, making sure he didn't join the X-Men was one of them. Not only that, but letting him train would be just the beginning as Alex would keep pressuring him and others to let him join the X-Men until one of them would cave in.

Scott was not about to fall for that.

"No." He stated firmly and Alex scowled angrily.

Yet he didn't shout or rage, simply turning on his heel and storming into the mansion, Scott following behind to see him making his way upstairs, passing Amelia and Jean. Both came to a stop, looking from him to Alex before Amelia said something to Jean and turned to follow after Alex, Jean heading down the stairs.

Scott focused mostly upon Amelia as she went after Alex, knowing full well that out of him, Charles and Amelia, she was the one Alex was currently on better terms with. If anyone would be able to calm him down, it would be Amelia and so Scott was content to leave him to her. But what he didn't like was how he was being left alone with Jean.

Mostly because he didn't know how to act.

It was why he had gone out of his way to keep his distance.

Cyclops' memories and experiences had led to Scott having a number of confused emotions over many people, none more so than Jean. He had recently managed to find some balance with Wolverine, though it was tentative, the two were destined to never like one another it seemed. But like always, Scott and Wolverine could respect one another, yet there was definitely no tension between them that had been caused by Jean in Cyclops' world.

This worked perfectly for Scott as he had no need nor desire to handle such internal conflicts, his mind was focused on bigger things. It was why he now found being alone with her so awkward, he didn't know what to do or what to say because he simultaneously had so much he wanted to say, and also nothing.

"Scott, right?" Jean asked.

"Yes." Scott answered shortly. "Jean."

It was not a question, more a statement of fact and Jean blinked. "Yes?" She murmured in bewilderment. "Is that a problem?"

"No." Scott shook his head.


A silence descended between them and once more, Scott realised it was an awkward one which was not what he had wanted. "Are you settling in well?" He wondered, hoping to ease things a little.

Jean nodded her head, smiling friendly in a way Scott recognised as her being polite. "I am. Amelia and Charles are very kind and helpful."

"That's good."

Suddenly, the door burst open and in stepped Bobby and Warren, both who didn't even pause as they saw Jean and Scott there. "Hey guys." Though their greeting had been for both of them, Scott watched as both immediately focused in upon Jean. "Fancy going on a tour? Getting grips with the place?"

Once more, Jean smiled politely. "I'd like that."

Warren turned to Scott then. "You joining? You've been here longer, should know more places around here than us?"

"I'm good, thanks." Scott answered.

"Alright." Immediately, Bobby and Warren turned back to Jean as the trio began to make their move.

So, another chapter is done and I hope you all enjoyed it. Anyway, if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

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