
Cyberpunk: I am the heir of a corporate dynasty

Transcending into the role of antagonists in the cyber game, with a daunting entourage of mesmerizing maidens, is indeed intriguing. However, it is lamentable that they are all mere pawns. The cerebral enchantress, possessing the capability to paralyze entire military forces, is hailed as the uncrowned monarch of the hacker realm. Yet, she falls prey to the protagonist's charm, ultimately succumbing to divulging corporate secrets, tarnishing her erstwhile reputation. As for the dark war deity, whose individual prowess can obliterate a squadron of mechanized warriors, as a mercenary, he bestows upon her the finest arsenal and perks within the conglomerate. Alas, the plot prevails; amidst a crackdown on the protagonist, a mutual affinity emerges between them, culminating in betrayal of the conglomerate in a certain denouement, aiding the protagonist in severing ties with her former self. Such instances abound. To avert a fate of stifling demise, he deliberates meticulously, arriving at a resolute decision. Observing the preparations for the impending assault on the protagonist within the corporate hall, Jonas beckons her into the confines of his office. Amidst the bemused gaze of her counterpart, a delicate collar materializes in his hand. "Miss Dark War Deity, surely you wouldn't want your sister to suffer indignity, would you?"

lei_shi · Fantasie
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135 Chs

I've got you now, Miss Ietra

The extensive clash inflicted heavy losses on both sides.

Amid the abandoned corridors, Jonas observed with clarity as the opposing forces in combat nearby gradually began to falter, realizing that his opportunity to intervene had arrived.

Seeing Jonas's expression, Esni understood his meaning and took the initiative to inquire, "Do you need me to intervene next?"

"No, wait a while longer," Jonas replied.

Jonas's gaze shifted to a pavilion not far from the battleground:

"Let the Titanium Crystal help take the lead."

"Mr. Smurl does not seem like a trustworthy ally," Esni remarked.

Hearing this, Eiffel couldn't help but furrow his brow. In reality, the other party had been consistently avoiding direct involvement in the melee, including their previous actions. The Titanium Crystal's performance was somewhat conservative, not resembling the kind of ally who could be entrusted with significant tasks.

Smurl's attitude also fueled Eiffel's suspicions, fearing that he might betray them at any moment.

"Are you sure he will act according to your plan?" Eiffel inquired.

But Jonas simply waved his hand and remarked, "Smurl is not to be trusted, but he is also a clever man..."

As the words fell, the distant battlefield resonated with the roar of artillery, causing even the dust on the old buildings to tremble slightly.

Eiffel's gaze instinctively turned towards the direction of the sound, only to see that a third party had inserted themselves into the previously opposed central battlefield, further throwing the situation into chaos.

The young woman couldn't help but frown in disbelief, but she was soon patted on the shoulder by Jonas. His gaze turned towards the others, and he smiled as he said, "Well, it seems it's time for us to make our entrance."


Itral grimaced as she looked at the casualty and damage reports, her expression terrifying.

In truth, the sudden eruption of this conflict caught both Mr. Will Goda and Itral completely off guard, never anticipating such a large-scale frontal confrontation between the two sides.

Itral had never imagined that the situation would escalate to such a dire extent, whereas Will Goda had long been prepared.

Both sides found themselves in a dilemma, fully aware that continuing the fight would only result in mutual destruction.

"Take me to the front lines," Itral said, taking a deep breath.

To resolve the issue, the immediate priority was to overcome the current difficulties.

As long as they won this battle, the identities of the masterminds behind the scenes would inevitably be revealed.

The prosperity of the Earth Gang was not achieved through gradual development but rather through Itral's painstaking efforts, which was why, despite being a woman, she still commanded immense respect as their leader.

"Are you going to personally oversee the operation?" one of her subordinates hesitated, aware that the current situation was different from before. If Itral made a mistake, the hard-won morale of the Earth Gang would be shattered.

It would be a crushing defeat... Everyone was aware that once the Hummingbird Gang gained the upper hand, the Earth Gang would have no chance of recovery.

Despite sensing the concern in their tone, Itral remained steadfast in her decision.

"Yes, I will oversee it personally."

She couldn't afford to lose this battle.


Two hours had passed since the clash, leaving the streets in utter chaos.

What began as a gang conflict had escalated into a corporate war.

Of course, the larger the scale, the greater the losses incurred in this conflict.

Will Goda was fundamentally a businessman. Seeing so many credit points lost for no reason did indeed sting a bit. But knowing it was for survival made these losses bearable.

It had to be acknowledged that the Earth Gang's influence had grown to a terrifying extent in the past two years. Even with the assistance of six or seven other gangs, the Hummingbird Gang currently only held a slight advantage. Without this support, the Hummingbird Gang would have likely been crushed by the Earth Gang long ago.

Watching the situation on the battlefield not far away, Will Goda felt a weight lifted off his chest.

Despite the heavy losses, at least this round could be counted as a win for them.

If the Earth Gang couldn't hold on and surrendered, they could still recoup some losses through compensation.

Will Goda felt content, but his optimism was shattered by one of his subordinates.

"Mr. Will, it's bad news. Our people have been attacked by a third party, and the losses are severe!"

Upon hearing this, Will Goda was momentarily stunned before his expression changed drastically.

They had been ambushed.


How to describe the arrival of the third party?

Decimating, unstoppable.

After two hours of fighting, both sides had depleted a significant portion of their strength. At this point, Miss Esni's arrival could only be described in two words:

—A war goddess.

And perhaps the only one who witnessed Miss Esni's moment of glory in its entirety was Miss Itral herself.

It must be said that Miss Itral was indeed somewhat unlucky. Just as she had made up her mind to join the front lines, she encountered such an incident.

Witnessing members of the Earth Gang being slaughtered by Miss Esni as if they were mere chickens and dogs, Itral couldn't understand why the other party could charge into the midst of the crowd without tactical mechas.

Itral's strength and skill were not low, and her personal combat abilities were among the top in the gang.

But facing Miss Esni, she found herself underestimated. In less than three rounds, she was taken down by the opponent.

And these three rounds may even include the part where her subordinates attempted to intercept the opponent but were easily knocked down.

Then came the unreasonable sword strike.

There was no time to react, no time to respond. She was directly struck in the neck, consciousness slipping away into darkness.

Itral's vision dimmed, her body instinctively collapsing, only to be grabbed by the collar by Miss Esni.

With Miss Itral captured, the melee came to an end.

The allies of the Hummingbird Gang and other gangs were intercepted by the Titanium Crystal's people, and the Earth Gang dared not make any moves with their leader under duress.

However, no one knew that this uproar in the Feld District had stemmed from a mere recruitment drive.