
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasie
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135 Chs

The matter concluded, Miss Tokiya

Disregarding the somewhat peculiar countenances of Belloc Buzz and other members of the board, Jonas sat conspicuously in the chair of the boardroom, prompting the surrounding board members to involuntarily recoil.

The earliest to discern the situation was Mr. Mist, who, lacking any information about Jonas being targeted for assassination, appeared remarkably composed at this juncture.

Observing Jonas's somewhat aloof demeanor, Mr. Mist furrowed his brow and spoke, "Jonas Vitting, I implore you to rectify your demeanor. You are cognizant that you still have three minutes before tardiness ensues..."

Before Mr. Mist could finish, Jonas interjected, "Mr. Mist, there's no need for such elaboration. Am I not here before the appointed time?"

Taken aback, Mr. Mist's gaze betrayed a hint of displeasure, but he found it difficult to retort further, as Jonas swiftly seized the initiative with a few brief remarks, leaving Mr. Mist subtly vigilant.

"If there's a matter to discuss, speak forthrightly. But do not insinuate that summoning me from the Altair District was merely for amusement."

Jonas's words carried a sharp edge, causing a subtle undertone of unfriendliness among the board members upon hearing them.

Essentially, this was a reckoning against Jonas, primarily aimed at diminishing the power he wielded. Consequently, Jonas harbored no intentions of conciliation from the outset.

It seemed that the members of the board shared this sentiment.

Upon hearing Jonas's words, Mr. Mist couldn't help but emit a sardonic chuckle, showcasing the gift Jonas had previously bestowed upon them, before remarking, "Jonas, do you require further elucidation of the matter?"

The process of analyzing the issue was, in essence, straightforward. The board dispatched Kogar as a representative to retrieve the chip from Jonas's possession, yet Jonas chose to rebuff this and directly terminated Kogar.

Fundamentally, this constituted an act of disdain toward the board, not to mention the considerable pressure Jonas's actions brought upon it.

After witnessing what Mr. Mist presented, Jonas nodded in comprehension and uttered, "Kogar Vitting, indeed, I recall him."

Jonas paused momentarily before continuing, "It was indeed I who terminated him."

Upon hearing this, the demeanor of the surrounding board members varied; some exhibited a gloating demeanor, while others wore expressions of perplexity.

Belloc Buzz couldn't help but emit a wry chuckle, and Mr. Mist, finding it difficult to contain his frustration, rose from his seat, rebuking, "Ha! Slaying a board member, do you comprehend the gravity of this accusation?!"

"But I did not slay a board member; rather, I terminated a traitor to the Vitting Consortium..."

Jonas calmly expounded.

"Mr. Mist, do you consider the sabotage of the collaboration between the Vitting Consortium and the Nathan Consortium, along with the deliberate facilitation of collaboration between Vitting and Levy Consortiums, and the sharing of intelligence with the Levy Consortium, to constitute intentional divulgence of company secrets?"

With these words, silence pervaded the entire room.

Upon hearing Jonas's assertion, Mr. Mist's initial reaction was one of incredulity.

The collaboration between the Nathan Consortium and the Vitting Consortium... If it pertained to the chip, Mr. Mist found it incredulous... as the Nathan Consortium was not inclined to relinquish its interests.

Yet, juxtaposing Jonas's demeanor before and now, Mr. Mist sensed that this possibility was not insignificant.

Mr. Mist drew a deep breath and inquired, "How do you intend to substantiate the veracity of your claims?"

Jonas smiled at the query and promptly presented a video.

It was the same footage he had shown Miss Tokiya earlier.

Chelsea's video materialized at the center of the conference table.

As the video commenced, and the chairman of the Nathan Consortium narrated firsthand, the countenances of the board members present grew increasingly grim.

They were acutely aware that the situation had devolved into a highly precarious state.

Following the conclusion of the video, regardless of the majority's countenances, Jonas paused before speaking anew.

"The Levy Consortium sought to seize a tactical chip developed through collaboration between the Nathan Consortium and the Vitting Consortium, while a member of the Vitting Consortium, Kogar Vitting, endeavored to aid the Levy Consortium in seizing the chip in this incident. Subsequently, he even ventured to the Altair District to coerce me into surrendering the chip..."

After a moment of contemplation, he continued, "In consideration of safeguarding the interests of the Vitting Consortium, I terminated Kogar and conveyed his remains to the board for adjudication... Mr. Mist, do you harbor any further doubts?"

The individuals present were mindful not to entangle themselves in the matter when the tide was against them, thus remaining silent when the situation did not favor them, lest they implicate themselves.

Yet Belloc Buzz's countenance fluctuated between pallor and flush, evidently perturbed by Jonas's actions.

He cast a resentful glance at Jonas, who happened to turn his head to meet his gaze.

Belloc Buzz realized that if he remained silent now, he might not have another opportunity later. Drawing a deep breath, he spoke, "This is merely your assertion; you lack evidence that Kogar betrayed the Vitting Consortium..."

"You are correct, but I fear your words may not suffice."

Before Belloc Buzz could interject further, Jonas promptly hurled a burlap sack onto the conference table.

With a resounding thud, everyone's attention was ensnared by the burlap sack, from which blood slowly seeped.

"Hiring an assassin to slay an heir, what do you deem this crime to be, Mr. Belloc Buzz?"

At this declaration, Belloc Buzz's visage turned entirely ashen.


In less than ten minutes since Jonas's arrival at the board, the situation had undergone a complete reversal.

What was initially believed to entail Jonas's dismissal resulted not only in his unscathed preservation but also in the predicament of the board members.

The incontrovertible evidence presented by Jonas left Mr. Mist, acting as the proxy chairman, with no recourse but to oust Belloc Buzz and transfer his and Kogar's enterprises to Jonas as recompense.

This episode concluded with Jonas emerging triumphant.

Upon acquiring the assets of both individuals, Jonas's sphere of influence further expanded.

Perhaps no one anticipated that the dissolution of the board would commence on this day.

It was as though on the day Jonas absorbed and assimilated the benefits stemming

 from this incident... in the Enlis District, the ominous clouds of the Destiny Organization gradually spread toward the Altair District.

Following a period of regrouping, Miss Tokiya, once again, sounded the clarion call for vengeance against Jonas.

Perhaps... she was not alone in this endeavor?
