
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasie
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135 Chs


"Master... Master?"

The young girl's mind struggled to understand for a moment.

Even though her name was Selene, the young girl wasn't naïve when it came to romance.

Or rather, the moment she heard that title, her mind wandered off into strange realms.

After a brief daze, her pretty face flushed, for she had obviously realized what was hidden behind this form of address.

Her first reaction was disbelief, but on closer inspection it didn't seem entirely unlikely...?

Others thought Miss "Black God of War" was capricious, aloof and not very empathetic.

But as Esni's sister, Selene knew that her sister was rather meek.

With this realization, Selene quickly dismissed such thoughts.

"How can my sister behave like this?"

She glared angrily at the man in front of her and was about to snap when he showed her a photo.

It showed a girl with her head down, glowing cheeks and a deeply embarrassed expression on her face.

And at the other end of the necklace the girl was wearing was the central figure in the photo.

Selene stared at the girl in the picture and froze for a moment, mouth open, but unable to say a word.

For she recognized the girl in the photo as her sister, Nora Esni.

"Your sister has confided in me that I'll take care of you and also be responsible for your future condition," Jonas said calmly, looking at the visibly confused girl in front of him.

Of course, he made this remark on purpose to eliminate her psychological defenses.

Under these circumstances, the girl's vigilance against herself would lead to a passive situation. The only way to regain control was to divert her attention with provocative messages and thus take the initiative.

Of course, this could destroy part of Miss Esni's image in her sister's mind.

For a moment, there was an awkward silence in the room. After a long pause, during which she finally seemed to believe Jonas' words, Selene asked hesitantly:

"Who are you...? I mean, apart from your relationship with my sister..."

Although she was still somewhat incredulous after seeing the photo moments before, she now believed much of what the man in front of her was saying.

But now she was more concerned about his identity... After all, this didn't seem to be an ordinary hospital room that one could afford.

Even if her sister paid a large sum of credits every month, she could only get a relatively quiet ward. And this place was definitely a different class from the ward she had lived in before.

When Jonas heard Selene's words, he inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. Her reaction indicated that his ruse had been temporarily successful, and the official conversation between the two of them began.

"Allow me to introduce myself again. I'm Jonas Veitin, and I'll be your guardian from now on..."

He paused for a moment before continuing:

"As for me, you can imagine that I'm your sister's guardian."

The young girl's eyes lit up at these words.

This short sentence triggered numerous romantic fantasies in the girl's romantic thoughts.

Scenarios like office romances, domineering CEOs falling in love with her, stories about what needs to be said about me and my boss, and so on.

Of course, Jonas wasn't aware of what the girl was thinking.

When he saw that the other party was finally less reserved, he too relaxed.

Although he was very adept at manipulating hearts in his previous life, there was a certain type of person who made his life difficult.

These were adolescent girls...

Obviously, the girl in front of him belonged to this category.

"Well, Mr. Jonas..."

Selene still seemed a little uncomfortable with this form of address:

"When can I see my sister?"

"If you want to see her, you can do so at any time."

Jonas had no objection to them meeting... After all, it was a consensual deal and not one-sided coercion. He paused for a moment and then continued:

"Of course, you can confirm what I said earlier with her too."

The girl's face flushed at these words and she gave Jonas a disdainful look.

How could she ask something like that?

But since the other party said that, the actual situation shouldn't be much different from what the other party said.

At the thought that her usually aloof sister was like this behind the scenes, Selene couldn't help but feel strange feelings rise up in her heart.

Even feelings she herself had never noticed before... Excitement.

"All right, Miss Selene, I think the misunderstanding has been cleared up."

Jonas clapped his hands and brought the girl, who had been lost in thought, back to reality. He continued:

"Next, please rest here and let me treat you in peace. If you need anything, feel free to ask me."

"I need something now." When the girl heard that, she immediately spoke up and didn't mince her words.

Jonas, who was about to leave, couldn't help but break his stride.

"What do you want...?"

"I want you to bring me some games..."

"Uh... go ahead, I'll have them brought to you later."

"Um... it's just..."

Selene's tone was a little hesitant, but when she saw the puzzled expression on Jonas' face, she plucked up her courage and said quietly:

"The tragic life of the Virgin Mary, my canine friend, my boss is my master, and besides..."

The girl listed them in order, from initially somewhat reserved to increasingly excited.

Jonas smiled gently. Although he didn't understand what the girl was saying, he knew where the anger he vaguely sensed was coming from.

Miss Selene Nora wasn't just the kind of pubescent girl he least wanted to have anything to do with.

She was also the most annoying kind of pubescent girl.

Mr. Jonas suddenly regretted using Miss Selene Nora as leverage against Esni.

For heaven's sake, Anime.