Anastasia resisted the urge to peer over her shoulder, even though the skin at her nape prickled. She could feel Seth following, feel him with every extrasensory perception she had. Even without looking, she'd have wagered one thing. I'll bet he's checking out my ass. It was what he always did, and once upon a time, she'd loved it. Until she realized hers wasn't the only ass he kept an eye on.
Jealousy was a vicious bitch. Anastasia had never met the emotion until Seth, and once she and the green-eyed mistress got acquainted, she found her hard to shake, especially when it came to the handsome recruit.
Young and usually so focused, Anastasia couldn't help but find herself flattered by Seth's ardent attention-who wouldn't? He was the equivalent of the captain of the football team. Tall, fit, blond, good-looking, with a smile to charm even the most hardened of battle axes to give him a free pass when caught outside of the barracks after curfew.